Panther Commando

Chapter 2970: Temporary prescription

While persuading Wan Lin, Xiaoya took a deep breath, and then said to Wan Lin: "Smell it, now the room is full of incense, which means that the powder in this incense magic ball has gradually revealed its hardness. The outer shell of it leaked out, and I was worried that it might lose its magical effect over time."

"So you accept it! This treasure can indeed play a greater role in our hands. Besides, the injury you suffered this time is really serious, and now Kunsha is staring at it, not knowing what When there is a heavy attack? So you must restore your combat effectiveness as soon as possible!"

Wan Lin nodded after hearing Xiaoya's persuasion. Xiaoya's words did make sense. If this incense magic ball, which is hard to find in the world, was in the hands of Wan's family, it would be a life-saving treasure. But the old patriarch couldn't play the role of this treasure at all, and now he really needs to recover his combat power urgently. According to the nature of Kun Sha, this kid has suffered such a big loss recently, and he may bring a large number of soldiers and horses at any time. appear here.

He looked at the old patriarch and nodded, then respectfully stretched out his hands. Seeing this, Xiaoya quickly reached out and gently supported his injured right arm. Wan Lin solemnly took the incense magic ball that the old patriarch sent to him, and said moved: "Okay, then I will accept it, we will be welcome to you!" He said, holding the incense magic ball in both hands. Small box, bent down and bowed deeply to the old patriarch.

"Hehe, that's right, we machete people and you little brothers and sisters are not outsiders, we are a family, and it is our honor to be able to restore your divine power as soon as possible!" The old patriarch laughed Hehe said, and then stretched out his hands to help Wan Lin up.

Wan Lin was no longer polite, turned around and handed the small box to Xiaoya and said, "Hurry up and contact Grandpa, tell me about my current injury in detail, and then ask Grandpa how to use the incense magic ball to concoct elixir, I want it as soon as possible. After recovering, it is time to wait, and Kun Sha may lead troops to surround this place at any time."

Xiaoya nodded, she took out a satellite phone left by Zhang Wa from her pocket, and immediately dialed grandpa's cell phone. At this time, Grandpa had returned to the provincial capital, and Xiaoya had left a mobile phone for Grandpa, just to get in touch with the elderly in an emergency.

The phone rang for a while, and then the vigorous voice of grandpa came out: "Is it Lin'er? Why did you call me? Didn't it take a long time for me to come back from your place?" Xiaoya replied immediately. : "Grandpa, I'm Xiaoya. I'm here with the old patriarch of the Scimitar tribe."

"What? Why did you guys go abroad, aren't you always by Yu Jing's side?" Grandpa asked in astonishment, and his voice suddenly became tense: "Where's Lin Er?" At this moment, the old man suddenly had a premonition Something must have happened to Lin, otherwise Xiaoya wouldn't have called him so suddenly.

When Xiaoya heard the old man's voice becoming hurried, she quickly replied: "Lin Er is seriously injured, but now the dangerous period has passed, you don't have to worry, he is by my side." She said and hurriedly called the phone He handed it to Wan Lin and said, "Hurry up and say something to grandpa, don't let the old man worry."

Wan Lin took the call and said quickly: "Grandpa, I'm fine, I just fell off the mountain and fell and was injured. Now there is no danger. Listen to Xiaoya and tell you about my current injury. You can see what I can do as soon as possible. Conditioning, the old patriarch has encountered some troubles, so I must recover from the injury as soon as possible!"

When the old man heard Wan Lin's voice, he had already heard that although he was out of breath, there was no danger, and he felt calm. He followed up: "Okay, hand over the phone to Xiaoya and ask her to tell me your current situation in detail? By the way, didn't you bring Xiangmo Pills and Shebao Pills, did you eat them?"

Xiaoya hurriedly answered the phone and said, "Grandpa, I have given Lin'er a few incense magic pills and Shebao pills in a row. But Lin'er's injury was too serious at the time. It’s still very serious, you first listen to me tell me about Lin’er’s current injury.”

She then described Wan Lin's current injury in detail, and continued: "Grandpa, I only have a fragrant magic pill left in my hand, but the situation on the side of the Scimitar tribe is more critical. Although Zhang Wa and the others are all here, there are so many people on the other side that Lin Er must recover as soon as possible. Now the old patriarch gave us a fragrant magic ball, but I don’t know how to use the medicinal properties of the fragrant magic pill, so I need you to follow Lin With your current injury, tell me how to use the fragrant magic pill to prepare the elixir?"

The old man was shocked when he heard Xiaoya's description of Wan Lin's injury on the phone. He didn't expect Wan Lin's injury to be so serious. At this time, he had already judged from the injuries described by Xiaoya that Wan Lin must have fallen from a very high place and was seriously injured. No wonder he had not fully recovered after taking several elixir.

In his anxiety, he suddenly heard Xiaoya say that the old patriarch has a rare incense magic ball here, he said with great joy: "Okay, is there any other herbs in the old patriarch?" Xiaoya quickly looked up at the old patriarch and asked Said: "Old Patriarch, do you have any commonly used herbs here?"

The old patriarch quickly replied: "Yes, yes, there are mountain herbal medicines we know It should be the same as yours. There are also Langzhong in our tribe, that is, the traditional Chinese medicine you said, all use Herbs heal."

Xiaoya was overjoyed after hearing the girl Mamin's translation, and hurriedly held up the phone and said to her grandfather, "Grandpa, the old patriarch's tribe also uses traditional Chinese medicine for medical treatment. Here are the herbs commonly used in this mountain."

After hearing the great joy, grandpa immediately said: "Okay, the incense magic pills are warm in nature and have strong medicinal properties. It must be supplemented with other cooling drugs to neutralize its medicinal properties, otherwise it is very likely to damage the yin and yang in the body. The incense magic pills I give you are all It is a blend of dozens of herbs."

The old man pondered for a moment, and then said: "Now Lin'er has insufficient yang energy in his body, so he can use the medicinal properties of this elixir to quickly recover. I will give you a prescription now, and you must remember that the weight of each medicine must not be wrong. It is a prescription for temporary disposal based on Lin'er's current injury and his own deep internal strength. Therefore, the amount of medicinal powder in the fragrant magic ball is very large. Others can't bear this kind of medicinal properties, so they must not be used by others. Remember, this prescription of mine The dosage can be configured with ten pills, which can only be taken by Lin Er. You bring me the remaining fragrant magic balls, and I will prepare some more healing medicines for you."

Xiaoya quickly replied: "Okay, tell me, I can remember!" She looked at Wan Lin and said hurriedly: "You also remember it in your mind to prevent me from making mistakes here."

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