Panther Commando

Chapter 2967: Vision in the forest

Hearing Wan Lin's question, the old patriarch gently placed the wooden box on the table with a smile, and then said, "This is a treasure handed down from our ancestors, but no one in the past dynasties knows what this sphere is. What? Just know that this kind of strange fragrance must be a rare object, the fruit of a strange tree, so our ancestors tightly wrapped it as a treasure and passed it down from generation to generation."

"You don't know that this is a good medicine for curing diseases?" Wan Lin asked in astonishment. But he then understood that if he and his grandfather hadn't been handed down by the ancestors of the Wan family, they probably wouldn't have known about this magical incense tree. !

The old patriarch looked at him and shook his head and replied: "We are not familiar with this thing at all, we just know that it is a fruit of a big tree that can eat people. I heard my father talk about this matter, it is said that back then Several of our machetes here were out hunting, and when they were chasing a bear that had been wounded by a bow and arrow, they followed the wounded bear into a dense forest..."

The old patriarch said and gently stroked the small antique box on the table, raised his face full of vicissitudes and looked out the door, as if he had entered the long years of the past. He then slowly told this story from hundreds of years ago.

At that time, several hunters from the Scimitar tribe rushed into the jungle with the injured black bear. During the tracking for several days and nights, they had been unknowingly taken to the depths of the jungle by the black bear.

This evening, the dense forest had become dark, and several machete hunters, armed with machetes and bows and arrows, stared at the bear paw marks left on the woodland and followed them to a damp woodland.

At this time, a young hunter who was running at the front suddenly squatted down, he lay on the ground and carefully glanced at the deeply sunken bear paw print on the ground, turned his head to the gray-haired old man behind him and shouted: "Elder, the big bear is here. In the front, you can see that the mark of the bear's paw has changed from left to right, and the depth is different, which means that this big bear has no strength, and it has become staggered when running."

The old man in the animal skin vest strode forward, he bent down to look at the marks on the grass, straightened his waist and said with a smile to the six or seven young people around him who were also wearing animal skin vests and bare feet: "Haha. Hehe, Xiao Liuzi is right, this bear can't run anymore, it should be right in front. The fur of this big bear is very good, take it back and let your daughter-in-law and aunts make a bearskin vest, this thing will keep you warm . Boys, go! This time we came out with a big harvest."

Several people all had happy expressions on their faces, and one by one, they straightened up and hurried forward. After a few people ran out for a few kilometers, they suddenly saw a yellow-orange light appearing in the dim forest.

A few people hurried forward, only then did they see that an empty woodland suddenly appeared in the dense forest in front. Although the ground was overgrown with weeds, there were no dense trees, only a tall, dense tree standing alone. In the middle of the clearing, tree trunks and drooping branches were completely motionless.

At this time, a ray of sunset was shooting into the dense woods through this rare glade, and the yellow-orange optical fibers gave a strange feeling in the dim forest.

The young man running in front with a bow and arrow saw this strange sight. He stopped at the edge of the open space, turned his head to look at the old man who came running, and shouted, "Elder, why is this forest so empty? It's gone." He stared at the grass in front of him and said in surprise, "The bear's footprints came to this clearing, but why are they gone?"

At this time, the young men in the back also looked at the grass in amazement. One of them looked around and said, "I'll climb up the tree and have a look." After that, he climbed up a thick tree trunk as nimble as a monkey. , staring at the center of the open space.

Sitting on the branch of a tree, he carefully checked the weeds all over the open space, and suddenly pointed his finger in front of him and shouted, "Look, that **** bear is lying under the big tree in the middle of the open space!"

Several people in the forest quickly took a few steps to the side and looked in the direction of his fingers. Sure enough, the huge black bear had two feather arrows stuck on its back, and was lying still under the thick tree trunk.

Everyone was overjoyed, and the four or five young men beside the old elder charged with a machete. "Be careful!" The elder grabbed the arms of the two people around him, then took off the bow from his back, and took the arrow and aimed under the tree. When the two people around saw the elder's actions, they immediately understood that the elder was worried that there were still beasts around, so they quickly took off their bows and arrows, pulled the bows, put on sharp feather arrows, and aimed around the tree.

At the moment when the four or five young men ran under the tree, a harsh wind suddenly sounded, and suddenly there was a fierce wind sound from the big tree that had been standing quietly. The branch of Yi suddenly moved, like a long snake, sweeping down with the sound of the wind!

"Oops!", "Oops," followed by an exclamation from under the tree. Several machete hunters had just run under the tree with their machetes, and were bending over to check whether the big bear on the ground was dead. ? But at this moment their bodies were entangled by the roaring branches, and then they were bound by the tenacious branches and rose into the air. Several people screamed and swung the machete in their hands vigorously, slashing and slashing at the whistling branches.

The elders who were bending bows and arrows on the edge of the open space were shocked. The bows in their hands made a sound of "pop", and several sharp feathered arrows flew towards the thick tree trunks! The elder followed and took a few steps back, shouting: "This is the killing tree, go back!" The two people around were startled, they ran a few steps into the dense forest behind them with their bows and arrows in hand, and then drew out their arrows and hid them in the trunk of the tree. Behind, raise the bow and arrow and aim forward again.

At this time, several companions who had been rolled up by the branches were struggling in the air, screaming and waving the machetes in their hands, but the black branches were like strips of black soft whips. When it reached the light of the knife, it swayed back, and then swept over several people with the sound of the wind. The black branches rose and fell one after another, and all of them danced around the few people with the sound of the wind. The scene was very scary!

The elders looked at everything in front of them in horror. The young men beside the elder shot long arrows in their hands, and then they all bravely pulled out their machetes and rushed forward. At this time, the elder shouted sharply: "Come back, you're courting death! Come back to me!" The young men stopped with red eyes, and the arms holding the machete were shaking violently. Several of their companions were by their side. Struggling in front of you!

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