Panther Commando

Chapter 3002: spooky mountain top

While comforting Matsumoto, Kunsha pretended to be affectionate and pulled his arm to the open space on the top of the mountain, raised his finger to the surrounding guards and continued, "Aren't they all the brothers you trained hard, if they're not there? Now, can you not feel bad? Actually, I don't mean to blame you. Come on, I am still relying on the three of you to help me command this battle to take down the Scimitar tribe. How can I leave now? Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

At this time, the mountain wind was howling, and the mountains were still dark. The unpleasant laughter of Kunsha night owl was very harsh accompanied by the "woo woo" mountain wind, which immediately enveloped the dark hilltop with a gloomy aura.

A group of guards around heard the gloomy laughter from Kunsha, and they all shuddered, and immediately a layer of goosebumps appeared on their bodies, but they quietly clenched their weapons in the dark. .

They are all personal guards who have followed Kunsha for several years. They know the drug lord of Kunsha very well, and they know that this is the performance of their bosses. Up to the order to kill the three instructors.

Matsumoto was originally reluctant to leave here because of the large sum of money he was about to get. At this time, when he heard Kun Sha's unpleasant laughter, he held his pace. He also knew in his heart that Kun Sha, a cruel and violent boy, would never let himself The three of them left safely. Once they insist on leaving, I am afraid they will meet with each other in the future, but they are surrounded by **** guards from Kunsha. At that time, no matter how capable they are, I am afraid they will not be able to leave here safely.

Now, when he heard Kun Sha's appeal, he immediately got off the slope, turned to look at Kun Sha standing on the top of the black mountain, and said coldly, "Boss Kun Sha, it's not my stomach or chicken intestines, it's the war. How can you use your anger when it comes to life and death? If it is just the natives of the Scimitar tribe, I can lead the troops to level them in a few minutes, and use you to urge them to attack?"

"But now we already know that there are Huaxia special operators there. You have suffered great losses from them before. It's not like you don't know how powerful they are. How can I take your team and act rashly? Now that we have made a plan Once you have a combat plan, you must follow the plan, so as to reduce the casualties of your subordinates, and successfully take down the mountain you want! Besides, is it not normal for dozens of people to die in this kind of battle?”

Kunsha heard Matsumoto's explanation, and knew in his heart that the kid was right, he raised his hand and slapped his left cheek, and said randomly and hypocritically, "Yes, yes, your brother is right. Yes, look at my violent temper, it's time to fight. Since I have asked you to be the commander-in-chief of this battle, of course I have to listen to you. Su Ang, listen to Lao Tzu, and follow the battle plan of Chief Instructor Matsumoto. Execute, strictly follow the orders of the chief instructor. Hey, brother Matsumoto, is this not enough?"

He blinked his small eyes twice as he spoke, looked at Matsumoto and asked, "By the way, why hasn't the third company commander moved? Didn't they approach the foot of the mountain from the southern mountain just now. "

When Matsumoto heard his words, he secretly praised that this kid is indeed a man who can bend and stretch, and he turned his head to look at the mercenary behind him. The mercenary holding the walkie-talkie quickly looked at Matsumoto, shook his head, and reported in a low voice, "Report, the third company commander can't be reached. It seems that they have entered each other's radio-shielded area."

Hearing the report of the mercenary, Kun Sha shouted with joy on his face: "Okay, this means that the platoon led by the third company commander has approached the bottom of the mountain. Is our main attack direction to attack quickly? Cover them and take it in one fell swoop. down the mountain."

Matsumoto glanced irritably at Kun Sha, who was anxious, and cursed in his heart: "Do you really think that entering the enemy's shielded area means you are getting close to your destination? What an unreasonable idiot, you have no common sense in combat!" He cursed inwardly, Immediately, he raised his assault rifle and looked through the scope to the mountains to the west.

Just when Matsumoto raised his assault rifle to observe the mountains, he suddenly found that the sound of "huhu" suddenly stopped when they were fighting, and the dark surrounding mountains that were originally covered by dark clouds suddenly shrouded a pale silver light. , the rolling hills seemed to suddenly emerge from the darkness, vaguely and endlessly in front of his eyes.

He hurriedly looked up into the air, and the large thick cloud that had just shrouded his head had gone away with the howling wind. The sky is full of stars, and a crooked moon hangs obliquely in the air. The mountains are already covered with faint moonlight and brilliant starlight at this moment.

Matsumoto suddenly saw the starlight in the sky, suddenly turned around and grabbed Kun Sha's arm and ran to a tree on the side. The two mercenaries behind him also ran from the top of the mountain to the tree that was invisible just now. He raised his assault rifle tightly against the tree trunk, and looked at the surrounding mountains through the scope on the gun.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Su Ang and the guards were shocked when they saw the movements of Matsumoto and the others. They thought that there was a sudden enemy situation around them. They immediately raised their guns and aimed at the surrounding mountains shrouded in starlight.

"Are you looking for death? Hurry up and find a place to hide!" Matsumoto pulled Kunsha to hide under a and then cursed at a group of guards who were still standing in the open space on the top of the mountain.

Su Ang and the others heard Matsumoto's scolding, and then they remembered the sniper who was sniping here from a distance just now. With their guns in hand, they ran to the surrounding rocks and tree trunks in panic, and then lay down behind the cover. The enemy raised his gun to look around, and the sound of "Crash" and "Crash" of pulling the bolt followed. The guards guarding the hillside also hurriedly lay on the ground, pulled the bolt and raised their guns to aim around.

Matsumoto glanced coldly at Su Ang's nervousness, and then shook his head gently. He suddenly saw the mountain shrouded in starlight just now, and immediately realized that he had been exposed to the open space on the top of the mountain, so he immediately pulled Kunsha, the God of Wealth, to hide under the tree to prevent himself from becoming the target of the opponent's long-range sniper.

But he also knew in his heart that in the mountains covered with his men, the sniper and his accomplices must have retreated to the surrounding Scimitar tribe after killing the firepower point on the top of the mountain. After launching an attack on his own side, he was deeply surrounded.

At this time, he pulled Kun Sha to hide in the shadow under the tree, just as a precaution, to prevent himself from being the target of the other party's long-distance sniping. The two sniper bullets shot by the other party from a long distance just now really made him feel apprehensive. He did not expect that the other party would actually be equipped with long-range snipers.

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