Panther Commando

Chapter 2938: Forest fortifications

Lingling nodded, raised her hand and pulled out a necklace with a small tiger tooth hanging from her neckline, she gently stroked the tiger tooth and looked at Lao Liu and said, "When you see the tiger baby, say I miss him too, my sister has always been Wearing the tiger teeth he gave me!" At that time, Lingling recognized Huwa as her younger brother in the forest, and Huwa took this necklace with tiger teeth from her neck and gave it to Lingling.

As Lingling spoke, she stretched out her hand and took out a military folding knife from her pocket and handed it to Lao Liu: "I didn't prepare a present for him in a hurry this time, you give this to him!" She followed Xiao Li and urged : "Xiao Li, you must protect my little brother, now he is the only descendant of the Tiger Tribe?"

Xiao Li nodded and said with a sigh: "Alas, their tiger tribe has been exterminated by those drug lords and Yamaguchi mercenaries, and he is really the only descendant of this ancient tribe. Don't worry, I will do my best to protect his safety. This kid is very clever and very familiar with this mountain. He takes us around in the mountains every day and helps us a lot."

At this time, Ah Bao came out of the forest sweating profusely, Lingling turned her head to look at Ah Bao and said, "A Bao, Lao Liu and the others are going back, find a few people with weapons to send them back, in this mountain It's too unsafe." A Bao quickly agreed, turned around and shouted at Lin Nei.

Following his shouts, five strong men with guns and machetes hanging from their waists quickly ran out of the forest. Ah Bao walked over and whispered a few words to several people, and they immediately walked behind Lao Liu and Xiao Li with guns.

Lao Liu immediately said to Xiaoya and Lingling: "When you see Laocheng, they will say goodbye for us, and we will not go there to say goodbye." After speaking, he opened his arms and hugged Ah Bao, and then turned to Xiao Li to face him. Walking in the woods.

Xiaoya and Lingling sent Lao Liu and Xiao Li away, and immediately took the girl Mamin into the woods. At this time, the machete warriors in the forest had already taken off their animal skin vests, exposing their strong muscles to build fortifications on the edge of the forest near the river. Rocks were moved around, and some were cutting down big trees with all their might, all of them sweating profusely.

Xiaoya stopped and looked at the fortifications that had already been constructed. The fortifications were scattered in the forest. The front of each fortification was covered with rocks and tree trunks, and a half-person-height tunnel had been dug behind the fortifications. , connecting the fortifications one by one. At this time, Fengdao was standing on the edge of the forest, directing a few scimitar warriors to move a thick tree trunk to the front of the fortification.

Xiaoya and Lingling immediately took the girl Mamin to the river. The rushing river splashed with waves and rushed downstream. The sound of the huge running water was deafening. Xiaoya turned her head to look at the fortifications that were being built in the forest. The fortifications were all built between thick tree trunks. It was really hard to see them from the dense woods if you didn't pay attention. This forest is built with fortifications that can fire deadly bullets at any time.

A few people followed and looked towards the hillside on the other side of the river. Zhang Wa and Cheng Ru were squatting on the hillside with six or seven scimitar warriors, and there were several green explosive boxes beside them. While the two of them were busy with their heads down, what were they talking about to the people around them?

At this time, Ah Bao walked out of the forest behind, he walked to the side of Xiaoya and the three of them and glanced at the distant hillside, then looked at the fortifications in the forest and sighed: "Thank you so much! Two times, so many people won't die! Over the past few years, we have killed another one or two hundred brothers in battle."

Xiaoya and Lingling turned their heads to look at Ah Bao when they heard the sound, Xiaoya also sighed and said, "Alas, you are just ordinary hunters, you know how to fight there. Isn't this just being helpless to pick up the gun. Don't be discouraged, it will be fine in the future. Right. By the way, what happened to the gunshot just now?"

Ah Bao quickly replied: "We were digging a hole here just now, and suddenly heard the sound of gunfire on the opposite hillside. Brother Feng, Miss Lingling, and I hurriedly led people along the rope bridge and rushed over. When we rushed to the opposite hillside. , Brother Zhang and Ah Hu have already rushed to the side **** with several brothers on the hillside."

"We ran behind the Zhang brothers, and at a glance, we saw thirty or forty boys appearing at the foot of the mountain in the distance. While shooting, they rushed towards us along the ups and downs of the hillside. They were originally guarding the hillside in front of us. Brothers are shooting and retreating back."

When Ah Bao said this, he pointed to the hillside where Zhang Wa and Cheng Ru were squatting and continued: "We were lying there at the time, and the brothers who were alert in the front had already bent down and retreated. We rushed over and lay on the ground. Just as we were about to shoot there, Brother Zhang stopped us immediately, and took over the three machine guns we had seized with Brother Feng and Miss Lingling who were following us."

When he said this, he gave Xiaoya and Lingling a thumbs up, and then he gestured and said, "We really noticed what it means to shoot this time. In the past, we used to ignore this situation. The gun is fired, and the bullets in the gun are shot out in a confused way.”

"But Miss Lingling, Brother Zhang and Brother Feng are just three people. UU Kanshu lied behind the machine gun and squeezed the trigger a few times, and the other party collapsed seven times in one fell swoop. Eight boys, the rest were so frightened that they lay down on the hillside and raised their guns to shoot at the place where we were for a while, then threw a few grenades, and escaped by the firelight of the explosion, even a few injured companions. Forget it, a group of people are running like wild rabbits, that's fast!"

Xiaoya and the three all laughed when they heard Ah Bao's narration, and Ah Bao looked at Xiaoya with admiration and continued: "After the fire of the explosion is extinguished, the other group of boys has already run for seven or eight hundred meters, we just want to When we got up and chased, Brother Zhang and the others stopped us. Then we suddenly saw Brother Cheng running from behind. He was lying on a rock halfway up the mountain, and then he took that long gun and fired two shots. . . Good guy, seven or eight hundred meters away, the other two boys just stuck on the ground and didn't move, this marksmanship is too scary."

He looked at Xiaoya and Lingling and asked, "By the way, that gun was originally captured by you. I forgot what it was called?" Xiaoya knew that Cheng Ru was running over to use those enemies as targets to test the gun, She replied with a smile: "It's called a sniper rifle, which has a longer range than the assault rifles we have."

"That's right, it's called a sniper rifle." Ah Bao smiled awkwardly. Xiaoya looked at Ah Bao and asked, "Isn't there a few injured people? Did you bring them back? We went over to ask about Kun Sha's situation. This is a tongue delivered to the door."

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