Panther Commando

Chapter 3018: romance in war

The sound of explosions on the hillside was thunderous, and in the sudden burst of firelight, fragmented figures tumbled in the firelight along with the blown up dirt and rocks, and the sound of "Rumble" explosions came one after another. The sound of gunshots that had just been deafening was suddenly covered up by the sound of violent explosions. The fire in the mountains that had been shrouded in the thick night shot into the sky.

At this moment, the red night sky, the shrill screams, the roaring torrents, and the clusters of rising firelights rendered the hillside in front of the Scimitar tribe as terrifying as hell.

At this time, Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying were lying side by side behind a huge rock at the top of the mountain, surrounded by Lao Liu and Xiao Li and dozens of machete warriors led by Ahu. At this time, everyone's faces were exposed. With a look of extreme excitement, one by one raised their heads from hidden places, and their eyes gleamed and stared at the figures of the enemies who were rolling in the firelight. At this moment, the rising fire light has already reflected a dark red on everyone's face, and a pair of powerful hands are tightly holding the weapons pointing to the hillside.

At this moment, Zhang Wa's hand was holding a square box the size of a slap, with four or five rows of red, green, and green dots flashing on it. Lying on the side of the rock, he stuck out half of his head, and stared down at the hillside where the fire was lit up, with a look of excitement and coldness in his eyes.

His eyes quickly swept across the explosions that were emitting fire, and the fingers of his right hand quickly pressed the button of the detonator held in his left hand. His eyes were already covered with a bright red color by the explosion.

Just as Zhang Wa was staring intently at the hillside below, Wu Xueying, who was lying beside him, suddenly climbed onto Zhang Wa's body from the side, and then stretched out her left hand to grab the detonator that Zhang Wa was holding. She had two big eyes. With an abnormally excited look, he exclaimed in surprise: "Doll, doll, don't just play by yourself, this stuff is so addicting, give me the detonator, let me have fun and be romantic too! "

Zhang Wa smiled, and when he turned his head, he saw Wu Xueying's small face, which was bright red from the fire below. Although Wu Xueying's face was also heavily painted with oil, her big eyes looked exceptionally clear and translucent. His lips glowed brightly in the explosion of fire.

He couldn't help but stretched out his face and kissed Yingying's warm lips vigorously, then put the detonator in his left hand into Yingying's hand, and then grabbed her right finger and gently pressed it on a flashing green Light on the little button!

"Boom, bang, bang bang..." A series of explosions sounded suddenly with Wu Xueying's finger, and a series of dazzling fires followed on the hillside near the foot of the mountain! "Hahaha, it's so fun!" Wu Xueying exclaimed excitedly, then raised her finger and pressed another button on the side hard.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"... A series of explosions followed from the river bank at the foot of the mountain, and a cluster of huge fires suddenly erupted on the river bank every 60 to 70 meters. A cluster of firelights rose into the sky with a loud noise, and the mountains opposite the river bank were reflected in a dark red color.

A string of sudden bursts of firelight rose one after another next to the tumbling river bank.

In the successive explosions of fire, the blasted stones and the enemies on the shore roared with the fire, and then smashed from the air to the torrents rolling sideways, and the water suddenly splashed in the river, dazzling. A white spray followed in the firelight, and the entire river bank was like a fire tree and silver flower that suddenly bloomed in the dark night. The scenery was spectacular!

"Hahaha, it's so fun!" Wu Xueying lay on Zhang Wa's body, staring at the firelight rising below the hillside and shouting excitedly, pressing the green buttons on the detonator hard.

Bunch of firelight followed and roared up, the whole hillside seemed like a volcanic eruption, bursts of dazzling firelight rushed out one after another, groups of black shadows already lying on the ground and fleeing in panic on the hillside, with the sudden rise of the foot The flames soared into the sky, and then screamed and fell down the hillside.

Just when Wu Xueying was dancing with excitement, a sharp whistling sound suddenly sounded from the fire below, and Zhang Wa's face changed greatly under Wu Xueying! He turned around suddenly and turned Wu Xueying on his body to one side, and then he threw himself on Wu Xueying, pressing her tightly under the rock with his body.

"Boom...", a loud bang followed from the top of the mountain tens of meters away from them, and the flying rocket fragments followed a piece of soil, "crackling" hitting the hidden rock wall of Zhang Wa and the two of them. Above, in clusters of sparks that flickered in the dark, the earth in the air fell overwhelmingly towards the top of the mountain. In the blink of an eye, Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying had already buried most of their bodies in the falling mud.

Just as the flames of the explosion just went out, Zhang Wa shook her body a few times, raised her head with her hands on the ground, looked at Wu Xueying who was under her, and shouted anxiously, "Yingying, Yingying, are you injured?"

At this time, Wu Yingying was staring at Zhang Wa, who was lying on her body, with her bright big eyes. She heard Zhang Wa's hurried cry, and her bright big eyes flickered. Hit Zhang Wa in the face, grinned and shouted: "Stinky baby, you take advantage of me!"

Zhang Wa was stunned for a moment, then realized that she was lying on Yingying's body. He quickly got up and sat up, pulled Wu Xueying up from the ground, and complained with a wry smile: "Stinky girl, what are you calling? You don't even know when this is!" Wu Xueying laughed with a "poof", and the two People huddled together again and stuck their heads out from the side of the rock and looked down the hillside.

The fires that had just been on the hillside were extinguishing, and the weeds and shrubs ignited and burnt by the explosion were spreading over the hillside with clusters of flames and flying sparks, and clusters of black smoke were rising in the air, already. On the hillside, which had become dark again, lay a dark shadow. On the hillside, there was a group of enemies fleeing in a hurry. The group of enemies was howling and crawling down the hillside.

Zhang Wa and the two immediately raised their guns and aimed downwards. At this moment, following a few shouts on the hillside, a burst of gunshots of "da-da-da" and "da-da-da" suddenly disappeared from the hillside again. The stars sounded.

Sixty or seventy shadows who survived the catastrophe flew down the hillside while raising their guns to randomly shoot around. Firelights from the enemy’s muzzle continued to shoot from the fleeing crowd, respectively toward the opposite of the river bank. The woods and the top of the mountain came flying, and from time to time there were bursts of bazooka fire from the crevices at the foot of the mountain.

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