Panther Commando

Chapter 2966: Reappearing scent

Wan Lin turned his head to look at Xiaoya's frustrated look, and sighed, "Yes, the more precious things are, the rarer they are, but unfortunately the incense demon tree we encountered at that time is no longer there, I really don't know if it will be possible in the future. Encountering such a magical tree species again?"

At this moment, a vigorous voice suddenly came from behind them, and the two quickly turned around to look. The old patriarch walked towards them with a smile, what was he saying in the local language? Mamin, who was standing on the side, saw the confused expressions of Wan Lin and the two of them, and quickly grabbed Xiaoya's arm to translate: "Big brother, sister Xiaoya, the old patriarch said: 'Are you talking about that fragrant tree? ?'"

Wan Lin and Xiaoya both laughed, and now Mamin has become their little translator. Xiaoya stroked the short-statured Mamin's head and replied with a smile, "Old Patriarch, we are talking about that magical tree. Have you ever seen that kind of tree?"

After listening to the girl's translation, the old patriarch shook his head, then stopped and waved to Wan Lin and Xiaoya with a smile, turned and walked towards the spacious living room behind. Wan Lin and Xiaoya glanced at each other, Xiaoya supported Wan Lin's arm and walked with the old patriarch.

Wan Lin and the three followed the old patriarch into the spacious living room. The old patriarch pointed at Wan Lin to the seat beside the table of the Eight Immortals, then turned and walked towards the suite on the side.

Xiaoya helped Wan Lin to sit down at the table and just straightened up, Mamin had already brought two chairs from the side and put them beside the table, she pressed Xiaoya onto the chairs and sat down, then ran to the side and picked up the teapot for Wan Lin and Xiaoya poured two cups of tea and walked back. Although the girl is stubborn, she is very clever, and there is no language barrier with the people here, so she is already familiar with the environment here.

Xiaoya took the tea bowl, pulled the girl and sat beside her, then looked at the suite with the curtain on the side in surprise, wondering why the old patriarch called himself and Wan Lin in?

After a short time, the old patriarch lifted the curtain and walked out of the suite. He was holding an object wrapped in animal skins in both hands, his face was very serious, and his movements seemed slow and solemn.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya hurriedly stood up when they saw the expression of the old patriarch. They both stared at the thing in his hand that was wrapped in layers of animal skin, and their eyes were full of astonishment in the cave, but they both understood in their hearts that the old patriarch It must be something precious, otherwise the old man who is the head of the clan would not be so solemn.

Sure enough, the old patriarch walked to the table of the Eight Immortals, first held the item in his hands above his head, and then raised it three times towards the door, then he turned around and carefully placed the item on the table, followed by sitting on the chair .

Slowly and carefully, he unwrapped the hide, and a cloud of dust slowly rose from the thick fur. As he opened the animal skin, he said reverently, "This is something handed down by our ancestors of the Scimitar tribe. Usually, it is rarely taken out. I will take it out for you to see now."

The old man said that he had taken off the three-layered animal skin, and a small wooden box with dark purple and antique color appeared in front of Wan Miao and several others. , Realistic, a few lively birds are raising their heads and opening their small mouths to sing, as if they are making a crisp chirping.

"What a beautiful little wooden box!" Xiaoya leaned over and looked at the exquisite wooden box in admiration. The old man gently stroked the wooden box and said with a smile: "Our scimitar tribe has no writing, so there is no record, many things are It was passed down by word of mouth. It is said that this wooden box has a history of hundreds of years, but which dynasty is it? I don't know."

The old patriarch said with a smile, the girl Mamin translated the old patriarch's words eloquently, and even imitated the tone so vividly that Wan Miao and the others laughed when they saw her translating the old patriarch's words. After translating the old patriarch's words, the girl saw Wan Miao and Xiaoya looking at him and smiling, he blushed and said shyly, "That's what the patriarch said." Then he leaned on Xiaoya's body.

The old patriarch looked at Ma Min and laughed. He kindly reached out and touched the girl's head, and said with a smile, "What a smart girl, yes, that's what Grandpa said."

He said and looked at the antique wooden box and said, "This thing should have been passed down from your Chinese side in ancient times. In the past, we mountain people had no concept of a country. This mountain is similar to your landscape. We are connected in one vein, so we mountain people have no concept of national borders at all, and I don’t even know what happened at that time. Ha ha ha, anyway, we machete people have been hunters for generations, and we all follow our prey. I don't know what else is a national border, and until now, an old man like me still doesn't understand."

He held up the small wooden box with both hands and said, "Look, what a beautiful box! At that time, a lot of things we had here were bought from you with hunted game or fur, and this wooden box also It should have been exchanged from there at that time. In the past, we couldn't make such a beautiful thing here."

The old man said that he carefully opened the wooden A peculiar fragrance filled the living room immediately, and the spirits of several people were lifted. I took a few breaths of my nose, and my mind became clear. Wan Lin and Xiaoya stood up suddenly, Wan Lin's body swayed, Xiaoya quickly supported Wan Lin and said, "You are injured, be careful!"

At this time, Wan Lin stared at the box in the old patriarch's hand, took a few breaths, and asked in astonishment, "This is the fragrance from the incense magic ball!"

The old patriarch carefully picked up a large piece of discolored silk wool covered in the box, and a fluffy, baseball-sized object suddenly appeared in front of Wan Lin and Xiaoya, their eyes widened, and they were shocked in unison Called: "Fragrant Magic Ball!"

The ball lying quietly in the delicate little box is the same as the fruit of the dangerous incense tree that Wan Lin and the others encountered when they brought Wu Xueying, Wen Meng and other national security team members to the dense forest for training. The age has turned into a dark brown, but the fragrance emitted through the hard fluff on the outside is still so refreshing!

Wan Lin stretched out his hand to take the wooden box and carefully observed the sphere inside, and said with certainty, "It's the fruit of the Fragrant Demon Tree. This is a rare and precious medicinal material in the world!" He handed the wooden box to the old patriarch and asked in astonishment. : "Why do you have such precious medicinal materials here?"

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