Panther Commando

Chapter 3006: Mars 4 Splash Hillside

Cheng Ru saw the enemy swarming towards the hillside where Leopard Tou and the others were, and knew that Leopard Tou and the others had successfully provoked the enemy and attracted the enemy in the dark as expected.

He was pleasantly lying behind the scope while observing the figure of the enemy rushing towards him, and whispered into the microphone: "Dali, don't expose the target for the time being. After the battle begins, Zisheng and I will use sniper rifles to deal with the enemy's Firepower."

He moved the muzzle to observe the surrounding mountains, and then lowered his voice and commanded in a low voice to Zisheng who was hiding under the big tree on the side: "Zisheng, hide the muzzle to prevent the enemy from discovering our sniper position."

"Understood!" Zisheng replied immediately, followed by picking up rocks and branches from the surrounding area, and built a temporary shooting hole around the muzzle to prevent enemies on the side from discovering the flames spewing out of his muzzle in the dark.

At this time, Cheng Ru also pulled the muzzle back from the rock crevice and snatched his body, hiding the muzzle in the middle of the rock crevice, then lying on the back of the gun and pressing the **** of the gun tightly against the shoulder socket, aiming at the gun without moving. Mountains ahead.

At this time, Wan Lin personally took Fengdao, Xiaoya, Lingling and Wen Meng to attack the enemy's firepower point on the hill, and under the cover of the thick night, he quickly retreated from the mountain to the foot of the mountain opposite the Scimitar tribe.

In the temporary bunker built by the Scimitar Warriors at the foot of the mountain, Wan Lin called the captains of the two Scimitar squads guarding the foot of the mountain, and whispered a few words to the two of them, then pointed to the enemies rushing all over the mountains and said: " Remember, try to beat the enemy at the foot of the mountain, and the rest will support you with firepower on the hillside. Once you hear the retreat order from Ah Hu, you immediately abandon the position at the foot of the hill and withdraw from the secret trail in the minefield to the hillside. At that time, we will cover your retreat with firepower."

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he immediately ran up the hill with Xiaoya and the others. Taking the cover of rocks and dense vegetation on the hillside, several people quickly passed through the minefield on the hillside in the rain of bullets fired by the enemy in the distance, and came to the outside of Abu's small courtyard halfway up the hillside.

A few people carried guns and cats to avoid the bullets fired by the enemy, and went around under the fence on the east side of the small courtyard. They quickly jumped over the low courtyard wall in the dark and jumped into the courtyard. Then they lowered their bodies and ran to the opposite side. Below the low wall, put the weapon in his hand on the wall and aim at the mountains on the west side.

The dim mountain on the west side was flashing with the fire from the muzzle of the enemy. The enemies all over the mountain were rushing towards the foot of the mountain here, while frantically shooting towards the hillside. Wan Lin and the others have clearly seen from the flickering firelight that a large number of enemies have rushed to the mountain six or seven hundred meters away from the foot of the mountain.

At this time, a large number of enemies suddenly lay on the undulating mountains. A dozen small mounds and several boulders were spraying with clusters of violent machine gun fire. The fierce gunfire was as deafening as fried beans. The tracer bullets fired by the machine gun flew towards the hillside with a rain of bullets. On the hillside where Wan Lin and the others were, the gravel and soil were flying. There was a cloud of dust that had been hit by bullets on the hillside.

Under the cover of the enemy's fierce firepower, the enemy lying in the dark mountain six or seven hundred meters suddenly rushed out of forty or fifty enemies. Towards the foothills ahead.

With the rushing out of this group of enemies, more violent fires were sprayed one after another from the enemy group behind, and a rain of bullets roared and shot on the hillside, and sparks splashed on the hillside. The rocket bombs also exploded on the hillside one after another. The firelight of the explosion illuminated the whole hillside, and the mountains were filled with a strong smell of gunpowder. There were clusters of flames on the tree trunks.

Wan Lin quickly observed the dimly lit mountains through the scope, and then fixed his gaze on the forty or fifty enemies. At this time, a group of enemy attacking troops rushed forward for more than 100 meters, and then lay on the low-lying places in the mountains and behind the rocks, while shooting, crawling forward under the cover of the surrounding comrades From time to time, his assault rifle shot out clusters of fire at the foothills and slopes in front of him.

Just when Wan Lin was paying attention to the enemy group that rushed in first, he suddenly heard Ah Hu's somewhat panicked voice amid the roaring bullets: "Brother Wan, Brother Wan, did you hear that?"

Wan Lin grinned when he heard the voice in the earphone. Knowing that Ah Hu was using this kind of modern communication equipment for the first time, he wondered if he could hear what he shouted from a distance? And he saw that the enemy was approaching now, and the firepower was so fierce, so he wanted to order his men to shoot back in the bunker.

Wan Lin quickly answered loudly into the microphone: "Ahu, talk!" Ahu's impatient voice followed: "Brother Wan, the enemy is approaching the foot of the mountain, can we shoot now?"

Wan Lin leaned on the sniper rifle and looked in front of the foot of the mountain, then said, "Hu, now the enemy is still 400 meters away from the foot of the mountain. You order to shoot when the enemy approaches 200 meters."

When he said this, he suddenly realized that Ah Hu might have no idea about the distance of 200 meters, and he quickly added: "When the enemy is 200 steps closer to the foot of the mountain, he will shoot Do you understand?" Knowing that hunters in the mountains generally use footwork to calculate the distance, he quickly explained to Ah Hu what he just said.

Ah Hu's voice followed: "Understood, it was two hundred steps, two hundred steps to shoot." Wan Lin was about to tell him to save his bullets, spot the enemy's figure and then shoot, when a sharp whistling sound suddenly From the darkness, Wan Lin quickly crouched down from the wall with his sniper rifle in his arms.

A dazzling fire broke out on the hillside above the small courtyard. With a loud noise, a piece of gravel with rocket fragments roared towards the small courtyard where Wan Lin and the others were. The courtyard was immediately glowing red in the firelight.

Wan Lin and the others squatted under the courtyard wall with their guns in their hands, their bodies tightly clinging to the wall of the low wall. In the blink of an eye, the whistling gravel fell on the heads of Wanlin and the others, and the stray bullets shot from the mountains in front also whistled and flew over the Abu Small Courtyard. The wall of several small stone houses was followed by the sound of "crack" being hit by dense bullets.

After the explosion was extinguished, Wan Lin vigorously shook the dust on his body and helmet, and shouted into the microphone: "Hu, the enemy's fire attack has begun, order the brothers to be careful!" At this time, he I knew in my heart that the enemy suddenly increased their firepower, and it was obvious that a large-scale attack was about to be launched.

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