Panther Commando

Chapter 2968: gods in the forest

At this time, the elders and the elders had already seen clearly that the dark tree was covered with black branches, and there was not a single leaf on the branches. At this moment, the dense branches danced back and forth in the air like crazy. The dark tree was like a witch standing in the forest desperately shaking her long hair. The sound of the wind, the forest is full of a chilling and terrifying atmosphere.

At this moment, these machete people who never knew they were afraid have become ashes. They are not afraid of death, but the scene of this group of demons dancing in front of them really makes everyone who has experienced this kind of scene feel a sense of urgency. Chill from the bottom of my heart.

The elders held the scimitar in their hands tightly, and they looked at the struggling companions in front of them in horror, their eyes turning blood red. But they knew that they couldn't do anything in this situation. The feather arrows shot by a few people just roared into the tree trunk, but they were bounced back by the hard trunk, and the long feather arrow was rolled up by countless branches. It was smashed to pieces in the violent rolling of the branches.

At this moment, the few machete hunters who were rolled into the air by the tough branches had slowly stopped struggling, and the sound of calling for help became weaker and weaker. The tenacious branches wrapped around them are like countless slender sharp blades deeply embedded in each person's body, and the bodies of several machete hunters have become covered with blood gourds. Bright red blood, the woodland under the tree was covered with red liquid!

At this moment, the surrounding elders suddenly swayed a few times, and the feeling of dizziness was hitting their minds.

"Look!" The young hunter who just climbed up the tree suddenly pointed at the open space in front of him and let out a scream, followed by his body and fell from the tall tree, and fell to the ground with a "pop". On the soft forest floor, his eyes were tightly closed and he passed out in a coma.

The elder suddenly heard a cry from the tree trunk on the top of his head in a drowsy state. He struggled to look up into the open space. Above the branches that were dancing wildly, a thick branch was standing motionless in the air. The small **** of yellow and orange suddenly fell down, followed by bursts of "crackling, crackling" in the flurry of branches, and a few round **** suddenly spewed out a piece of gold. The yellow powder, in the forest that was originally full of **** smell, was suddenly enveloped by a refreshing fragrance, and the glade was golden!

The forest glade was suddenly enveloped by a dazzling golden light, and a strange fragrance wafted around the clearing. In the blink of an eye, the black scene that was terrifying just now suddenly became sacred and **.

The elders saw this solemn and sacred scene in a drowsy state, and their originally angry eyes were suddenly filled with fear and piety. The old elder suddenly realized: this dark tree may be the **** in this endless virgin forest. At this time, they inadvertently invaded this sacred space. The **** in this virgin forest must be Let them receive the punishment they deserve!

In a daze, he threw away the machete in his hand in horror, and immediately knelt on the ground with a "pop", his head hitting the soft forest floor like garlic. Several people around were stunned when they saw his movements, and they all threw away the machete, knelt on the ground and slammed their heads on the ground.

The branches of the Fragrant Demon Tree itself have psychedelic medicinal power. Although the old patriarch and several people were far away from the magical tree outside the open space, they had been unknowingly swept away by the psychedelic effects of the dancing branches. The medicine has penetrated into the body. At this time, they suddenly saw the scene in front of them that made them feel very solemn, and they immediately knelt on the forest floor reverently, and then fell on the forest floor in a daze.

I don't know how long it took, when the old patriarch and several people woke up from the forest, they suddenly found that those black branches like a group of demons were dancing quietly on both sides of the thick trunk. The **** tree seemed to have nothing happened, still standing quietly in the middle of the clearing. Only the blade of grass under the tree was still stained with dark red blood, which seemed to still record the **** scene that happened at that time.

The old patriarch struggled to get up from the ground and stared at the open space in front of him. A few people followed and took a few breaths, but the refreshing fragrance they suddenly smelled before they fell into a coma has long since disappeared in the air!

A few people shook their heads a few times as if they were in a big dream, and then stared at the surroundings in astonishment. Only then did they completely recall the scene before the coma, and the others chased after them. Their companions have truly disappeared into the small open space in front of them, and the bloodstains still left on the woodland are proving to them what happened!

The old elder swayed violently, and sat on the forest floor with his buttocks, with hot tears streaming down his turbid eyes: Those living machete disciples could no longer follow him back to their tribe. ! At this time, the three surviving disciples also let out a cry of sadness. Several of them lifted their feet and rushed to the open space in front of them, and one of them cried out, "Death, we also have to bring back the remains of our brother. !"

"Come back!" The old patriarch roared sharply with a face full of grief. With his roar, the three scimitar disciples who had rushed into the open space quickly stopped. At this moment, the black branches that were originally quiet suddenly rose again and swept towards several people. A few people were shocked, turned around and jumped out of the open space,

At this time, they already understood that the open space is the territory of this magical tree, and anyone who enters it will be punished immediately.

When the elder saw the scene in front of him, he immediately rolled over and knelt down, followed by slamming his head into the woodland a few times. The three young disciples who had exited the clearing also quickly knelt on the ground, and slammed their heads on the woodland. They had already recalled the golden mist, and the sacred scene made several people kneel on the ground again.

The old elder knelt on the ground and kowtowed several times. Then he looked up and saw that the branches that were waving in the clearing just now became quiet again. Then he straightened up, folded his upper body and prayed for a while, and then said to the three disciples around him in a leisurely tone. : "Let's go, we have offended the gods in this forest, and we deserve to be punished."

After he finished speaking, he was about to stand up, but his eyes were fixed on the grass in front of him. The three surrounding disciples turned their heads to see the elder's appearance, and quickly looked down.

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