Panther Commando

Chapter 3000: Blind counterattack

At this time, after Wan Lin fired two sniper bullets, he rushed down the hillside like the wind. He quickly caught up with Fengdao, Xiaoya, Lingling, and Wen Meng who had just met at the foot of the mountain. They immediately retreated in the direction of the Scimitar Tribe under the cover of the dark night.

Only then did the drug dealers and soldiers hiding in the mountains not far away wake up from the loud explosion. They looked at the hill not far away in horror, and already understood in their hearts: their companions on the top of the hill and those The accomplices who were vigilant and reinforced have disappeared with the huge explosion.

In panic, a group of drug dealer soldiers recklessly pulled the trigger on the dimly lit hill, and a string of bullets roared towards the hill. There were splashes and dust, and the whole mountain was shimmering with clusters of fire from the muzzle.

At this time, on the top of the two-kilometer hill that Wan Lin aimed at with his sniper rifle, Kun Sha and Matsumoto had already hid under a few big trees and rocks on the top of the hill.

Kun Sha was lying on the side of a rock on the top of the mountain, with a pair of small triangular eyes staring at the top of the hill in front of him, with a violent look flashing in his eyes.

He looked at the top of the hill, which had fallen into darkness again, and shouted at Matsumoto, who was hiding behind a big tree on the side: "Didn't you **** say that the firepower on the top of the hill is fine, what's going on now? Grandma? Yes, the machine guns on the top of my mountain and the reinforcements of thirty or forty people are all gone! What are you waiting for, why haven't you attacked!"

Just now, Kun Sha, and Matsumoto and the others with a dozen guards just climbed to the top of the hill where the command post was going to be established, when a huge explosion suddenly came from the top of the hill. The people from Kunsha were startled and hurried to the top of the rock and behind a few trees. Then they stuck their heads out of the cover and looked forward. There were a few dark shadows rolling in the firelight on the top of the mountain, and the foot of the mountain also burst out. A huge flame.

Kunsha and Matsumoto saw two dazzling firelights at the same time, and their men were rolling in the firelight. An anger flashed from Kunsha's small eyes. At this time, he already understood that the men of a platoon sent by Matsumoto to guard the firepower point and reinforcements on the top of the mountain have now been completely killed by those sneaking scimitars!

That's his dozens of soldiers and dozens of guns, all of which he bought with a lot of money, and it's the capital for his comeback! But in a blink of an eye, they were finished under the command of this kid Matsumoto, which really made Kun Sha, a big drug lord, feel a sharp pain in his heart, so he immediately yelled at Matsumoto.

Matsumoto was about to answer when he heard Kunsha's roar, when he suddenly heard a sharp whistling sound flying past the big tree where he was hiding. There was a "pop" sound of being hit by a bullet on the trunk of a tree, and several pieces of bark flew out in the dark with sparks.

Matsumoto was shocked! He immediately retracted the head that he had just stretched out behind the thick tree trunk, and shouted: "Hide, hide, there are enemy snipers!"

Before he could finish his words, "Crack", there was a crisp beating sound from the big rock where Kun Sha was hiding. The stone whistled past his face.

Kun Sha's small eyes looked at the sparks and a piece of gravel flying in front of him, and a look of fear flashed on his face immediately. , fight back, fight back!"

Only then did the surrounding Su Ang wake up. They hid behind the surrounding tree trunks and rocks one by one. They raised their guns and pulled the trigger in the direction of the bullets.

The gunshots of "papapa", "dadada", and "bangbangbang" sounded from the top of the hill, and the assault rifles and machine guns in the hands of the Kunsha Guard members followed with dazzling fire, a rain of bullets. It flew towards the dimly lit hill ahead.

"Stop shooting! It's at least two kilometers away from the target, how many **** bullets do you have?" Matsumoto shouted angrily when he heard the deafening gunshots from around him. While shouting, he scolded in his heart: "This is a counterattack, the other party is still a thousand or two kilometers away from here, you are fighting back! Isn't this to expose the position of Laozi's command post!"

A group of Kunsha guards around heard Matsumoto's cry and realized that the other party was a sniper bullet fired from a long distance. Enemy sniper provides sniper target. A group of people quickly released the tightly squeezed trigger, and then they lay on the back of the rock and a few thick tree trunks around, lest the other sniper's bullets would follow and fly.

The intense gunshots stopped abruptly with Matsumoto's roar. Matsumoto and the two mercenaries around him hid behind their hidden tree trunks, raised their assault rifles and looked forward. At this time, they looked at the sudden burst of fire and the sound of gunfire at the foot of the hill in the distance, with horror flashing in their eyes.

The three of them are mercenaries who have fought countless battles. At this time, they already knew in their hearts that the enemy who attacked the firepower point on the top of the mountain must be covered by secretly from the guard soldiers of that squad. Climbing to the top of the mountain under the eyelid, he blew up the firepower on the top of the mountain in one fell swoop, and then attacked the reinforcements of the platoon that had already reached the foot of the west side of the mountain.

Now this group of attackers must have rushed down from the eastern hillside again, and cooperated with their accomplices in the mountains to wipe out the vigilant men, and are now retreating in the direction of the Scimitar tribe.

At this time, one of Matsumoto's subordinates retracted the gun from the side of the tree trunk, turned to look at Matsumoto behind the big tree on the side, and said in R language: "Such a big explosion must be caused by rockets, where did these natives get such power? Weapons?" From the huge flames that erupted from the top and bottom of the mountain just now, he thought that the other party was a rocket fired from a rocket launcher.

Matsumoto heard his subordinate's question, turned his head angrily and glanced at the hidden rock in Kunsha, and then cursed in R language: "It's not these idiots who sent it to each other! How could a group of indigenous people have such powerful weapons? , the group of people who attacked the top of the mountain must be those Huaxia people, otherwise how could they have killed so many of us at once."

He cursed fiercely, raised his gun in the dark and looked at the top of the mountain in front of him, and said: "It seems that these Chinese are really special operators who are proficient in mountain combat, our previous speculation. That's right, those natives don't have such fighting power yet. Both of you take care of me in the battles that follow."

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