Panther Commando

Chapter 3019: drum rumbling

Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying aimed their guns at the fleeing enemy groups on the hillside. Wu Xueying said in a low voice, "Why didn't Leopard Head order an attack? This is a good time to wipe out all the enemies!" Zhang Wa heard Wu Xueying's voice beside her and turned to face Looking down at the small courtyard shrouded in darkness.

In the small courtyard, Wan Lin and the others were climbing up from under the low wall. All of them shook the dirt and gravel all over their bodies a few times. Wan Lin asked, "Wind Knife, report the casualties?" Quickly knelt on one knee on the low wall and looked to both sides, Xiaoya, Lingling and Wen Meng were kneeling on one knee, and several of them shouted to Fengdao at the same time: "Safety!"

Just now, the enemy who was left in the explosive flames below the hillside suddenly fired a few rockets towards the top of the mountain, and at the same time, by the extinguishing flames, they threw six or seven grenades against the hillside, and the sound of the explosion followed from childhood. There were explosions on the outside of the courtyard wall and a roof on the side, and shrapnel and shattered roof fragments rushed towards the courtyard.

Fortunately, the low wall hidden by the few Wanlin people was built with hard rocks. The explosion did not destroy the low wall, and the whistling shrapnel and tiles fell on the ground with a "crack and crackle". on top of the few people who were already lying under the low wall.

At this time, Wan Lin had already stood up on the low wall and raised his gun to look down the hillside. The surrounding Xiaoya also stood up and raised the weapon in their hands, and then pulled the bolt with a "crash" sound. Glancing at the fleeing enemies under the hillside, the index fingers of several people's right hands were lightly on the trigger, waiting for Leopard's head to issue an order to fire.

Wan Lin was lying on the top of the wall, with a strong murderous aura in his eyes. At this time, he aimed at an enemy who had already run down the hillside and was twisting and lying under a rock, showing half of his head and holding a gun. He was about to give an order. , but at this moment, a low voice suddenly sounded from the side of the mountain!

He didn't care to issue an order, his finger lightly pulled the trigger, then turned his head and looked in the direction of the strange sound. "Dong", "Dong dong", "Dong", "Dong dong dong dong"..., bursts of low, rhythmic sounds were coming from the mountain col, "Drum sound!" Wan Lin suddenly heard that it was a low sound the drums!

"Dong dong", "Dong dong dong"... The drum sound became more and more rapid, and the deep drum sound suddenly brought out a strong murderous aura!

The deep sound of the drums was heart-wrenching, Wan Lin's eyes suddenly looked into the mountain col, his eyes suddenly shot through the light, and a strong murderous aura permeated his body, his hands tightly clasped the sniper rifle in his hands.

At this moment, he seemed to suddenly see in front of his eyes a group of old and thin old people with their bony upper bodies. They stared at the hillside where the gunfire was roaring with their turbid eyes, their blue-veined hands tightly holding a Drumsticks made of animal bones, and their rounded arms are desperately beating the old war drums under them!

The drums sounded urgently, the sound of drums with a strong murderous aura was low, deafening, and long, as if it was a roar from ancient times that penetrated the darkness. On the heart of the sword warrior!

Wan Lin turned around abruptly and stood up from the low wall. The air knives around him also stood up with their guns and aimed at the fleeing shadows below; on the dimly lit mountain top and in the woods on the other side of the river, they also stood up. A shadowy figure appeared, and a pair of eyes flickering in the sound of drums and the darkness burst out with a light of hatred and murderous intent.

Wan Lin stood upright beside the low wall, and a strong murderous aura was spurting out of him. He let go of the sniper rifle with his left hand, and quickly drew his small bow from his shoulder, holding it like lightning with his right hand. Three bow bombs lived. He held the bow in his left hand and suddenly raised it towards the dark night sky, and the three short arrows in his right hand quickly landed on the bowstring. The short arrow "whoosh" shot straight into the dark night sky!

When he loosened the bowstring and shot the short arrow, a roar burst out from his mouth: "Da, leave these **** for me on the hillside!" His roar with deep inner strength seemed to rise from the ground. A blast of thunder, earth-shattering! The huge sound shook the surrounding mountains "humming", and his deafening roar echoed over and over in the mountains.

"Hit!" The same passionate roar followed from the top of the mountain and in the woods. The huge roar echoed with the heart-shaking sound of the drums resounding through the dimly lit mountains. At this moment, "Boom", "Boom", "Boom", three huge explosions suddenly exploded in the fleeing enemy group.

Among the three dazzling firelights, seven or eight figures who were fleeing in panic on the hillside suddenly rose into the air, and the rising flames illuminated the hillside like daylight. Only under the muzzle of a black hole.

The gunshots of "da da da" and "bang bang bang" suddenly sounded like a torrential rain! Near the top of the mountain where Wan Lin and Ah Hu were located, in the valley where the Scimitar tribe was located, and on the hill behind the enemy where Cheng Ru and the others were located, bursts of dazzling fire suddenly erupted, and a violent rain of bullets seemed to suddenly interweave in the night sky. A piece of barbed wire came out, roaring towards the fleeing enemies on the hillside, and the fierce gunshots combined with the rapid drumbeats in the cols were deafening!

In the blink of an eye the entire hillside has been covered by a sudden rain of bullets from three directions. On the hillside with thick smoke and sparks, the fleeing shadows kept falling down the hillside, and the enemy wounded by the bullets rolled down the hillside while screaming one after another.

At this moment, the sound of gunshots that had just rang out on the hillside suddenly disappeared, and a group of enemies who had already panicked, fell down in this dense rain of bullets like a storm. The enemy who was fighting back and fleeing immediately became confused. A group of people fled in all directions on the hillside. No one had time to shoot back.

In a dense rain of bullets, the sound of the war drums from the mountain suddenly became more rapid, and a strong horn sounded. The passionate and majestic horns matched with the sound of "rumbling" war drums, as if thousands of troops were rushing out of the pitch-dark valley, and bursts of vigorous and powerful shouts unique to Scimitars followed from the valley. sounded.

With the horns that suddenly became passionate and the rapid sound of war drums, there was a sudden burst of rough and fierce roars from the dense forest on the top of the mountain and across the river. When they came out, each of the machete people held a gleaming machete tightly in their hands, rushing towards the enemy down the hillside like a ferocious group of tigers!

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