Panther Commando

Chapter 2971: take care of you

Wan Lin's grandfather then slowly said a prescription on the phone. Xiaoya held up the phone and kept it in her mind while reciting it to Wan Lin. Both of them are children of the Wan family, and they have carefully studied the medical books of the Wan family, and they have very high attainments in traditional Chinese medicine, so the grandfather said the prescription, and the two immediately kept every herb and dosage in their minds. I also immediately understood the role of each herb in the recipe.

After the old man finished talking the prescription on the phone, he worriedly told them to pay attention to safety, and finally said: "Xiaoya, after you have prepared the medicine according to the prescription, make it according to the method I originally taught you, and then feed it to Lin Er in the morning and evening. One pill, call me three days later to tell me about Lin'er's injury, and if the injury doesn't recover significantly, send him back to me immediately!"

Xiaoya quickly replied: "Okay, don't worry! I won't let Wanlin have an accident here. Grandpa, I'll go to dispense the medicine first, and I'll call you in two days." After she finished speaking, she hung up silently. When I got the phone, I knew that my grandfather was worried about Wan Lin's safety.

She put away the phone, looked at the old patriarch and said, "Old patriarch, please have someone take me to see your pharmacy. I will dispense Wan Lin's medicine according to my grandfather's method." The old patriarch hurried to the door and shouted. With a sound, an aged scimitar clansman ran over immediately.

The old patriarch said a few words to the person who came, and then said to Xiaoya: "This is the boss of our tribe. You can follow him and just tell him what you need." Xiaoya quickly picked up the man with the incense magic ball. The small box, pulled Ma Min and hurried out.

For several days, Cheng Ru, Feng Dao, Zhang Wa, and Lingling did not show up. The three people with Ah Hu and Ah Bao had been busy in the woods on the hillsides on both sides of the Col. This afternoon, Cheng Ru and several people suddenly walked into the circular compound of the Scimitar tribe.

The few people stopped in amazement as soon as they walked in the door. It turned out that Wan Lin was wearing a neat camouflage uniform, standing in an open space on the side, slowly playing a set of Wanjia boxing, Xiaoya smiled. pulling little girl standing beside.

Zhang Wa and a few people came over in surprise. Zhang Wa looked at the figure of Wan Lin's activities and called out to Xiaoya in amazement: "Is the leopard's head ready? Xiaoya, what kind of elixir did your Mongolian doctor give him?"

Xiaoya raised her hand and slapped him with a smile: "You are the doctor in Mongolia." At this time, Wan Lin made a closing gesture with a smile on his face, straightened up and walked over to Zhang Wa and the others, posing with a smile: "Hehe, Xiaoya, a Mongolian doctor, is really powerful. Baby, let me show you twice?"

Zhang Wa took a step back and said with a smile: "Hahahaha, I don't dare to make a gesture with you. Who knows what Shiquan Dabu pills Xiaoya, a Mongolian doctor, gave you?"

Several people laughed, Cheng Ru and Feng Dao excitedly walked in front of Wan Lin, took his arm and looked up and down carefully, Feng Dao blinked his small eyes and asked suspiciously: "You really Okay? You were still trembling for the first two days, how could you get better so quickly?" Cheng Ru and Lingling also looked at Wan Lin suspiciously, and none of them believed that Wan Lin would recover so quickly.

Wan Lin raised his hand and patted his right arm vigorously and said: "It's great, the trauma and bone injury have fully recovered, but the inner breath is still a little stagnant, but it has recovered sixty or seventy percent, and now there is absolutely no problem with Kun Shagan. It's gone!"

As he said that, he reached out and took the sniper rifle in Cheng Ru's hand, raised his foot and took two steps forward, his legs slightly spread, the **** of the gun was firmly on his shoulder, and he raised the gun and aimed in the air. At this time, his entire set of movements was agile and standardized, and the gun body he held was motionless in his hands.

Cheng Ru and several people were overjoyed when they saw this, and they all stared at Wan Lin's movements. At this time, Wan Lin raised the gun and slowly moved the gun body through the scope, followed by raising his right hand and gently pulling the bolt. Cheng Ru and several others saw Wan Lin's actions, and then they glanced at each other.

At this time, they had discovered that when Wan Lin gently pulled the bolt, the gun body still trembled slightly. Obviously, his physical strength had not fully recovered, but he was able to recover to the current level in such a short period of time. Really amazing.

Lingling grabbed Xiaoya's arm in surprise and said, "Why did the leopard's head recover so quickly?" Xiaoya was about to answer when Wan Lin, who was pointing his gun at the cliff in the distance, suddenly let out a "shhh", and the muzzle of the gun remained motionless. Facing a high mountaintop behind the side cliff, the face that had just been smiling suddenly became serious.

Cheng Ru's heart moved when he heard Wan Lin's voice, he immediately raised his feet and took a step to both sides, and looked in the direction of Wan Lin's spear pointing. Hundreds of meters away from the side is the steep cliff surrounding the col, and through the black top of the rock wall, you can faintly see a high mountaintop in the distance. The distance between the top of the mountain and the cliff is about six or seven kilometers.

Wan Lin took aim silently for a while, then closed the safety of the gun and lowered the gun body. He raised his hand and returned the sniper rifle to Cheng Ru, and then said thoughtfully, "The moment I moved the muzzle of my gun, there was a faint reflection on the **** below the top of the mountain, like the light from a telescope or scope. ."

He looked up and looked at the position of the sun in the sky, and then said, "Yes, it should be the faint light reflected from the moving telescope." Cheng Ru and several people frowned, and Zhang Wa said, "I'll go and have a look~ It's very likely that the person from Kunsha has arrived!" With that, he picked up his gun and was about to walk outside the gate.

Cheng Ru grabbed his arm and said, "No, we have completed the construction of the minefields outside the valley and the fortifications inside the valley, and Ah Bao has set up lookout posts at the surrounding high points according to our wishes, if there is a situation , Ah Bao will send someone back to report."

Wan Lin also waved at Zhang Wa, then looked at Cheng Ru and asked, "All arrangements are made?" Cheng Ru nodded and replied, "We have been fighting all night these past few days, and last night finally put all the fortifications and minefields together. The layout is complete. We have checked it carefully in the morning and found no loopholes."

Wan Lin patted Cheng Ru's shoulder with a smile, looked at the dust on them and said, "Everyone has worked hard! Hehehe, you are working hard outside, but Xiaoya is working hard for me here. She pulls Mamin every day. Helping me move my muscles, legs and feet, it hurts so much that I'm sweating all over. I know this time, if this doctor bites his teeth, it will definitely be a form of torture. "

"Hahahaha..." Cheng Ru and the others all laughed, Ma Min also smiled and grabbed Wan Lin's arm and said, "Who made you fall from such a high cliff? My little sister said, no Take good care of big brother, you can't get better so fast, so you must take good care of you, giggling..." The girl raised her head and looked at Wan Lin and let out a series of crisp laughter.

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