Panther Commando

Chapter 3005: Drug lord's attack

At this time, Matsumoto still held the telescope and looked at the dazzling fire rising behind the mountain on the southern side of the Scimitar Tribe. He didn't seem to hear Kunsha's roar. There seemed to be a worried look on his face.

Kunsha let out a roar, seeing that Matsumoto didn't seem to hear his own voice at this time, he immediately looked behind Matsumoto angrily, only to find that the other two mercenaries were also raising their guns and watching the flames rise through the scope. place, with a solemn look on his face.

Kun Sha is a drug lord who fought in the north and south in this mountainous area. He has also experienced countless battles with other drug lords. At this time, he saw three mercenaries with rich mountain combat experience. His face was full of worry, and an ominous premonition suddenly developed in his heart. He quickly closed his mouth that was about to swear, turned around and looked in the direction of the distant fire.

At this time, he suddenly realized that if the men who had detoured to the south side of the mountain had reached the predetermined foot of the mountain and attacked the commanding heights outside the Scimitar Tribe, then there should have been fierce gunshots along with the sound of the explosion. Now he can only see the dazzling firelight and hear the violent explosion, but the expected fierce gunshots and the continuous explosions have not been heard!

At this time, Kunsha already understood the concerns of the three Matsumoto. If the fire that suddenly erupted in the dark was extinguished, the expected sound of gunfire and the explosion of the fierce battle had not been heard, which means that this group of fire that suddenly exploded, It is the fire of the machete man mourning his dozens of brothers!

Just when Matsumoto and the others were uneasy, the huge firelight that suddenly rose had disappeared in a flash, and the air that was still red suddenly turned dark again.

The faces of Matsumoto and Kunsha changed with the extinguished fire, and their hanging heart suddenly sank. At this time, in the distance, there was only the sound of the "rumble" falling from the rock as the explosion rose into the air, and there was no gunshot or explosion that they expected.

At this moment, "Boom", "Boom"..., a violent explosion suddenly rang from behind the mountain where the fire had just been extinguished, followed by a series of fierce gunshots, which just turned pitch black. There was a sudden burst of fire behind the distant mountain, and the sound of gunfire and explosions seemed extremely intense, as if a face-to-face fierce battle had started from behind the mountain opposite the Scimitar tribe.

The sudden burst of fire and the fierce gunshots seemed to give Matsumoto and Kunsha a shot of cardiotonic, and the eyes of several people who had become dark suddenly shot out a light.

Before Kunsha could make another urge to attack, Matsumoto had already shouted: "Order, the first, second and third companies in the mountains on the west side immediately launched a general attack, quickly attacked the hillside in front, and cooperated with the three companies in the mountains in the south. Climb to the top of the mountain, and wipe out the defenders on the hillside!"

The two mercenaries behind Su Ang and Song Yi immediately raised the walkie-talkie in their hands, and loudly issued an order for the general attack. As the orders of several people came out, the drug dealer soldiers who were still lying in the mountains in the dazzling fire immediately sprang out from behind the invisible rocks and patches of grass. Pull the trigger and shoot forward, while frantically rushing towards the hillside in front of the Scimitar tribe.

In the blink of an eye, there was an intense sound of gunfire in the dimly lit mountains. The sound of machine guns and assault rifles came one after another, and rockets flew towards the hillside in front of them. The originally dark mountains suddenly burst into flames. The sound of gunshots and explosions came one after another, and the deafening gunshots and explosions made a huge echo in the dimly lit mountains, and the whole mountain seemed to boil suddenly.

Just when Matsumoto issued the command for the general attack, on the top of the hill where Wan Lin and the others had just withdrawn, three black shadows were slowly crawling on the rugged top of the hill under the cover of darkness.

The three black shadows were Cheng Ru, Wang Dali, and Lin Zisheng who had been hiding at the bottom of the mountain. At this time, they saw that Wan Lin and the others had evacuated safely from the foot of the mountain. Rifles, machine guns and two rocket launchers slowly climbed to the top of the mountain, and the three of them were still holding a small wooden box with a few rockets in their hands.

As soon as the three of Cheng Ru climbed to the top of the mountain, they saw the sudden burst of fire in the mountains on the south side, and several people were overjoyed! They had been informed by Wan Lin just now that they knew that Zhang Wa had brought people to set up an ambush in the mountains on the south side. At this time, the huge fire suddenly burst out, indicating that Zhang Wa had already attacked the enemy from the southeast.

A few people quickly climbed to the top of the east side of the mountain near the Scimitar tribe. Cheng Ru quickly glanced around in the dim starlight, and immediately saw the bodies of three enemies lying on the top of the mountain. Two machine guns were lying sideways on the top of the mountain. under a rock.

Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng were overjoyed. The two placed the ammunition box containing the rockets under the rock on the side of the mountain, and then gently sent the rocket launcher to the rock, then turned around and climbed towards the two machine guns that were slanted sideways.

The two climbed under the rock to pick up the machine gun and checked it quickly. Cheng Ru put the machine gun in his hand under the rock in frustration, and looked up at Lin Zisheng, who was on the side. At this moment, Lin Zisheng was in surprise holding a machine gun and climbed to the back of several big trees on the side of the Then he lay down under the roots of the tree and mounted the machine gun on the raised thick trunks, followed by twisting again. Crawling to the side of an enemy corpse.

Cheng Rujiang looked at Zisheng's movements and said in his heart, "This kid is so lucky. The machine gun I picked up has already been blown up by a headshot, and the barrel is crooked. I didn't expect his machine gun to be intact." He Thinking in my heart, I turned around and crawled towards an enemy corpse lying not far away, followed by pulling out a few magazines from the opponent's body and quickly checked it, then looked up at Zisheng and whispered in surprise, "Zisheng. Live, then."

Zisheng, who was seven or eight meters away, had just finished searching the enemy's body. At this time, he raised his head empty-handed and stared at another enemy's body that had been blown to pieces. At this time, he suddenly heard Cheng Ru's voice, and quickly looked towards this side through the dim starlight. When he vaguely saw the magazine Cheng Ru raised, he immediately raised his arm excitedly.

Cheng Ru carefully threw the magazines he found from the enemy's corpse to Zisheng, turned around and climbed to the side of the mountain to lie down next to a few rocks, and then slowly extended his sniper rifle from the cracks in the rocks.

Just when he just aimed his eyes at the scope on the gun, he was surprised to find that a large number of enemies who had been hiding in the mountains just now stood up and were swarming towards the hillside where Leopard Head and the others set up ambush. And behind the top of the mountain where Zhang Wa was, there were also bursts of intense gunfire and explosions similar to grenades.

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