Panther Commando

Chapter 2800: Suddenly realized

Wan Lin was overjoyed when he saw that both Peacock and Li Xiaofeng had murderous intent in their eyes! He knew that Li Xiaofeng was now in the embarrassing situation of being betrayed and separated. He betrayed China, betrayed China, and hijacked his researcher to see Peacock at the risk of his life. ', which must have irritated him.

How can someone like him who can betray his own country and abandon his wife and children, how can he bear the humiliation of Peacock and the others, so from the murderous look on his face just now, this kid has moved again Reverse.

As Wan Lin walked forward among the rocks, he pondered Li Xiaofeng's current state of mind. At this moment, he suddenly thought that since Li Xiaofeng had already separated from Peacock, why didn't he take the opportunity to leave them? Judging from the fact that the guns were aimed at him from the spies just now, Peacock or Takada would most likely kill the mole in a rage!

Li Xiaofeng himself is very smart. He should see the murderous aura of Peacock and the others. Does he really want to compete with Peacock and the others by virtue of his outstanding martial arts? But isn't this courting death?

It stands to reason that Li Xiaofeng should be able to analyze the situation in front of him. Although he has good martial arts, he is unable to deal with the four spies with guns at the same time, but if he escapes by virtue of his deep internal strength, Peacock and the others will probably stop him. don't live with him.

Wan Lin quickly pondered in his mind for a long time, but he couldn't figure out what Li Xiaofeng was thinking now. He is really confused now that Li Xiaofeng is still following these spies. At this time, he followed Peacock and Takata in front of him and walked quickly towards the west mountain, while turning his head and looking behind him.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Li Xiaofeng, who was five or six meters behind him, looking at him thoughtfully, and a gloomy smile suddenly appeared on his face. "Come on!" Wan Lin was about to carefully observe the expression on Li Xiaofeng's face, but the boy beside him had already reached out and pushed him forward.

Wan Lin staggered and ran two steps forward, and suddenly realized in his heart that Li Xiaofeng was attacking himself as a senior researcher! Now, the fake senior researcher and the two experimental specimens on Peacock are priceless treasures, both for spies like Peacock and for the defector Li Xiaofeng. As long as he brings himself and experimental specimens, Li Xiaofeng can gain a place abroad again.

Now, Li Xiaofeng must be thinking of grabbing the two experimental specimens before leaving, and taking himself away. The information obtained from the National Security Bureau shows that Li Xiaofeng’s original boss is not Peacock, he is a spy developed by the former stationmaster of Peacock. As long as Li Xiaofeng grabs specimens and hijacks himself again, he will have the capital again to please his original master. !

Wan Lin thought of this, his mind suddenly brightened. He immediately understood what Li Xiaofeng had in mind. He also understood the reason why Peacock showed murderous intent. As long as Li Xiaofeng was alive, the credit for obtaining the laser information would be shared by Li Xiaofeng.

Also, Peacock worked closely with Kuroda's Yamaguchi security, which in itself doesn't make sense. The spy agency itself has strong manpower and material resources, and there is no need to cooperate with the hiring organization, and they have gone to everything now. It is not good that there is a secret agreement between Peacock and Kuroda, and Li Xiaofeng may have inadvertently Has become an obstacle to their secret agreement.

Wan Lin suddenly wanted to understand the emotional changes of Peacock and Li Xiaofeng, and he really felt relieved for a while. He just thought that Cheng Ru and the others had been dragged down by the mercenaries, and he was helpless on his side. At that time, he really had the urge to immediately kill these spies when they were caught off guard.

But he also knew in his heart that what he was facing now was Peacock, a spy who had undergone strict combat training, and had weapons in his hands. Besides, there was a martial arts master Li Xiaofeng beside him, and it would be extremely dangerous if he did it. But now they have a estrangement in their hearts, sooner or later they have to meet in battle, so they can just come to fight with snipe and clam, and the fisherman will benefit. At that time, these spies had lost their soldiers after fighting in the den, and they were just able to break free from the handcuffs and clean up the remaining remnants of the enemy!

Wan Lin thought of this, a sneer suddenly appeared on his face, and the steps under his feet became very light. Although Li Xiaofeng has not undergone systematic professional training, he is a master of martial arts in the end. Once he makes a sudden attack, although he may not be able to kill Peacock and the others in one fell swoop, he can definitely kill one or two spies by surprise. In this way, I can just sit back and enjoy the success and clean up the remaining enemies!

As Wan Lin strode forward, he carefully surveyed the terrain in front of him. At this time, the place they were walking was located at the foot of two steep mountain peaks, and the bottom of the mountain was covered with gravel of different sizes. A few kilometers ahead is a high earth mountain of more than 200 meters. There are lush forests and weeds on the earth mountain. From a distance, the lush, emerald green color forms a strong contrast with the steep gray-brown scene of the surrounding peaks, which is very abrupt. .

Looking at the green hill in front of him, Wan Lin thought to himself: "It seems that this karst landform will end You should be able to climb over the ridge in front of you. I can see the virgin forest that can't be seen at a glance."

He thought to himself, and looked slightly sideways at Li Xiaofeng, who had been following behind him. At this time, he suddenly found that Li Xiaofeng was also looking up and looking into the distance, paying attention to the green hill in front of him, his mouth tightly closed, and a gloomy luster flashed in his eyes.

Wan Lin turned his head and strode forward. At this time, he knew in his heart that the mole was already planning an action plan. It is estimated that he had already observed on the map that there was a virgin forest here, so he must be planning. In the dark and dense forest, he can give full play to the characteristics of his kung fu, and use the cover of a large tree to attack several peacocks unexpectedly, and at the same time avoid being hit by the opponent's bullets. Even if his actions fail, he can use his own light skills to quickly escape into the depths of the jungle.

At this time, Wan Lin felt a chill in his heart when he thought of Li Xiaofeng's actions in the jungle. In a dark, damp and dense forest full of towering trees, it is indeed a terrifying thing to prevent a sneak attack by a person with deep inner strength around him at any time.

Fortunately, Li Xiaofeng's target was a few Peacocks, so he didn't have to worry about them deliberately hurting himself in the fight, as long as he was careful to avoid being accidentally hurt by both of them.

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