Panther Commando

Chapter 3020: bloody hillside

At the same time, thick ropes suddenly appeared over the tumbling river. The tight rope was tied to the tall trees in the forest in the col, and the other end was tied under the rocks on the opposite bank. In the flickering night of fire, ropes suddenly appeared over the turbulent river like a ghost.

Black shadows appeared in the woods that followed the col, and black shadows quickly slid down from the condescending rope. Bao Ya and the language brothers on the opposite side of the river took the lead to pass the river bank from the rope. Immediately on the side, a black shadow flying across the sky appeared.

The agile black shadows suddenly descended from the sky like gods, volleyed over the tumbling rapids in the river along the condescending rope, and then rushed towards the enemy fleeing on the hillside.

At this moment, the whole dark mountain was filled with the sound of passionate horns, the sound of "rumbling" war drums and the roar of the scimitars!

Wan Lin, who was shooting with a gun, was shocked when he saw that the machete man suddenly rushed out at this moment! He hurriedly shouted into the microphone: "Stop shooting, stop shooting!" It was dark at this time, and once Ah Hu and the others rushed to the hillside to mix with the enemy, the machete warriors in the mountain cols would not be able to see the enemy at all. , it is very likely to accidentally injure one's own people in the shooting.

At this time, Wan Lin knew in his heart that these machetes who had been bullied by drug lords were angry! The old patriarch, the gray-haired old people, have moved out the horns and war drums that have been dormant for hundreds of years.

He knew better in his heart that the rushing drums and the fiery horns were the portrayal of these indomitable, brave and tenacious scimitars; it was the spiritual support for the survival and reproduction of the scimitar tribe in this turbulent mountainous area; It is also the roar they made in order to survive in the helplessness and anger!

Along with the passionate horns and drums, "Ow", "Ow", two huge roars resounding through the mountains suddenly sounded, and two dazzling light beams, one red and one blue, suddenly flashed from the towering cliffs on the side of the mountain. , the bright red and blue beams of light penetrated the dark night sky!

Wan Lin heard the roars of the two leopards in a sudden fury, and knew that his two leopards had been inspired by the "rumbling" sound of the war drums, and they wanted to fight for these machetes who regarded them as gods. People fought bravely to kill the enemy!

He suddenly stood up from the low wall, stared at the dozens of enemies fleeing in panic on the hillside, and suddenly shouted: "Attention all leopard team members, we cut a **** road and headed straight to the northwest to intercept Kunsha, the remnants here The enemy is handed over to the Scimitar! Lao Liu, Xiao Li, you stay here to assist Ah Hu and the others in annihilating the enemy and the minions of Kunsha. Let's go!"

With a loud roar, he issued an order, followed by taking a deep breath, pressing his left hand on the top of the wall in the dark, and jumping out from the low wall with a "swoosh", and his mouth followed the dark cliff on the side. A loud whistle sounded! Feng Dao, Xiaoya, and Wen Meng in the courtyard followed by pressing the wall, jumped out from the low wall swiftly, and rushed straight down the hillside.

The figures of Wan Lin and the others were like electricity. They were on the hillside with gunpowder smoke and fire, and in a blink of an eye, they rushed past a group of machete warriors who rushed down the hillside first. The figures of several people were like ghosts on the hillside filled with gunpowder smoke. Flickering past the darkness and the flaming branches.

At this time, Wan Miao and Feng Dao, who were in front of them, raised their hands and threw them forward alternately. Clusters of steel needles and flying knives were flying out of their hands, whistling towards several people. The enemy who was twisting and raising his gun flew away.

Xiaoya, Lingling, and Wen Meng, who were behind them, also raised their right hands at this time, and their tender right hands were constantly pressing down, with faint sounds of "bang", "bang" and "bang". Voices were coming from their bracelets. A streak of cold light flashed away in the air.

In this silent cold light, the six or seven drug dealer soldiers who were twisting and raising their muzzles screamed, and a group of people threw their hands back and threw their weapons back. , Gen Zehe rolled down the hillside. .

At the moment when the enemies in front of them fell, Wan Lin and the others quickly rushed into the enemy group, and a long whip shadow suddenly flashed from the shadows of the others, and the whips carried a long whip. A strange aroma roared towards the surrounding enemies who were fleeing in panic.

With a few crisp long whip whips, several black shadows that were running down the **** suddenly rose into the air, whistling towards the group of machete warriors rushing down from the top of the hillside.

A group of machete warriors who were rushing down with their bright eyes wide open, holding a bright machete, suddenly saw the Huaxia benefactors rushing past them like lightning, rushing straight to the enemy group below. A group of scimitars suddenly burst into tears. They all knew in their hearts that these brave Huaxia brothers were afraid that they would rush over to suffer a loss. They were protecting themselves, these scimitars, with their lives!

Ah Hu's eyes were already wet. He looked at the backs of Wan Lin and the others and suddenly shouted: "Brothers, go! We must not let our benefactors get hurt!" Jumping on the hillside rushed straight down the hillside, and the surrounding group of machete warriors also roared and kicked the hillside vigorously, holding the machete and rushing down the hillside.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly saw Wan Lin and several others rushing into the enemy group, and the long whip in their hands rolled up a few fleeing enemies and threw them back. Ah Hu, who rushed down first, was in the air, and an earth-shattering roar erupted from his mouth. With a "click", a knife cut off the flying shadow, and a **** color suddenly filled the hillside!

A few machete warriors around saw Ah Hu slashing the enemy's waist with one knife, and everyone burst out with a roar: "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" He pounced on the other flying enemies, and the machete in his hand roared into the air!

The slashing sound of "Kakaka" suddenly sounded from several black shadows flying in the air, "Ah...", "Ouch"..., the shrill screams echoed through the dim hillside, a piece of The dark red blood mist suddenly spewed out along with one after another knife light, and the smell of gunpowder smoke that originally permeated the hillside was immediately dispelled by the thick **** smell.

The few black shadows that had just flown in completely suddenly became fragmented in the roar of the machete warriors and the sharp knife light, and the stumps that left the body scattered towards the surrounding hillsides with the spray of blood. fly away!

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