Panther Commando

Chapter 2911: fleeting fighter

Xiaobai drilled out of the hidden hole, and found Xiaoya's location on the dim hillside with his keen sense of smell. It took Ah Hu and a group of people to a low-lying place on the side of the hillside in the dark, and he saw it from afar. Xiaoya, who was lying on the edge of the hollow, jumped up and jumped towards Xiaoya in surprise.

Xiaoya, Lingling, Chengru, Zhang Wa, and Fengdao had already noticed the crowd approaching from the side, and their guns were facing the direction of Ah Hu and the group of people running. When they saw the white figure pounced in the dark, they immediately understood that the group of people behind were those brave machete warriors.

Cheng Ru was overjoyed, and immediately bent down to meet him. He glanced at Ah Hu, who had broken an arm, and then quickly looked at the person behind him. He immediately found that the seven or eight people behind Ah Hu were holding a grenade tightly in their hands, while the rest were holding the scimitar handle at their waists, and they were all carrying a long bow and arrow behind them.

At this moment, the sturdy machete warriors civet swiftly ran into the depression without guns in their hands. A group of machete warriors nimbly ran into the concave ground and immediately squatted down, holding the machete tightly in their hands as they stared at the Chengru and the others, each one's eyes flashing with excitement, apparently suddenly seeing The people around these Leopard Gods felt extremely excited in their hearts.

Cheng Ru's heart sank, and these people picked up the two ancient weapons, the machete and the bow and arrow, to deal with the strong enemy. This means that their ammunition has been completely exhausted. A few grenades must be all their belongings.

At this time, he also suddenly understood the motives of Ah Hu and these people hiding behind the enemy. They must hide behind the enemy and make a surprise attack. Destroy incoming enemies and rescue tribes in danger. Ah Hu's actions also coincided with his plan.

Cheng Ru grabbed Ah Hu's right hand in surprise and just squatted down to explain the action plan in detail when an earth-shattering roar sounded from the woods on the other side of the river, and a dazzling basket light seemed to pierce the darkness. The sharp arrows instantly illuminated the enemy at the foot of the mountain.

The group of people who were squatting hidden in the hollow only felt a sharp pain in their heads and fell to the ground. Ah Hu, who was in front of Cheng Ru, also fell to the side.

In this sudden huge roar, Cheng Ru and several people's body-protecting infuriating has already rushed to their respective heads, and several people's bodies shook violently, and their heads exploded, causing a sharp pain, and their senses immediately confused.

But with the sound wave that penetrated into their minds, a strong body-protecting infuriating qi immediately rose up in the bodies of Chengru and several people, and quickly rushed into their minds to drive the force that invaded the body out of their bodies. Then he woke up. They hurriedly shook their heads, turned to lie on the side of the pit, raised their guns and aimed down.

At this moment, Xiaobai next to Xiaoya flashed red in his eyes, and when he stood up, he was about to let out a roar in response to Xiaohua on the other side. Xiaoya felt Xiaobai's movement, pressed it on its back, and quickly reached out to block its red eyes. At this time, they are in a hidden state, and the enemy must not let the enemy find their location, otherwise they will lose the suddenness of their actions when the enemy is outnumbered.

At this time, the hearts of Chengru and several people have sunk, and they understand that the machete warriors on the other side have fallen into extreme danger, otherwise Xiaohua would not have suddenly issued such a strong roar, it is obviously in a crisis suddenly issued a roar to stop the enemy Cross the river! Several people quickly raised their guns and looked down the hillside.

Sure enough, in the huge roar, the enemy on the river bank was swaying and fell to the ground. There were already more than a dozen enemies lying on the small bridge below, and there were already six or seven black shadows on the opposite river bank. Fall to the ground.

Cheng Ru and several people saw the situation below, and they were both surprised and happy! Surprisingly, the enemy had already set up a small bridge at this time and began to force the crossing; happy that Xiaohua's roar had stunned the enemy at the foot of the mountain, and the surrounding enemies had gathered on the river bank at the head of the bridge. It's a good time for them to strike forcefully!

In the dim light, Xiaoya and the others turned their heads to look at Cheng Ru, and one by one, they knelt up from the concave ground on one knee, holding the gun tightly in their right hand, ready to rush out at any time, looking at Cheng Ru with anxious expressions in their eyes, waiting. Zhu Chengru gave the order to attack.

Cheng Ru did not issue an order to "attack", but lifted Ah Hu, who was lying in front of him, and swayed his body vigorously. He knew in his heart that although Xiaohua's roar was extremely shocking, the power of this sound wave would decay rapidly with distance, and the closer the distance, the greater the power.

But the forest on the opposite bank where Xiaohua is located is nearly 100 meters away from the river bank itself, and Xiaohua is the sound from a big tree in the middle of the woods. It is already hundreds of meters away from the enemy on the other side. The huge sound waves cannot directly kill. The enemy, the enemy on the river bank below is only temporarily stunned, and may wake up at any time.

And there are only five leopard team members of my own. Once they rush into the enemy group, the other party suddenly wakes Several of them will face dozens of times the enemy, and several of them will be in extreme danger. Now The best solution is to quickly wake up the Ahu group and rush down the hill together.

Cheng Ru shook A Hu anxiously, and Zhang Wa and several people next to him had already understood what Cheng Ru meant. They all bent down and ran over, grabbing the figures that fell to the ground in the dimness and shaking them vigorously.

Xiaoya and the others have seen Xiaohua's powerful roar, and at the same time, they all know the characteristics of this huge sound wave. The sound propagation is linear. Roar, so these machete warriors on the ground are much less impacted than those on the riverbank, and should be able to wake up sooner than the enemy.

Sure enough, Ah Hu in Cheng Ru's hands was the first to wake up. At this time, the two grenades thrown by A Bu on the other side of the bridge had already exploded. Ah Hu opened his eyes and glanced around blankly, and immediately saw Xiaoya and several others shaking his men anxiously.

He woke up at once, turned around and ran around, kicking the subordinates who fell to the ground with his feet "papapa". Zhang Wa and the others saw Ah Hu's movements, and they quickly lifted their feet and kicked them "papapapa" according to the shadow on the ground. Fighter planes are fleeting, and once the enemy is fully awake, the excellent fighter planes Xiaohua created for them must be fleeting.

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