Panther Commando

Chapter 3009: 3 bonfires

The palm that Kun Sha suddenly patted in the dark really made Matsumoto feel a sudden attack, so he instinctively made a fighting action, raised his hand and grabbed Kun Sha's arm to throw him out.

Seeing Matsumoto's nervous appearance, Kunsha immediately let out a strange "quack" laughter in the dark, he stared at Matsumoto's face with his small triangular eyes and said coldly, "Matsumoto brother, don't be so nervous, Isn't it just a group of indigenous people who are short of guns and ammunition? What are you nervous about? What about those **** Chinese people who help them? Don't worry, this time I will definitely take them all. , grab them and immediately smash their corpses into tens of thousands of pieces, snowing the hatred in my heart!"

Kun Sha said that he raised his thin left arm and pointed to the back mountain that was still flickering in the distance. A crazy look suddenly flashed in his eyes. He bared his mouth full of black teeth and said fiercely: "Look. No, the brothers in the back mountain are fighting fiercely, there are few people on their side, if we delay, they are likely to be eaten by the enemy."

"Look, now that the defensive firepower on the hillside has been suppressed by our powerful firepower, you immediately ordered all of our people to go up and attack the defenders on the hillside in one go. I just got some guns from us, the ammunition is definitely not enough, and I will never dare to shoot easily. Come on, send everyone to Lao Tzu!"

In the scolding of Kun Sha, Matsumoto had raised his binoculars in the dark and looked towards the foot of the fiercely fighting mountain. He heard Kun Sha's shout, and scolded angrily in his heart: "Bastard, I just said that I will let Lao Tzu take full command. , and now he has come to command Lao Tzu again! If you have the ability, why do you still ask Lao Tzu to command this battle for you?"

At this time, there was a feeling of regret in his heart. In the past, he only helped Kun Sha to formulate some combat plans with other drug lords, and he did not go to the mountains to conduct on-site command, so he did not know Kun Sha this kid. To be in battle is this virtue.

But he now understands that he is riding on the back of a tiger. If he turns around and walks away at this time, Kun Sha, a boy who turns his face and doesn't recognize anyone, will definitely shoot him from behind in a rage. And now that the battle has begun, he really does not believe that he can't win a scimitar tribe when he has absolutely superior troops and firepower.

At this moment, he cursed in his heart, but he could see in the telescope that the firepower of the opponent's defense was indeed weakening, and the flames of the fierce battle behind the mountain were also flickering in the night sky.

Just when he was hesitating whether to order all the personnel to increase the offensive according to Kun Sha's intention, Kun Sha raised the binoculars and yelled angrily: "Matsumoto, what the **** are you doing? You didn't see those machetes resisting at the foot of the mountain. Are people retreating? They can't stand it anymore! Send them all to me!"

Matsumoto heard Kun Sha's unpleasant sound of night owl screaming in the dark, and looked furiously at Kun Sha to the side. He had lightly raised his assault rifle in his left hand, and there was a murderous look in his eyes. But he immediately saw in the dim starlight that Su Ang and the others had seemingly inadvertently aimed their weapons at the three of them.

Matsumoto was secretly surprised, and suddenly realized that he was already in the wolf's den. At this time, he must not show any disrespect to Kunsha, otherwise the black muzzles of the guns that were close at hand would immediately face The three of them mercenaries spewed out a blast of fiery bullets. In the years he has been with Kun Sha, he has long known the ruthlessness and ruthlessness of these drug lords.

He hurriedly lowered the slightly raised assault rifle, and then looked at the two mercenaries beside him who had gripped the assault rifle and shook his head slightly, forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart and looking towards the hillside ahead.

The fire from the muzzle at the foot of the mountain has indeed been completely suppressed. He vaguely saw a group of black figures running towards the top of the hillside, but a string of machine gun flames and several rockets suddenly appeared above the hillside. The bullet roared and flew towards the soldiers who were rushing towards the foot of the mountain. Obviously, the Scimitar soldiers defending on the hillside are increasing their firepower to cover the retreating companions below.

Matsumoto looked at the retreating figure of the machete man faintly revealed in the darkness, and he moved in his heart, knowing that it was indeed the perfect time to rush to the hillside in one go. He quickly put down the binoculars and looked at Su Ang and ordered loudly: "Su Ang, according to Boss Kunsha's wishes, immediately order everyone to attack the hillside and surround and wipe out the enemies guarding the outskirts of the hill!" Su Ang agreed loudly without hesitation. He shouted while holding the walkie-talkie.

But he shouted for a long time, but there was no response from the walkie-talkie. He turned his head to look at Matsumoto and shouted anxiously: "Chief instructor, why is there no sound on the walkie-talkie? Have the first company commander and the others entered the shielding range of those Huaxia people? "

At this time, the top of the mountain where Matsumoto and the others were located was about three kilometers away from the hillside they attacked, and those attacking men had indeed entered within two kilometers of the Scimitar tribe. The hilltop where they were located and the surrounding hillsides were already Only they and the twenty or so Khun Sa's personal guards who were on guard were left.

Matsumoto looked around and was shocked. Just now, Kunsha's angry roar disrupted his thoughts. Now they have left the main group alone and fell At this moment, he suddenly remembered the attack The few Huaxia special forces on the top of the mountain in front of the side were secretly surprised: if those elusive Chinese people quietly approached under the cover of the night, they would not become the opponent's living targets!

He raised his head and scolded Su Ang: "Idiot, didn't you make a backup plan long ago? Build a fire at a high point!" Su Ang then remembered that Matsumoto had formulated two ways to transmit orders during the battle , the backup solution is to still use the ancient contact method of transmitting commands by fire in the mountains when the radio walkie-talkie cannot be used.

Su Ang hurriedly turned his head and shouted to the three guards behind him: "Quick, quick, set up three fires around, order the three companies to attack with all their strength, and quickly annihilate the scimitars on the hillside!"

Following his shout, a group of guards immediately ran into the surrounding darkness. They ran to the top of the mountain, picked up dry branches and grasses by the dim starlight, and ran back, followed by the top of the mountain. Three bonfires were piled on the ground and lit.

The three piles of fires arranged in the shape of a zigzag quickly appeared on the top of the hill with a "crackling" fire, and the raging flames immediately dispelled the darkness on the top of the mountain, and the people in Kunsha on the top of the hill were immediately illuminated by the glowing red firelight. Must be present.

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