Panther Commando

Chapter 3001: Infighting on the top of the mountain

On the top of the hill shrouded in darkness, Matsumoto and his two mercenaries chatted in the R language that Kunsha couldn't understand. Kunsha heard the muttering, and immediately stretched out from behind the rock angrily. He shouted at Matsumoto: "What are you doing with your grandma, can't you just say something? Hurry up and organize an attack, or I'll make you a **** mess! Attack, attack, hurry up to me! Attack and kill these bastards!"

Kun Sha shouted loudly, then he stood up from behind the rock, leaning on crutches and shouted at Matsumoto's hidden trunk: "Did you hear that? Get out of here, don't be a **** loser. turtle!"

Roaring in his mouth, he threw away the crutch with his left hand and touched the pistol on his waist, his small round eyes shooting violent flames.

Su Ang, who was beside him, saw Kun Sha's movement of touching the gun, he rushed up and grabbed Kun Sha's wrist, and whispered, "Boss, don't worry, don't worry, the chief instructor will organize an attack soon. "

He is the captain of Kunsha's guard, and now he is the commander of the drug dealers under Kunsha. During this time, he often watched Matsumoto train his subordinates. He knew that Matsumoto's mercenaries were indeed better at fighting than himself. People were too strong, so he hurried over to dissuade Kun Sha.

In fact, he is also playing drums in his heart. If Matsumoto and the others lose their command, then he will go to command, and he still doesn't know how many people will die? At that time, Khun Sha, a violent boy, didn't kill him with a single shot.

Seeing Kun Sha, Matsumoto scolded furiously again. A cold light flashed in his eyes. He was about to lift the assault rifle in his hand, but then he suppressed the anger in his heart and looked up at the pitch-black mountains. Step out from behind the invisible trunk.

As he walked, he shouted fiercely at the mercenaries on the side: "Bastard, immediately call the third company commander in the mountains on the south side to see if they have reached the designated foot of the mountain?" He followed and looked at the standing Kun Su Ang next to Sha shouted: "Why are you standing with your grandmother? Hurry up and contact the first company commander to ask about the casualties of the platoon sent for reinforcements. In addition, order all troops to prepare for attack!"

"Yes!" Su Ang replied quickly, then let go of the arm that was pulling Kun Sha, took out the walkie-talkie hanging on him, walked to the side and called in a low voice. Both he and the mercenary knew in their hearts that Matsumoto roaring sharply at the two of them at this time was actually venting his dissatisfaction with Kunsha.

Matsumoto walked over to Kunsha, whose eyes were burning, and frowned tightly and said, "Boss Kunsha, why are you so impatient in your actions? How can you fight a war without making arrangements in advance and knowing the enemy's movements? Victory?"

As he spoke, he raised his finger and pointed to the top of the mountain, which was still full of sparks, and said, "You don't even think about it, the average person can climb to the middle of the mountain to attack from under the eyes of a dozen people, and can send us reinforcements in one fell swoop. Dozens of people wiped out together? These people who attacked in the past are definitely not the indigenous people you mentioned. The more severe the situation is that we lose, the more careful we must be. A little carelessness may wipe out the entire army of hundreds of you. ."

Matsumoto lowered his arms, turned to look at Kun Sha's small eyes and said coldly: "From the situation just now, this should be the high fire point where those Chinese people with machetes suddenly attacked us, which shows that our fire point is high. There has been a threat to them."

He said, staring at Kun Sha's left hand on his waist, and suddenly sneered: "Hey, hey, if we hadn't forced these Chinese people to reveal their strength, would you know that they have a bazooka? A powerful long-range sniper rifle? If we don't even know these things, and we really want to launch a large-scale attack, I'm afraid we don't know how the **** we died!"

At this time, he was talking, but his eyes were fixed on Kun Sha and he cursed: "Bastard, what did you say to let Lao Tzu command, it turns out that you are not worried about Lao Tzu, you are here to monitor Lao Tzu in person! Hehe, If it weren't for the money, I would be so jealous of you as a kid? I would have killed you **** with one **** shot!"

After he finished speaking to Kun Sha, he turned to point to the dark mountain top in the distance and said angrily: "Look there, the two sniper bullets just now came from there. The hill is at least two kilometers long, think about it yourself! If you are really worried about handing over your troops to my command, it doesn't matter, then you can command it yourself! We have no obligation to help you fight!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and called to the two men who were already standing behind him: "Let's go, we have nothing to do here." After that, he turned around and pretended to go down the hillside.

Matsumoto really felt angry in his heart. He took two subordinates to take great risks and personally went deep into the area around the Scimitar tribe. After returning, he worked hard to formulate a battle plan. Now he is running around the rugged mountains for a day and a night. People run here.

But he didn't expect that this kid Kun Sha was not appreciative, and was pointing fingers at himself on the battlefield without understanding.

Although Matsumoto was ready to, he really couldn't bear the huge sum of money that Kunsha gave out, so he pretended to go, the purpose was to do it before the start of the general attack. Take Kunsha, the drug lord, to prevent this kid from pointing fingers at him in the following battles, interfering with his judgment of the battle situation and dispatching troops.

Just now Kunsha saw his subordinates rolling in the explosion of fire, he really felt distressed, so he couldn't help shouting at Matsumoto.

Now he heard Matsumoto analyze the shooting location of the opponent's sniper, and he really felt panic in his heart. The opponent's sniper shot from such a distance and in such a dark mountain, and hit the rock beside him so accurately and almost killed him, which really surprised him! He really didn't understand how the other party aimed at his side in this dark mountain?

Now that he saw that the boy Matsumoto was going to pick him up in the middle, he immediately understood that his attitude just now angered the mercenary team leader Matsumoto.

He quickly stretched out his left hand and grabbed Matsumoto's arm, opened his mouth to reveal a few **** teeth and said with a smile, "Jie Jie Jie Jie, Matsumoto brother, how can a person who has seen the world have such a small belly , Chicken intestines? Don't have any knowledge of the old man in the mountains like me, I just feel distressed when I see my brothers fall down, it's like taking a knife to cut my heart!

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