Panther Commando

Chapter 3008: sniper target

Wan Lin let out a deafening roar, and then he moved the muzzle and pulled the trigger at the shadow that was shooting a rocket in the mountains in the distance. At the moment when the shadow fell, he moved the muzzle to aim at Another shadow followed the order in his mouth: "Wen Meng, kill the enemy's machine gunners and support the scimitar brothers at the foot of the mountain!"

Following Wan Lin's order, a black shadow immediately appeared under a piece of rock near the foot of the mountain, and a deafening gunshot suddenly sounded from the hillside, and the whistling rain of bullets rushed towards the group of enemies that were already close to the foot of the mountain.

They were rushing towards the enemy at the foot of the mountain. They thought that the machete man on the hillside had been suppressed by their own powerful firepower, but they did not expect that their group had just rushed to a place 200 meters away from the foot of the mountain. A dazzling fire, a deafening gunshot with a dense rain of bullets rushed towards him.

More than a dozen enemies who rushed in front fell headfirst on the mountain, while the enemies in the back fell on the mountain in shock, raised their guns and pulled the trigger forward.

At the foot of the dimly lit mountain, the flames burst into all directions, and the bullets fired by both sides whizzed past the players on both sides.

Wan Lin was lying on the back of the sniper rifle, his eyes coldly aiming at the fire from the rocket launcher in the distance. The sniper rifle in his hand almost trembled slightly along with the fire from the opponent's rocket launcher, and the opponent was faintly revealed in the flames. The figure followed and fell into the darkness.

Wan Lin moved the sniper rifle in his hand quickly in the dark, and then gently pulled the trigger. In the blink of an eye, his sniper rifle was like a roll call in the dark, and six or seven enemy firemen had fallen into the darkness with the sound of "pop" and "pop" from his gun. .

On the side of the low wall, Wen Meng, who had already been hidden under the low wall, immediately got up, and the sniper rifle in his hand also shot out a few clusters of weak firelight, and the three guns fired continuous fire at six or seven hundred meters. The machine gun stopped roaring immediately, and the screams of the enemy immediately sounded in the mountains.

The dazzling fire that was still flashing in the mountains suddenly disappeared, and the mountains in the distance fell into darkness again. The enemy firemen who heard the shouts of their companions immediately lay on the mountain and stopped shooting. One by one, they raised their heads from the darkness and looked at the front hillside in horror.

At this time, there were flickering firelights everywhere on the hillside ahead, and they couldn't tell which ones were the faint firelights spewing from the muzzle of the sniper rifle. They already knew in their hearts that the fire from the weapons in their hands was particularly dazzling in the dark mountains. The opponent's sniper had already aimed at their location, and now they had become the key target of the opponent's sniper.

A group of people then climbed to the surrounding hidden rocks and low-lying places with their guns in their hands. They used the rocks in the mountains to hide their bodies, and then they stretched out the gun barrels from the cracks in the rocks, lying on the back of the gun and pulling forward. trigger. The machine gun that had just been extinguished in the mountains shot out fire again in the dark mountains in the distance.

But the bullets they fired again had obviously lost their original accuracy. The whistling bullets flew towards the hillside in front of them blindly, and the fire from the muzzle had also become intermittent. These machine gunners, who have been frightened by the opponent's sniper bullets, are constantly changing their machine gun positions under the cover of darkness, lest they become the target of the opponent's sniper.


At this time, on the top of the hill where Kunsha and the others were, Matsumoto was holding a pair of binoculars in the dark and looking at the fires one after another in the mountains. At this moment, he suddenly saw clusters of fires emerging from the hillside in the distance and the fallen drug dealer soldiers at the foot of the mountain, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

He held up the binoculars and scolded coldly: "Damn, these machetes finally showed up!" He then turned his face and shouted to his side: "Su Ang, order the three rows to rush up and increase the number of people facing the foot of the mountain. Attack intensity. Order all heavy weapons to advance 100 meters, cover the first company to rush up the hillside, and the second and third companies follow the echelon according to the combat plan! Order all firemen to pay attention to concealment to prevent them from becoming targets of enemy snipers."

He had just observed the fire suddenly extinguished in the mountains, and he knew in his heart that the firemen who covered the attack had become the ghosts of the opponent's snipers, so he quickly reminded Su Ang to order his men to be vigilant and pay attention to concealment.

"Yes!" Su Ang quickly replied when he heard the order issued by Matsumoto in the dark, and then raised his eyes to look at Kun Sha with a cold face next to him, and then raised the walkie-talkie to convey the order loudly.

With the sound of his shouting, the sound of the machine guns that had weakened in front became violent again, and the rockets flew towards the hillside in front of them. A group of black shadows stood up from the shadows in the mountains, bent their waists and ran forward up and down, a rain of bullets flew straight to the hillside in front with the sound of fierce gunfire.

Following the group of drug dealer soldiers who suddenly rushed to the front, the enemy forces attacking the foot of the mountain doubled immediately, and the dense rain of bullets roared to the front hillside, and the mountainside was immediately hit by the dense rain of bullets. splash. The counterattack fire near the foot of the mountain also dimmed immediately under their powerful fire attack. UU reading

At this time, Kun Sha held the telescope in his left hand and stared at the fierce battle unfolding at the foot of the mountain in the distance. At this time, he saw that the firepower of the scimitars counterattack on the hillside had been suppressed. He excitedly put down the telescope held in front of him, and stared at The little triangle eye shouted loudly: "Okay! We must increase the offensive and concentrate our superior forces to take down the hillside in one fell swoop!"

"Grandma, I don't believe that these ugly machetes can stop us from such a powerful offensive. Those Chinese people have three heads and six arms, and I don't believe they can resist such a fierce attack." He shouted in his mouth. , suddenly twisted his body, raised his left hand and patted Matsumoto's shoulder with a "pop".

At this moment, Matsumoto was holding the binoculars and watching the changes on the battlefield. He was caught off guard and suddenly felt a strong force on his shoulders. He was startled as his right shoulder sank along the opponent's strength, and then he was about to raise his left arm. He fought back, but he immediately realized that the drug lord standing beside him was Kunsha, he quickly put down his raised arms, shook his head with a wry smile.

Matsumoto was born in the special forces, and the special forces perform very dangerous tasks. As long as they are performing tasks, any special forces will be in a very tense state of mind and body. Moreover, it is now on the battlefield where the bullets are haunted, and the nerves and muscles of his whole body have already been tense to prevent emergencies.

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