Panther Commando

Chapter 3007: gunfire

Sure enough, Wan Lin's shouts were still alive, and a rain of rockets and machine guns had already roared toward the foot of the mountain and up the hillside. The bursts of flames immediately illuminated the entire dark hillside, with shrapnel mixed in. The blown up gravel and soil fell overwhelmingly to the hillside. It seemed that a fireworks had been ignited suddenly on the dim hillside, and the hillside immediately rolled with heat waves and flames.

Wan Lin squatted under the low wall made of hard rocks in the small courtyard. At the moment when the explosion flame was extinguished, he looked up at the top of the mountain by the extinguishing flame, and then shouted loudly into the microphone: " Zhang Wa, report the situation in the mountains on the south side?"

Zhang Wa's excited voice immediately sounded: "Report, just now we have detonated the high explosives pre-buried on both sides of the canyon at the mouth of the small canyon. Now that canyon must have been completely blown up, and about A platoon of enemies has been crushed under the collapsed boulder, and the few enemies who escaped by chance have also been annihilated by Yingying and I on the spot, and the enemies on the south side have been wiped out according to the operational plan. We have now returned to the top of the mountain safely. , is organizing six or seven scimitar warriors to simulate the sound of fierce battle."

Wan Lin heard Zhang Wa's report and knew that Zhang Wa would definitely take Wu Xueying to a small canyon several kilometers away. Not only did the two arrange the bombing spots, but they also hid their guns at Taniguchi and waited for all the enemies. Entering the canyon, when all the enemies entered the valley, the explosives in the canyon were suddenly detonated, and then the gun was shot to kill the remnant enemy who escaped from the explosion. Now the young couple must be on the **** below the top of the mountain. A few scimitar warriors simulated the scene of a fierce battle.

Wan Lin thought about the appearance of Zhang Wa and the two of them, and a smile appeared on his face immediately. In fact, when the explosion sounded just now, he knew that Zhang Wa would definitely succeed. In that long and narrow canyon full of cliffs and gravel, no matter how many enemies encountered Zhang Wa and Wu Yingying, the pair of deadly living treasures, no one could escape the calculations of Zhang Wa, a blasting expert. The sporadic enemies escaped from the crevices of the canyon by chance, but they would certainly not be able to escape the guns of Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying, the two special forces soldiers who were waiting for them.

He then said into the microphone: "Okay, you continue to increase the strength of the simulated attack on the southern hillside, and you must make the enemy think that their accomplices are about to capture the top of the mountain!" "Understood!" Zhang Wa's confident voice sounded immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Xueying's crisp laughter came from Wan Lin's earphones from the sound of gunfire: "Leopard head, don't worry, we are here with gongs and drums and guns blaring, you can always listen to the excitement, hee. Hee hee." Wan Lin also replied with a smile: "Okay, order the other Scimitar brothers to monitor the movement of the enemy on the west side at the top of the mountain, you also pay attention to safety."

As soon as Wan Lin's voice fell, he heard more intense gunshots and explosions similar to grenades on the back **** near the top of the mountain. The explosions rose one after another from near the top of the mountain. The night sky was reddened by flickering firelights. If it wasn't for Wan Lin and the others who already knew the situation, even they would have thought that a fierce battle was taking place behind the mountain.

Wan Lin heard that Zhang Wa's side had made a louder noise, and he immediately stuck out half of his head from the low wall and raised his gun to look at the mountains on the west side. With the fierce gunfire and explosions from the back mountain, the enemy on the west side also immediately increased their attack. become more deafening.

In a blink of an eye, the hillside in front of Wan Lin and the others was already covered with a rain of bullets from the enemy. The tree trunks and rocks hit by the bullets were splashing with clusters of sparks, and the gravel and bark were flying around in the flames. Even the hidden walls of Wan Lin and the others continued to hear the sound of being hit by bullets, and clusters of rubble and dust that were hit by bullets filled the low wall.

Wan Lin lowered his body and looked into the dimly lit mountains. Enemies all over the mountains and plains had emerged from the darkness, and groups of enemies were rushing towards the foot of the mountain, under the cover of the fierce firepower of his accomplices. While pulling the trigger to shoot, a group of enemies rushed forward while shouting, their arrogance was very arrogant.

Wan Lin looked at the frantic attack of the enemy with a sneer on his face. He raised the muzzle of his gun and looked behind the group of enemies in the mountains. In the dim starlight, the hill that hides Chengru's amazing soldier is very quiet. Groups of enemies are running around the dark hill. The top of the mountain is dark, and there is no sign of personnel activity.

Wan Lin's eyes swept coldly around the hill, and he asked in a low voice: "Cheng Ru, report your current situation." Cheng Ru's low voice followed: "Report, we are already seated at the top of the mountain, and we are ready at any time. Attack from behind the enemy!"

Wan Lin followed the order and said: "Okay, you all follow the original combat plan. You must expose firepower to attack after the enemy enters the minefield, and use firepower to drive the enemy into the minefield when necessary! Remember, on the premise of ensuring safety Start the action, and the timing of the action is up to you!"

Cheng Ru's voice followed: "Yes!" He knew in his In such a dark night, Wan Lin could not carefully observe the situation around them. He, Dali, and Zisheng would most likely be surrounded by the surrounding group of enemies on the top of this lonely hill, so Wan Lin let them decide the timing of firing to avoid danger.

After Wan Lin issued the order to Cheng Ru, he immediately moved his muzzle to look at the grove on the right side of the river that was shrouded in darkness, and followed the order: "Yuwen, Bao Ya, the three of you are in the mountain col and cooperate with the leopard in the forest. When the enemy is approaching the minefield, use firepower to drive the enemy into the minefield. Remember, you must use firepower to seal the enemy's retreat, and never let the enemy escape! Bao Ya, you should rush to the forest immediately By the side of Zhong Abao, the people who commanded him launched operations to avoid the enemy's observation of our combat intentions."

"Yes!" Yu Wenfeng, Yu Wenyu, and Bao Ya, who were hiding beside the cliff, replied immediately. Wan Lin raised his gun and looked at the foot of the mountain.

With the support of the powerful firepower in the mountains, the 30 or 40 enemy's leading attack troops had already rushed to the area 200 meters away from the foot of the mountain. Wan Lin stared at the approaching enemies, a murderous aura suddenly emerged from his body, and he shouted loudly into the microphone: "Hu, order the two teams at the foot of the mountain to immediately aim at the enemy and shoot, be sure to hurt each other. !"

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