Panther Commando

Chapter 3010: fierce machete man

Matsumoto stood on the top of the mountain holding a telescope, and was staring at the fierce battle in the distant mountains in the dark. At this moment, he suddenly felt a bright light in the dark. He glanced at the fire burning on the side of the mountain in horror, and then glared at him. Su Ang, who was on the side, scolded: "You and his grandmother won't stay away? Doesn't this make us the target of guns!"

While cursing, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed Kun Sha's arm and ran to the shadow of the tree on the side. He then raised his left hand, pointed to a dark forest in the northeast side of the mountain and whispered to Kun Sha: "Leave quickly. Here, we go there to build a command post. Now that we are exposed here, and we are far away from our large troops, we may become the target of those Chinese people at any time. Grandma, these people are haunted in the dark, let's get out of here. "

Kun Sha was startled when he heard his words, he quickly turned his head and glanced at the figure that suddenly appeared in the dark, and then shouted to Su Ang in panic: "Su Ang, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, what are you waiting for? Who? Let you start a fire on the top of the mountain, aren't you hurting Lao Tzu, a bunch of bastards!" This kid looked extremely fierce and violent in front of outsiders, but when faced with life and death, he was more afraid of death than anyone else.

Su Ang also realized the danger, he hurriedly greeted a few guards and ran over with a sliding pole, lifted Kunsha and ran down the dim hillside. At this time, Matsumoto and the two mercenaries had already hid in the dim place on the hillside below, waiting for Kunsha and the others to run down from the fire.

Now they saw Su Ang and the others carrying Khun Sha running down from the top of the mountain, and they quickly followed. A group of people hurriedly ran towards the grove in the northeast under the cover of the night.

At this time, a large number of Kun Sha's men, who were already lying on the dark mountain in front, had already seen the three piles of fire suddenly appearing on the top of the dark lacquered hill behind. The two company commanders in charge of commanding the mountain in front immediately understood Kun Sha. And the meaning of Matsumoto.

The two of them stuck their heads out from behind the invisible rock, shouted at the men lying around in the dark, then raised their pistols and fired several shots in a row in front of them, then got up and stood up from behind the rock. , once again greeting the surrounding soldiers to rush forward, while bending over and running towards the fiercely fighting mountains ahead.

More than 200 black shadows immediately stood up in the mountains shrouded in the night. Groups of black shadows were scattered among the rolling hills covered with rocks and grasses, all bent down and rushed towards the foot of the mountain where the loud gunshots were heard in front of them. Clusters of fire light intermittently spewed out from the running shadow towards the hillside ahead.

Seven or eight machine guns were also scattered on the mounds and rocks in the mountains. The "bang bang bang" sprayed firelight towards the hillside not far away. Sparks dotted the stars, and fires from bazookas flew out from time to time in the running crowd, and the explosions were one after another on the hillside.

At this time, Wan Lin was lying on the low wall of Abu's small courtyard. He stared at the three piles of fire that suddenly rose from the top of the mountain in the distance, and he said in surprise: "How come three piles of fire suddenly rise in the darkness behind the enemy? Isn't this actively exposing the target?"

But he immediately saw that the firepower of the enemy in front suddenly became more violent. The enemy who was lying in the dark behind had stood up and rushed forward. Under the cover of fierce firepower, the enemy in the mountains and plains was charging aggressively towards the hill where he was. Come.

He immediately understood that the place where the fire was raised was already the position of the enemy's command post, and the enemy in front had entered Lingling's shielding range, and the other party's radio communication equipment had become useless, so the bonfire was raised in the dark night. Give the order to attack.

He looked at the large-scale rushing enemies, and a feeling of excitement suddenly rose in his heart. He secretly said: "This group of enemies has finally taken the bait! Hey, then use the minefield to greet these bastards!" He followed and shouted into the microphone: "Hu, order the two teams that blocked the enemy on the hillside and the foot of the hill below to withdraw!"

He was sticking his head out from behind a rock on the upper hillside and looked anxiously at Ah Hu who was down the slope. At this time, he finally heard Wan Lin's order, and hurriedly shouted from the rock towards the hillside. Amidst the deafening gunshots and explosions, the sound of his roar was very weak, but the machete warriors who were invisible along the hillside immediately passed on Ah Hu's orders in turn.

Soon, the two machete squads responsible for blocking the enemy at the foot of the mountain and near the hillside had received the retreat order issued by Ahu, and the two brothers of Abu, who were the captains of the two squads, faced the stealth on the rocks and the individual soldiers. The brothers in the bunker shouted "retreat", while extending their gun barrels from the howling bullet rain, they fired a few strings of bullets "da da da" at a group of black shadows rushing towards the mountains in front, and then followed. He ran up the **** with the team members who had climbed out of the cover.

A group of people just appeared and ran a few steps up the slope. A rain of bullets had already swept from the mountain. A few machete warriors let out a muffled sound and then rolled down the slope. At this time, Abu's two brothers had discovered that there were only sixteen or seventeen members of the two teams that were originally about twenty people who were retreating on the hillside.

When Abu's two brothers saw the brothers who were falling, they roared, and immediately knelt under the two big trees beside them, turned around and pulled the trigger to the mountains The retreating machete team members also roared when they saw the movements of the two squad leaders, lying on the undulating hillside, turned around and swept a string of bullets towards the mountains behind them. He raised his gun and thought about shooting in the mountains, and there was a roar from his mouth.

At this moment, the eyes of Abu's group have turned red in the firelight, and their faces have been twisted and deformed in extreme anger. A group of people seemed to be crazy, completely ignoring the bullets flying in the darkness, staring at the blood-red eyes and raising their guns to sweep the enemy down the mountain!

The enemy has launched a large-scale attack, and the intensity of the firepower attack has also been greatly increased. The rain of bullets shot from the mountains roared and shot on the dim hillside, and clusters of explosions were rising from the hillside. In the blink of an eye, the rain of bullets fired by the enemy's general attack had covered the entire hillside. Sparks splashed on the hillside shrouded in night. The explosions of "Boom" and "Boom" came and went one after another, and the hillside flickered and dimmed in the crazy attack of the enemy. .

In the fierce fire attack of the enemy, the Scimitar players who were hidden on the hillside were already lying behind the cover and did not dare to show their heads. They just used the gap between the bullet rain and howled, sticking out the muzzle of the gun towards the mountains below. , trying to cover the retreat of the brother under the slope.

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