Panther Commando

Chapter 3017: deafening explosion

Kun Sha was also stunned when he heard Matsumoto's retreat order, and then he stared at Matsumoto with his small triangular eyes and roared: "Your grandmother is sick, you shouted to retreat as soon as you attacked the door of the Scimitar Tribe? Hurry up. Order our people to climb the mountain and seize the top of the mountain!"

Matsumoto glared at Su Ang angrily, then raised his finger and pointed at the top of the hill that was emitting fire and the bullets shot from the col, and said loudly: "Look carefully, the top of the mountain on the west side is The firepower and the bullets fired from the cols were all heading towards the tail of our men's team, which is obviously to catch our men up the hillside, and there must be traps set up by our opponents on the hillside!"

Matsumoto was really in a hurry. He personally directed this battle, but now it has suddenly become like this, which really made him feel annoyed in his heart. At this time, he had already seen from his rich combat experience that if the attacking troops were not withdrawn in time, the drug dealers of these three companies would most likely face the danger of their entire army being wiped out.

At that time, Khun Sa, a ruthless drug lord, saw the large number of soldiers fell under the enemy's guns, and he would definitely be so embarrassed that he would be so angry that he would pour his anger on him. Once he pulled out his pistol angrily, Matsumoto was really confused. This is Kunsha's territory, and there are twenty or thirty personal guards around him. If they turned against each other, no matter how powerful the three mercenaries were, it would be difficult for them to escape from so many guards with live ammunition.

Matsumoto followed by grabbing Kun Sha's left arm, then raised it and pointed to the distant mountain top where the machete was spraying machine gun fire and shouted: "Look carefully, the mountain we are attacking has now appeared so much. The ferocious firepower, and the flashing fire behind the mountain has disappeared, what does this mean? How come you still don't understand!"

At this time, when he saw that Kun Sha had not ordered to retreat, he roared in exasperation: "I tell you, this means that the third company commander who sneaked into the top of the mountain from the back mountain and they are all finished! If we do not order the retreat now, our People will definitely be surrounded by people trapped on the hillside."

Now, although Matsumoto can see from the direction of the bullet fired by the scimitar man, there must be a trap designed by the other side on the hillside, but he doesn't know what the other side is ambushing? But he knew in his heart that once the timing of the retreat was delayed, the bullets fired by the opponent would definitely drive a large number of his men up the hillside. At that time, he was really weak, and there was no way to save these drug dealer soldiers who were still at stake!

Kunsha heard Matsumoto's furious roar, and felt that something was wrong in his heart. He quickly withdrew his left arm from Matsumoto's hand, raised his hand and put the binoculars in front of his eyes to look at the blazing mountains.

Sure enough, on the top of the hill that stood between the dimly lit mountains, clusters of dazzling flames were spraying. Firelight is driving his men to flee to the hillside. .

Kunsha's face immediately became tense, and he hurriedly raised his binoculars to look into the woods in the col. Clusters of firelight were shooting out of the woods, and the ferocious bullet rain was also clearly shooting at the opposite foot of the mountain. The intention of the opponent's shooting was very clear, and it was indeed to drive his men to the hillside.

Kun Sha was shocked to see this! He looked at Su Ang in a panic and shouted: "Why are your grandmothers stunned? Hurry up and carry out the order of the chief instructor to withdraw the people! By the way, go away and light the fire for Lao Tzu!"

Matsumoto heard Kun Sha's cry, stood beside him in the dark and glanced coldly at Kun Sha, and cursed in his heart: "Bastard, I'm still thinking about my own safety at this time, now it may be a few seconds late. More than a dozen lives have been lost. Except for himself, this kid really never thinks about the life and death of his subordinates!"

He thought to himself, turned his head to look at the two mercenaries standing behind him, and then stretched his right hand behind his back, quietly making a "ready to fight" gesture. The two mercenaries glanced at each other, and both tightly held the assault rifles in their hands, and then quietly took a step behind Kun Sha in the dark. They knew in their hearts that Matsumoto was worried that Kunsha would take anger on them under the condition of heavy losses, so he secretly told the two to prepare.

At this time, Su Ang heard Kun Sha's scolding and realized that the situation was dangerous. He immediately greeted seven or eight of his men and ran to the side of the mountain. A group of people ran for two or three kilometers in the dark before picking up a pile of branches and dead trees in the mountains. Su Ang hurriedly lit the fire with a lighter.

In the blink of an eye, a bunch of dazzling flames immediately burned from the dim mountain, and the flames swaying in the wind rose into the air with a thick smoke. Su Ang saw that the fire was raging, so he hurried back with a few men.

The hillside outside the Col of the Scimitar Tribe was filled with fire, and the night sky on the top of the mountain was dark red with the fire from the muzzle. The echoes of the battle seemed extremely fierce.

At this time, the fire that Su Ang and the others suddenly raised in the mountains behind had burst into flames, and the dazzling fire was very eye-catching in the mountains.

The enemy who was chaotic at the hillside and at the foot of the just lay down on the rocks and trees on the hillside and raised a gun to fight back, and now suddenly I see a fire rising in the mountains behind, already lying on two pieces at the foot of the hill The two company commanders under the rock put their heads on the side of the rock, and shouted loudly to the surrounding: "Evacuate, withdraw, quickly get out!" "Machine gun cover, hurry up and get out!"...

The surrounding drug dealer soldiers heard the shouts of their company commanders, and immediately raised their guns and swept a string of bullets towards the top of the mountain and the woods opposite the river, then turned around and ran towards the hillside. A group of panicked enemies ran and screamed "retreat".

Just as the drug dealers and soldiers stood up from the hillside to flee, "Boom", "Boom", "Boom"..., a series of violent explosions suddenly exploded from the hillside, and firelight roared from the hillside. It exploded under the rocks and in the grass, and the violent explosion sounded like a sudden earthquake, and the whole mountain shook violently with a deafening explosion. In an instant, the dark night sky was blood-red by the firelight of the explosion!

The big river that was surging with rapids outside the col, seemed to have been strongly stimulated by the violent explosion at this time. The turbulent river suddenly swept up from the river channel in the shaking of the mountain, like a provoked river. The giant dragon slammed out of the river with a white water column, and then fell heavily into the river, and the white water splashed in the sky above the river bank.

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