Panther Commando

Chapter 2937: Weary Wanlin

Xiaoya looked at the girl and shook her head helplessly, knowing that she has been living in a stressful life environment for so many years, her nerves have never relaxed for a moment, so now it is really difficult for her to change in a short period of time. .

Xiaoya did not persuade the girl to put away the sharp knife, but silently hugged her to her side. Wan Lin looked at the girl with a distressed look in his eyes. He looked at the girl and said, "Little sister, don't be nervous, there are so many big brothers and sisters here, no one can hurt you here!"

When the girl heard Wan Lin's genial words, she looked up at Xiaoya who was holding her arms, and then put the switchblade in her pocket. She then looked at Wan Miao and said in blunt Chinese: "Damn Brother, you are injured, you should rest!"

Xiaoya laughed when she heard the girl's concerned voice. She looked at Wan Lin and said, "Yes, my little sister has already spoken. You really should get some sleep." After speaking, she took the girl to Wan Lin's side, He helped him to take the quilt behind him, and then gently helped him to lie down.

Wan Lin looked at Xiaoya and smiled, and then said to the girl, "Yes, the little sister's words are orders. My upper and lower eyelids are really fighting, so it's the little sister's words, go to sleep!" But after he finished speaking, he looked at him again. Xiaoya asked, "Are there any defensive loopholes near the cliff?"

Xiaoya immediately replied: "The cliffs around the mountain are hundreds of meters high, and it is difficult for the opponent to get off the cliff, and our manor is three or four hundred meters away from the cliff. In addition, the old patriarch on the cliff has already arranged for guards, and I asked the old patriarch to arrange two watch posts at the high point of the manor to monitor the movement on the surrounding cliffs. , to prevent accidents.”

When Wan Lin heard Xiaoya's report, he lay on the bed with confidence. He looked at Lao Liu and said, "After the battle outside, let the old patriarch send a few people to **** you back, and you can send someone after you go back. Find out about Khun Sa as soon as possible. Remember, the more details about Khun Sa, the better."

"Yes!" Lao Liu stood up and looked at Wan Lin and said, "You haven't recovered yet, hurry up and rest, and let Xiaoya inform me in time if you need anything." Wan Lin nodded, then closed his eyes tiredly. He had not recovered from his serious injuries at this time, and after fighting in the forest for another night last night, he really felt tired.

Seeing Wan Lin closed her eyes, Xiaoya immediately waved her hands to Lao Liu and Xiao Li to let them go out, grabbed Wan Lin's wrist and checked his pulse, then picked up the quilt and gently covered him , pulled Ma Min and walked out of the room.

At this time, the sound of gunfire outside had gradually ceased. The two leopards who had been playing with the big leopard in the courtyard suddenly saw Xiaoya and a few people walking out of the house. They immediately ran over excitedly from the side, and Xiaobai was far away. She jumped up and rushed in front of several people. The girl standing beside Xiaoya saw the rushing white shadow, and a smile appeared on her face immediately. She hurriedly reached out to hug Xiaobai who was rushing.

Xiaobaishen saw the girl stretch out her hand in the air, her eyes flashed red, and her body suddenly flashed dexterously, and in a blink of an eye, she had passed by the girl's hand and stood on Xiaoya's shoulder, then looked at the depressed girl and grinned widely. "Quack" laughed.

The girl turned around and looked at Xiaobai who was standing on Xiaoya's shoulders, laughing. The two leopards saw that the girl took good care of Wan Lin in the past few days, so they were very fond of the girl and became very close to her.

Xiaoya looked at the smile on the girl's face, and suddenly felt relieved. Since she came here yesterday, she has never seen this girl smile. At this time, the girl's already rosy face finally showed a smile, which has shown that this girl with a tragic background is recovering the innocence and happiness she should have at her age.

She gently grabbed the girl's arm, pointed at Lao Liu and Xiao Li who were standing beside her, and said, "Mamin, would you like to send your two uncles off with your sister?" Mamin looked at Lao Liu and the two in surprise, and suddenly Ask in local language: "Are you going back?"

Old Liu smiled, knowing that the girl Bingxue was smart, and he had already seen that the two of them lived in this mountain. He smiled and said, "Mamin, will you go with your uncle?"

Mamin's face immediately became tense, she hugged Xiaohua tightly and took a step back, watching Lao Liu vigorously shaking her head, then leaning on Xiaoya's body and whispering: "I'm not going anywhere. , I'll follow the big brother and sister!"

When Lao Liu heard the girl's answer, he raised his head to look at Xiaoya and shook his head gently. Xiaoya put her arms around the girl's thin shoulders and said to Lao Liu, "Forget it, let's talk about it later." She knew that Lao Liu wanted to take the girl away, so as to prevent her from dragging down the leopard team members in such a dangerous place.

Lao Liu nodded helplessly, then whispered to Xiaoya: "Okay, let's talk about it later. Xiao Li and I go back first, you must take good care of Wan Lin, and call me anytime if you have anything~www. Xiaoya nodded and took the girl to accompany Lao Liu and the two to walk out of the compound.

A few people walked out of the compound to the woods near the hillside. Just as they walked to the edge of the woods, Lingling strode out from the woods with beads of sweat on her face. She walked in front of Xiaoya and the others, raised her hand and pulled Mamin to her side, then looked at Old Liu and Xiao Li who were carrying backpacks and asked in surprise, "Are you going?"

Lao Liu replied: "Yes, Leopard head ordered us to go back first." He glanced at the shaking figure in the forest and asked, "You are building fortifications?" Lingling raised her hand and touched the sweat on her face After nodding, he suddenly asked nervously, "Why didn't I see my brother this time? Isn't he here all the time?"

"Your brother?" Old Liu asked in surprise, but then replied with a smile: "You mean tiger baby, right? This child is very clever and is very familiar with this mountain, so I have to leave him from the old patriarch. Now, he follows Xiao Li and the others to conduct reconnaissance in the mountains. He doesn't know you are coming, otherwise he has to come with me. Ha ha ha, now he often asks me when he is free, when will my sister come? He said that the old patriarch gave me I bought him a gem, and I want to give it to you with my own hands."

Xiaoya heard the conversation between the two, turned her head to look at Lingling and asked, "Did you mean the last time you shot an arrow in the jungle to attack Wanlin, and then took us to fight the tiger baby of the Tiger tribe of Ao Kun?"

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