Panther Commando

Chapter 3011: burning beam

At this time, Wan Lin and the others were hiding under the low wall of Abu's courtyard to observe the enemy in the mountains. Suddenly, a sharp whistle that pierced the air suddenly flew from a distance. Wan Lin hurriedly shouted into the microphone: " Concealed!" He picked up the sniper rifle and quickly lay down under the hard low wall. A few Xiaoya on the side also heard the sound, and also quickly moved to lie down in the darkness.

"Boom", "Boom", two huge explosions followed from the hillside behind the ridges of several small stone houses. The three stone houses in the courtyard near the top of the mountain shook violently, and the small stone house on the far right collapsed with a "rumble" in the light of the explosion. Countless gravel and shrapnel roared towards Wanlin. Several people rushed to the small courtyard where they were invisible, and the entire small courtyard was illuminated like daytime in the firelight.

The dazzling fire flashed away, followed by a "crawl" in the air, and a large and small piece of gravel fell in the air. Wan Lin and several others heard the "crack" of being hit by the gravel. There was a sound of fire, and several clusters of firelight also rose from the side of the collapsed hut. A burning beam suddenly broke with a "click" in the firelight, and then quickly rolled towards the low wall where Wan Lin and the others were. come.

At the moment when the explosion flame went out, Wan Lin shook the dust and gravel on his helmet vigorously, and then raised his head in the afterglow of the explosion. He saw the burning beam at a glance, which was rapidly moving towards the side of the beam. Xiaoya and a few people go away.

Wan Lin was shocked! As soon as he put his hands on the ground, he suddenly knelt on one knee, raised his left hand, and slapped the rolling fire column vigorously. The pillar of fire beside Xiaoya and the others struck away.

The ferocious palm wind is like a gust of wind rising from the ground, and with a loud "woo", it hits the tumbling beams! The flaming pillar of fire rose in response, and flew straight to the collapsed stone house with the flames of "huhu", and then followed the violent gunshots around, and slammed into the window sill of the stone house with a bang. Countless sparks splashed and bounced back to the courtyard and stopped, and the blazing flames above also dimmed.

At this time, Xiaoya and the others had already squatted down from the low wall, and only then did they notice that Wan Lin had suddenly exerted his skill and waved his left palm, and volleyed the burning beam into the air, alleviating their immediate needs.

Xiaoya gave Wan Lin's attention to the left palm that Wan Lin was withdrawing, knowing that although the broken bone in his right arm had basically recovered, he still did not dare to exert too much force, so she swung her left hand out of luck.

Wan Lin withdrew the sniper rifle in his left hand, and then turned to look at Xiaoya and the others in the faint firelight. When Xiaoya and the others saw his questioning gaze, they all quickly stretched out their hands and made a "safe" gesture. Wan Lin saw that everyone was safe, so he stuck his sniper rifle tightly and stuck his head out from under the low wall, raised his gun and looked down at the hillside below.

At this time, he suddenly saw that the retreating Scimitar team members did not retreat to the top of the mountain as ordered, but stopped to fight back in the rain of enemy bullets, and they were still roaring in the fierce gunfire. Voice.

Wan Lin was shocked! Quickly lowered the muzzle and looked down at the hillside below. The members of the two machete squads under the **** responsible for blocking and attracting the enemy into the minefield were already lying on the edge of the minefield below. A group of people, led by the two brothers of Abu, were hiding under the rocks on the hillside and behind the tree trunks in the dense rain of bullets fired by the enemy, raising their guns like crazy and spraying bullets towards the mountains below.

A few machete warriors who were hiding behind the tree were taking out the grenades allotted to them and threw them down the hill with all their might. They didn't even consider that the enemy was still 100 meters away, and the grenades they threw just exploded at the foot of the mountain. There was a dazzling fire.

Wan Lin's brows immediately wrinkled, he raised his muzzle and pulled the trigger at the enemy's machine gun spraying fire in the distance, and then looked down at the foot of the mountain.

With the grenades thrown blindly by a few scimitar warriors, the fires exploded at the foot of the mountain, and the firelight rising in the darkness illuminated the hillside red, just to show the enemy where the scimitar warriors were invisible. The dense rain of bullets from the enemy immediately flew to the hillside below frantically, and the scimitar warriors who were fighting back frantically kept falling on the hillside.

Wan Lin suddenly felt uncomfortable in his heart when he saw the scimitar warriors falling on the hillside one by one in the rain of bullets. He knew in his heart that the training time of these machete warriors was too short, and they did not master the tactical movements of retreating in the rain of bullets, and they were so angry that they lost their minds when they saw many brothers being hit by enemy bullets. Disregarding his own life and death, he fiercely fired bullets from the gun towards the enemy under the mountain.

And in this short period of time, the 16 or 7 black shadows that had rushed up the hill just now were left with only 8 or 9 people still fighting back desperately, and the two Scimitar Squad members had already suffered more than half of their casualties!

Wan Lin looked at the fallen machete warriors in the dark, and a gleam suddenly appeared in his eyes. He raised the muzzle, aimed at the place where a rocket tail flame was sprayed in the distance, pulled the trigger lightly, and then roared into the microphone: "Bao Order A Bao on the other side of the river. The men opened fire and covered the brethren on the hillside to retreat!"

Wan Lin gave an order to the microphone, then aimed at the place where the machine gun fire was sprayed in the distance, pulled the trigger, and shouted at the same time: "Attention all snipers, kill the enemy machine gunners for me! Cheng Ru, Zisheng, Be careful not to expose the target when shooting!" He then roared into the microphone: "Hu, lead someone to drag me back the team members and wounded below!"

At this time, the enemy's firepower was too fierce, and these machete warriors lacked training. He must not watch these fraternal machete warriors fall in front of his eyes, and he must not let such a group of brave men who are kind and righteous sacrifice their lives. outside their home.

Therefore, he was forced to change his plan, and at the risk of exposing Chengru and the others, he ordered the two snipers, Chengru and Zisheng, who were behind the enemy to take covert shots, striving to destroy the enemy's firepower and cover the retreating machete on the hillside. brother. At the same time, he ordered Ah Bao, who was hiding in the woods, to launch a fire attack, covering Ah Hu and the others, rushing down the hillside, and dragging the Abu brothers and the team members who had lost their minds back.

"Understood!" The voices of the three snipers, Cheng Ru, Zisheng and Wen Meng, rang out from Wan Lin's earphones. The sniper rifle in Wen Meng's hand by the outer wall on the side had already trembled rapidly. Sniper bullets roared out of the barrel.

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