Panther Commando

Chapter 2801: primeval forest

Just as Wan Lin was thinking about it, the group had already climbed up the earthy mountain more than 200 meters high in front of them. A few people stood on the top of the mountain and looked forward, and a dark dense forest had already appeared in front of them. "Wow," Lin Tao said.

Wan Lin stopped and stared down the mountain. The dense jungle, towering trees, damp ground, and loose soil suddenly gave him a familiar feeling. In this endless virgin forest, he and his comrades in Hua Leopard had fought many times of desperate battles with powerful enemies, but he did not expect that he would be coerced here by some spies again.

He narrowed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. The damp smell in the forest and the fragrance of the plants made his heart skip a beat, and his whole body seemed to be full of vitality at this moment. . At this moment, a sense of pride suddenly rose in his heart. This is the mountain forest where he grew up since he was a child. No one in this mountain forest can do anything to him!

Wan Lin stood in a high wormwood pile, looked coldly at Peacock and Gaotian who were standing a few meters in front, and suddenly sneered in his heart: "Hey, in this forest, don't say that you are lacking. Spies with mountain combat experience, even those experienced mercenaries, can't escape the fate of being killed! As long as you dare to enter this dense forest, don't think about coming out again, this is your burial place land!"

At this time, the peacock standing on a rock on the top of the mountain in front was holding a telescope, staring at the virgin forest that stretched far along the mountain range in front of him, with an excited light flashing in his eyes.

She is a descendant of the Gaoqiao family. She has been influenced by the family's martial arts since she was a child. She naturally knows the saying in Huaxia Art of War, "The poor pirates don't chase, and the Lin doesn't enter." In front of this kind of dense forest, any chasing soldiers would stop and think twice when they came here. Because in this dark and humid jungle, there must be many unknown risks lurking, and once attacked, it is difficult to escape.

Therefore, Takahashi Yumi stood on the top of the mountain and looked at this endless virgin forest, and suddenly felt a sense of solidity in her heart. She put down the telescope, turned her head to Takata beside her and whispered: "After walking for so long in this steep mountain where birds don't shit, I finally saw this forest today, as long as we enter the dense forest, we are basically out of danger. "

She raised her finger and pointed to the dense forest in the west, and continued excitedly: "As long as we go straight to the west in the forest, we can cross the border unwittingly in the forest, then our mission is even complete. It's done! You and your brethren just wait and get your money and enjoy it."

Takada also looked excitedly at the dark forest in the distance. He followed and looked up at the sunset that had fallen to the top of the mountain on the west side, and suddenly said with some concern: "The sky is about to get dark, and the sight in the forest must be even darker. There must be many poisonous snakes and beasts in the dense forest, is it too dangerous for us to enter the forest now?"

When Yumi Takahashi heard Takata's worries, her face became a little dark. She looked at the dark green branches and leaves of the forest in the distance and asked, "Have you brought the insect repellent medicine and compass? GPS positioning signal is in this dense forest. The attenuation is very strong, and I am afraid that this original positioning method is still needed.”

Takada immediately replied: "Brothers have brought them, and also brought some serum from common poisonous snakes to prevent being bitten by poisonous snakes." He said, looking gloomily at the endless virgin forest in front of him, his face revealed A look of fear. They have all received survival training in this jungle in the past, knowing that there are many unknown dangers hidden in this endless virgin forest, and they will be buried in the mouths of poisonous insects and beasts if they are not careful.

Takahashi Yumi nodded solemnly, then turned her head to look back. She glanced at Wan Lin, who was standing not far behind, and suddenly said in shock, "I didn't expect you, a researcher who sits all day, to have such good physical strength, and you're not tired after walking with us for so long. Crashed! Strange." The surrounding Takata and the other two boys turned their faces to look at Wan Lin, and their eyes flashed with astonishment.

Indeed, these specially trained spies exhausted their physical strength in the mountains with complex terrain, and this researcher Wan didn't seem to be overly tired, which really surprised them.

Wan Lin was shocked, knowing that he was excited when he saw the forest just now, and forgot to pretend to be extremely tired after the long journey.

He raised his eyes and looked at the people around him coldly, followed by staring at the peacock and said coldly: "Do you really think that those of us who are engaged in research work are weak? Let me tell you, research work is a very labor-intensive and When it comes to mental work, when we devote ourselves to a research, we often spend a few days in a row, and if we don’t have strong physical strength, we will be tired already!”

He turned around and asked angrily: "What are you doing, where are you taking me now?" At this time, he was really afraid that Peacock would continue to ask him about his physical So Quickly changed the subject.

Takahashi Yumi heard Wan Lin's answer and question, she did not answer Wan Lin's question, but looked up at Li Xiaofeng behind him suspiciously and asked, "Mole, you have been working in the research institute, are those researchers like this? ?"

At this time, Li Xiaofeng, who had a gloomy face all the way, suddenly squeezed a flattering smile on his face, he looked at the peacock and said, "That's right, research work is indeed a boring job that consumes both physical and mental energy. Excellent researchers need to have good physical strength, otherwise it will be difficult to be competent for heavy research work. It is said that Yu Jing, the chief designer in charge of laser research, is a master of taekwondo. "

When Yumi Takahashi heard Li Xiaofeng's answer, she looked at Wan Lin with confidence and said, "Okay, I've always been worried that bringing you along will cause trouble for us. If you have this kind of physical strength, you will be able to follow us safely. Overseas. Boy, when you are abroad, as long as you cooperate with us well, we will definitely not treat you badly."

Saying that, she raised her foot and walked to Wan Lin's side, reached out and took out a mineral water bottle full of spring water from her backpack, she handed the water bottle to Wan Lin and continued: "You are such an excellent researcher, how much can they give you here? Money? As long as you serve us in the future, we will definitely allow you to live like an emperor."

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