Panther Commando

Chapter 2939: 1 left

When Ah Bao heard Xiaoya's question, he replied in frustration, "Don't mention it, there's not a single one left! We just stood up when the brothers who were guarding on the hillside had already run over, and a few people let out a sound. Without saying a word, he pulled out his machete and killed the boys who were lying on the hillside and screamed, then took the ammunition from them, turned around and threw the boys into the river."

Lingling also said with a smile: "A Bao and A Hu are running too fast in the mountains. I, Doll and Lao Feng just turned around and said hello when they saw Lao Cheng coming over. In front of the wounded enemies, they killed the wounded boys with a flash of the sword in their hands, and then threw those boys into the river. They made the swords so neatly that they didn't leave a single one behind."

Xiaoya glanced at the machete hanging from Ah Bao's waist, and shook her head helplessly. She knew that these machete warriors suffered many deaths and injuries when dealing with these drug dealers, and each of them was full of deep hatred, so when she saw the wounded drug dealers, she was naturally furious, and without hesitation, she drew the knife to kill the opponent and then threw it into the rush. of the river.

At this moment, Xiaoya suddenly felt a murderous aura emerging from her side, she quickly turned her head to look, the girl beside her was clutching her dress tightly with one hand and the sharp dagger at her waist with the other. , Angrily staring at the rushing river in front of her eyes, murderous aura is gushing out of the girl.

Xiaoya was stunned, looking at the girl's eyes full of anger, her heart trembled involuntarily. She raised her eyes and glanced at Lingling beside her, and saw that she was also looking at the girl in astonishment, as if she was surprised that such a small girl would be so angry and murderous.

Xiaoya retracted her eyes and looked at the rushing river, and said in her heart, "Mamin must have heard Ah Bao said to kill those drug dealer soldiers, and suddenly remembered the scene of those drug dealers killing her family and villagers, so she suddenly had this kind of feeling in her heart. Murderous. Now she is in such a state of mind and body that is full of hatred, she really can't send her to the city to go to school right away, otherwise it will be difficult for her to blend in with the crowd around her, and accidents will happen if she doesn't make trouble." She then looked at Ling Lingqing. Shaking his head lightly,

Seeing Xiaoya's expression, Lingling already understood Xiaoya's worries. Mamin is currently in such a highly tense state, if she is really sent to an unfamiliar environment, she will most likely draw a knife to the people around her because of a trivial matter, which is too dangerous. . The social security in the city is definitely better than here, and it is not a place where you can use a knife casually.

Lingling walked to Mamin, bent down and asked, "Mamin, are you scared to hear what we said?" The girl heard Lingling's question, and then she took her hateful eyes away from the rushing river. When she came back, she looked up at Lingling and shook her head vigorously. She replied, "Sister Lingling, I'm not afraid. Those bad people should be killed! If I were by my side, I would definitely pull out a knife and stab them hard!"

Said the girl suddenly pulled out the sharp dagger, and swung it down at the rushing river for two times, and the fierce murderous aura appeared in her eyes again! In front of his eyes, the dancing dagger brought a gust of wind.

Seeing the girl's frantic behavior, Xiaoya bent down and grabbed her wrist lightly, then took the sharp dagger and inserted it into the scabbard around her waist, hugged her tightly and whispered, "Mamin, this is After all, there are only a few bad people in the world. Look at the uncles, brothers and sisters in the yard of the machete tribe around you, aren’t they all good people?”

At this time, Lingling also looked at her and said, "Mamin, it's an adult's business to beat bad people. You will hurt the good people around you who are with you by holding such a sharp knife every day. You can't easily pull it out in the future. Knives. We gave you such sharp knives so that you can use them when your own safety is threatened, you can't just pull them out, you know?"

The girl raised her head to look at Xiaoya, then at Lingling and Ah Bao, nodded vigorously, and said in a blunt Chinese language: "Okay, I won't be holding a knife forever, I can't hurt you!"

Xiaoya raised her hand to touch her dark hair and said, "Yes, you are a beautiful girl, how can you hold a knife every day." A shy smile appeared in the girl's eyes, and she leaned against her body gently. On Xiaoya's body.

Seeing how well-behaved the girl was, Xiaoya pulled her in front of her and tidied her hair gently with both hands, then said, "Let's go to the opposite hillside, there are explosives everywhere, it's too dangerous, you go back Find Xiaobai and Xiaohua to play for a while, and watch the big brother by the way, okay?"

"Okay!" The girl replied in a low voice, looked at Lingling and said, "Sister Lingling, I'll go back first!" She turned around and ran towards the woods behind her, her feet appearing very light.

"Oh, this child is so pitiful!" Lingling sighed in a low voice, looking at Mamin's flying back, Xiaoya also looked at Mamin's back and said thoughtfully, "Yes, I really don't know what will happen to her after we leave here. Like?" Lingling looked back at Xiaoya and said, "She can't be sent to the school in the city like this, or she won't fight with her classmates every day!"

Xiaoya said with a wry smile: " When we leave, let's hand her over to Lao Liu, let her stay with Lao Liu for a while, and then send her to the city after she recovers psychologically. She is definitely not adjusted to life in the city now."

She looked at Zhang Wa and a few people on the opposite hillside and said, "Let's go, let's go to help Hua Bao and Lao Chengbuy. Such a big minefield is enough for them to work." Lingling then looked at Ah Bao who was beside her. Said: "A Bao, let's go over and see, you are here to direct the brothers to help Lao Feng build the fortification." After that, she and Xiaoya walked quickly to the soft rope bridge that was shaking above the rapids.

Xiaoya and Lingling walked briskly to the hillside opposite the river. Zhang Wa was holding a detonator and her face flushed, what was she saying to the few machete warriors beside her? He looked a little anxious.

He turned his head and saw Xiaoya and Lingling coming, and quickly shouted: "You two aunts are here, I've been talking dry for a long time, I don't know if they understand? I dare not let them actually It's done, if they don't understand, they won't send me and Lao Cheng into the air, and I will die with Lao Cheng!"

Xiaoya and Lingling laughed when they saw Zhang Wa's anxious look. They followed Cheng Ru, who was on the side of the hill, and saw that a layer of sweat had already appeared on his face, and he was holding a With a detonator, he was explaining how to use it to the three machete warriors around him.

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