Panther Commando

Chapter 3016: rush into the minefield

Following Wan Lin's deafening roar, there were two deafening explosions, "Boom" and "Boom" at the foot of the mountain, followed by a burst of violent machine gunfire from the mountains not far away, "Bang bang bang" ", "bang bang bang" machine gun fire resounded through the mountains.

The shrapnel and rubble whistling on the hillside just flew over the heads of Wan Lin and the others. At the same time, Wan Lin and the others stuck their heads out from under the low wall. on the shoulder.

"Hit, drive the enemy into the minefield!" Wan Lin's deafening roar followed, and the roar with internal strength seemed to overshadow the deafening gunshots in the mountains. Following his roar, clusters of fire erupted from the walls of the small courtyard, and a dense rain of bullets swept straight towards the enemy group that was already halfway up the mountain.

With the fire from the small courtyard of Abu, a dazzling fire was also sprayed from the shadow of the top of the mountain, "da da da", "bang bang bang"..., the sounds of assault rifles and machine guns. Suddenly, it sounded from the dim top of the mountain, and the roaring rain of bullets swept straight to the enemy who had rushed to the halfway up the mountain.

In a blink of an eye, fire suddenly burst into the vicinity of the originally dim top of the mountain, and a group of enemies that had rushed to the mountainside immediately fell in the sudden rain of bullets, and a group of black shadows rolled down the hillside with a scream.

At the same time, in the dense forest of the mountain col that was originally hit by the enemy's bullet rain, there were also clusters of dense firelight, and the dense bullet rain crossed the turbulent river surface and went straight to the opposite river. The enemies at the side and the foot of the mountain are swept away.

The sudden rain of bullets swept out from the direction of the top of the mountain and from the opposite col, shocked the enemy who thought the victory was in their hands! All the enemies just saw that the fire of the scimitars on the hillside was very weak. They all thought that these scimitars outside the mountain had been completely suppressed by their own fierce firepower. Organise a massive counterattack.

These drug dealer soldiers who rushed up were all implementing the battle plan formulated by Matsumoto. They took the lead in concentrating strong firepower and superior forces to rush to the hillside outside the col, and then part of the force cooperated with the sneak attacking companions behind the hillside to attack the top of the mountain; The other part of the troops rushed to the river, and used powerful firepower to suppress the counter-fire in the dense forests of the mountains, trying to forcibly capture the slopes outside the mountains, and then concentrated their superior forces to cross the river and rush into the Scimitar tribe.

But they didn't expect that just when they thought that the victory was in their hands, a fierce counterattack would suddenly appear on the top of the mountain and in the opposite woods, and the firepower was even more violent than before.

The hurricane rain of bullets immediately caused the enemies on the mountainside to lie down. They raised their guns and shot in the direction of the top of the mountain, while they turned around and climbed down the hillside.

At this time, the group of enemies at the foot of the mountain also fled to the top of the hillside in a panic. When they ran to the hillside, they quickly lay down behind tree trunks and rocks, turned around and swept out a rain of bullets towards the forest on the col.

In the blink of an eye, bullets flew across the mountains, and the bullets fired by both sides flew towards the hillside and the opposite woods in the starlight. At this moment, a few dazzling fires suddenly flashed from the place near the cliff in the col, followed by two huge explosions on the hillside.

Four or five figures who were lying on the back of the rock and shot, then rolled out from the burst of fire, and a shrill scream suddenly resounded on the dim hillside.

With the sudden burst of fire in the enemy group, the drug dealer soldiers who were lying on the mountainside to fight back on the spot suddenly let out a panicked cry, and then turned from the hillside and fled to the hillside below. In the flickering firelight, twenty or thirty enemy corpses had fallen on the hillside, and some wounded drug dealers and soldiers rolled down the hill while making a shrill scream.

At this time, the enemy's follow-up troops have rushed to the mountains near the foot of the mountain. A group of enemies saw the sudden bursts of fire from the top of the mountain and the col. The direction of the col was swept away, trying to use firepower to cover the companions who rushed up the mountainside to withdraw.

Soon, with the shouts of their commanders, the enemy in the mountains quickly organized an effective counterattack, and six or seven machine guns and a few rocket launchers followed with violent flames toward the top of the mountain and the side cols.

At this moment, a violent gunshot suddenly sounded from behind them, followed by two huge explosions of "Boom" and "Boom" from their side. It is as bright as daytime.

A group of enemies was shocked! None of them expected that an attacker would suddenly appear in the mountain they just passed, and a violent rain of bullets was roaring towards their location.

They quickly stopped shooting and turned around in the dark, only to find that two dazzling fire snakes were spraying from the hill four or five hundred meters behind them, and the rockets were blazing straight to the foot of the mountain. When the rockets exploded, the flames that rose up one by one reflected the invisible group of people in the darkness, and the condescending rain of bullets flew straight towards them as if they had eyes!

The enemy at the foot of the mountain jumped up from the mountain in panic. At this point, they already understood that the rain of bullets flying down from behind had formed a ferocious cross-fire net with the bullets fired from the top of the mountain and the dense forest in the mountains. Therefore, this group of enemies wanted to rush to the front hillside in panic, occupying a high position to reorganize the firepower to counterattack.

At this time, Kunsha and a group of people had already run to the woods in the southeast in the dark. Khun Sa heard the sound of gunfire and explosions that suddenly became violent from the side. He jumped from the sliding pole to the ground, followed by a telescope that had been snatched from Su Ang's hand and held it in front of him, and looked intently towards the col where the Scimitar tribe was located. .

At this time, the three of Matsumoto also ran over from behind, and they quickly hid their bodies under the shadow of the trees and raised their guns to look forward. Through the scope on the gun, Matsumoto saw at a glance that the top of the hill where he had set up the firepower was spewing fire. Holding his assault rifle, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed greatly!

"Matsumoto, what are you doing with his grandmother? Hurry up and organize a counterattack!" Kunsha's angry cry suddenly came from the darkness. It was only at this moment that Matsumoto reacted. He stepped over to Kunsha and shouted at Su Ang, "Light up the retreat fire, and order all brothers to retreat immediately!"

Su Ang was shocked and turned his head to look at Kun Sha next to him. He didn't expect that Matsumoto would suddenly issue an order to retreat at this time, so he quickly asked his boss for instructions!

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