Panther Commando

Chapter 2912: Divine Soldier descends

Soon, a group of machete warriors climbed up from the ground one after another. Ah Hu bent down to pick up the grenade that had just fallen to the ground, and whispered to the men beside him, "Grenade, quickly pick up the grenade!"

At this time, Zhang Wa and the others also hurriedly put the extra assault rifles they had captured on the road into the hands of the surrounding Ah Hu's men, and then handed over a few spare magazines.

The six or seven people around were overjoyed. They did not expect that these leopard gods actually carried extra weapons. Several people quickly took the weapons and gently pulled the bolt. When they were in the cottage just now, they had already given all their bullets to the brothers who guarded the forest, so when they came out, they simply put down their guns and rushed through the secret passage with only a few grenades, bows, and machetes. got here.

At this time, there was another fierce gunshot on the river bank, and the stunned enemy on the river bank gradually woke up, and the dense rain of bullets swept away to the woods on the other side of the river. A group of enemies near the bridge head immediately rushed to the opposite bank along the small bridge under the cover of the powerful firepower of their accomplices.

Cheng Ru was overjoyed when he saw the machete warriors crawling up from the ground, and immediately whispered to Ah Hu: "Follow us to covertly rush down, throw out grenades when you get close to the enemy, and watch our movements." , waved at Zhang Wa and the others, bent over and rushed out of the dirt pit and ran down the hillside.

When Ah Hu saw several benefactors rushing out, he immediately held a grenade tightly in his right hand and waved it upwards. The surrounding machete warriors dispersed immediately, bent down and ran down the hillside with him without a sound.

These machete warriors themselves are hunters in the mountains, and they have never worn shoes since ancient times. They walk in the mountains like agile civet cats. At this time, dozens of them are acting at the same time, and they actually follow Cheng Ru and the others. Like special soldiers who have undergone rigorous training, there is no sound from their feet.

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa stooped down and ran down the slope, while they paid attention to the movements of the enemy on the river bank. They all held guns in their left hand and a grenade in their right hand.

At this time, a large number of drug dealer soldiers had gathered on the river bank near the bridgehead. A group of people were lying on the bank and on the hillside near the foot of the mountain, pulling the trigger on the woods on the other side of the river, and all the assault rifles and machine guns were sprayed. The flaming snake, rockets flew out from the foot of the mountain from time to time, and flew straight to the dense forest on the other side. The whole bank of the river was full of fire, and gunfire was deafening. The trees on the other side of the woods have been hit by a violent rain of bullets, and fires have emerged from the trunks and branches of several broken trunks, and thick black smoke is rising into the air.

The drug dealer soldiers who had just woken up from the loud roar at the foot of the mountain were all in a trance, pouring ammunition towards the opposite bank. There were also black shadows running on the bridge, rushing towards the opposite bank like crazy.

A group of enemies at the foot of the mountain were in the deafening sound of gunfire, and no one noticed that there were dozens of people quietly approaching on the hillside behind them.

Under the cover of the deafening gunshots and dim light, the Chengru group stooped and ran to a distance of 60 to 70 meters from the river bank. He raised his hand and made a "ready to fight" gesture to the surrounding Xiaoya group. Gestures, followed by a small tree that stopped on the hillside and turned to look.

Ah Hu and his subordinates had already spread out and approached Cheng Ru and the others, and the people around Ah Hu had raised their grenades and looked at him with bright eyes. A light suddenly flashed in Cheng Ru's eyes, and he whispered to Xiaoya, who was squatting behind a rock on the side: "Let Xiaobai inform Xiaohua that we are here, and we will attack each other back and forth!"

Following Cheng Ru's voice, Xiaoya stretched out her hand and patted Xiao Bai next to her. Xiaobai immediately jumped up to the rock, and a bright red beam of light suddenly burst out of his eyes, shooting straight towards the dense forest on the opposite bank, followed by a deafening roar when he raised his head!

"Grenade!" Cheng Ru shouted, raised his hand and threw a grenade in his right hand to the river bank below. Following his shouting, the machete warriors and Xiaoya who were holding grenades suddenly stood up, raised their hands and threw out the grenades vigorously. Under the reflection of the firelight below, a dozen grenades whistled. Fly to the river bank under the hillside.

Following Xiaoya and Ahu's subordinates, they immediately raised the assault rifles in their hands, "da-da-da", "da-da-da"... and spewed out a string of flames, and a string of bullets went straight to the foot of the mountain. The enemy group and the enemy who rushed over the bridge flew away.

A dozen assault rifles fired in salvo within a distance of less than 100 meters from the river bank. The dense rain of bullets swept through the air like a sharp machete. The group of enemies gathered on the river bank immediately screamed. A dozen boys near the river fell into the turbulent water.

The explosion of "Boom Boom" immediately exploded from the gunshots, and groups of flames roared up from the dense enemy group, black shadows rolled in the flames, and shrill screams suddenly resounded in the darkness. the riverside.

"Crush!" The fire below had not been extinguished, and Cheng Ru's shout had already sounded. He followed and rushed out with a few comrades around him. During the run, the assault rifles on the chests of several people "da da da" sprayed a string of fire. UU Reading

Ah Hu, who was behind, saw Cheng Ru and several people rushing out, he immediately pulled out the machete at his waist and rushed down with a loud shout. The sturdy machete warriors around also suddenly raised the machete in their mouths. Shouting like crazy and rushing down the hillside.

At the same time, a dazzling blue light spurted out from the woods on the other side of the river, and Xiao Hua's roar came out immediately. Immediately after, a burst of gunfire suddenly sounded from the forest, and several drug dealer soldiers who had rushed to the opposite bank fell to the ground.

At this moment, Ah Bao and his men in the forest had already fired all the bullets in their guns, and then rushed out of the woods with a machete. rush away.

With Xiaohua's roar, Xiaoya's figure suddenly appeared beside Xiaoya, who was rushing down. With a red light in her eyes, she went straight down the mountain and jumped out. The white figure seemed to flash in the dark. A meteor on the hillside has already plunged into the enemy group in the blink of an eye.

The enemy group on the river bank rolled with the sudden explosion, followed by a dense rain of bullets flying on the hillside behind them. At this time, the enemy who had escaped this sudden attack already understood that, before they knew it, a powerful reinforcement of the other party appeared behind them.

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