Panther Commando

Chapter 3022: crazy drug lord

Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying jumped up from the hillside with a carp. Zhang Wa glanced coldly at the enemy who was rolling on the hillside. He then looked down the hillside again, and saw at a glance that the leopards had rushed through the enemy group and reached the foot of the mountain, leaving behind a black shadow that was violently rolling in the darkness.

With a wave of his right hand, he wrapped the long whip around his waist, pulled out the pistol tied to the side of his thigh, and then shouted at Bao Ya and the others: "Go, leave it to Ah Hu and the others here!" The Leopard team had already wiped out most of the enemies on the hillside, and Ahu, who rushed down, was fully capable of dealing with the remaining enemies.

Brothers Bao Ya and Yuwen also quickly retracted their soft swords and long whips, pulled out their pistols and aimed at the fleeing shadows around them. The figures of the few people flashed up and down the hillside a few times, and then they rushed towards the dimly lit mountains in the west with Wan Lin and the others in front, and quickly disappeared in the thick night. middle.

At this time, in the dark woods to the northwest of the mountain col where the Scimitar Tribe is located, a group of people are holding a few flashlights and quickly drilling towards the west woods. This group of people is surrounded by the three mercenaries of Kunsha's guards and Matsumoto.

Just now, Kunsha and the others stood beside the dark, dark woods, looking in panic at the hillside outside the Scimitar tribe, where the sound of fierce gunfire echoed.

When a sudden volcanic eruption on the hillside erupted in the darkness, like a group of flames, Kun Sha's face immediately turned pale, and his body shook violently. In a panic, he stretched out his left hand and hugged a thick tree trunk beside him, the two small triangles suddenly dimmed.

At this time, he finally knew why Matsumoto shouted to retreat just now! It turned out that there was indeed a deadly organ hidden on the hillside, and there were so many powerful explosives buried there. At this time, he suddenly realized in his heart that most of the troops that he had worked so hard to manage after his comeback were now following this sudden change. The huge flame that rises burns in the air!

Kunsha seemed to have his spine removed in an instant. He was limply supporting the tree trunk in the dark, trying to raise his head to look at the distant firelight.

When he saw the corpses of his soldiers churning in the firelight, a dazzling flame burst out in his dim eyes, his left hand suddenly stretched to his waist and pulled out a pistol, pointing at the distance. The flames of the fire "pop, pop, pop" pulled the trigger several times in a row, and then stood up straight and shouted loudly: "Chongchongchong, you must smash those **** into pieces! Come on, follow me!"

Kunsha roared furiously, lifted his feet and staggered toward the mountains in front of him. Matsumoto, who was on the side, grabbed Kun Sha's left arm and dragged him back, shouting loudly: "Are you going up there to find death? Su Ang, hurry up and retreat with your boss! After the other party kills our brother on the hillside, he will definitely Chase over, it's too late to withdraw now!"

At this time, Kun Sha was still furiously struggling in Matsumoto's big, powerful hands, and yelled like crazy: "What to withdraw? My subordinates are dead, why am I still alive? Let me go, let go. Matsumoto. You bastard, let me go!"

Seeing Kun Sha's madness, Matsumoto stretched out his left hand and grabbed the pistol that Kun Sha was trying to raise. He twisted and grabbed Kun Sha's pistol, followed by one that pushed him into Su Ang's arms, who was hesitating, his mouth was cold. He shouted coldly: "Su Ang, watch your boss. If he dies, all of you will be **** up!"

Only then did Su Ang realize that they were all Kun Sha's minions. If Kun Sha died, they would indeed become nothing! He hugged Kunsha who was pushed by Matsumoto, and hurriedly shouted: "Boss, boss, let's evacuate quickly? Those machetes can't have such powerful firepower, there must be a large army of Huaxia in there! We Hurry up, shall we?"

Kun Sha struggled hysterically in Su Ang's arms, scolding in his mouth: "You grandma let go of Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu's capital is ahead, you threw away all those brothers, I will go back and fuck! Let me go, if I don't let me go, I'll **** you all!" He roared, shaking his body vigorously, his blood-red eyes glared fiercely at Matsumoto to the side, and then he raised his feet hard at him. kick away.

Su Ang hugged the crazy Kunsha tightly and looked at Matsumoto for help. At this time, he knew that Kun Sha had lost his mind in the madness when he saw that he had lost so many subordinates. At this time, he really didn't know how to get this mad dog-like boss back.

At this moment, Matsumoto frowned and looked at Kun Sha who was going crazy. He suddenly turned around to let this kid kick him, took half a step forward, raised his right hand and slashed at Kun Sha's thin neck. side.

"Pa!" With the sound of the beating, Kun Sha, who was roaring with blood-red small triangular eyes, became quiet, his head drooping weakly on Su Ang's shoulder, his two small eyes closed, and his whole body He also slumped down.

Around twenty Kunsha's personal guards suddenly saw Matsumoto shooting at his one by one suddenly raised the weapons in their hands, and the black muzzles were immediately aimed at After seeing Matsumoto and the two mercenaries behind him, he quickly pulled the gun bolt, and a sound of "crashing" pulling the gun bolt suddenly sounded from the dim forest, and a group of guards' eyes appeared in the darkness. Share murderous.

With the sudden sound of gun bolts from the dimness, Linbian was immediately filled with a tense atmosphere. The two mercenaries standing behind Song himself saw each other's raised muzzle, and immediately raised their guns and aimed at Su Ang and Kun Sha's heads.

When Matsumoto saw the sudden situation in front of him, a cold light suddenly flashed in his small eyes. He raised his head and glanced at the tense guards around him, followed by staring at Su Ang and called out coldly: "You stupid, if you can't stop Kun Sha now, you have the ability to get him away? Why don't you hurry up and carry him into the woods? , if the opponent catches up in a while, none of us will want to live!"

Su Ang, who was holding the unconscious Kun sofa, suddenly understood Matsumoto's intention at this time. In this situation, in order to save their lives, everyone had to knock out the irrational Kun Sha first, otherwise no one would dare to disobey his orders under the nose of this drug lord.

Su Ang hurriedly picked up Kun Sha and shoved him into the arms of a guard beside him, shouting, "Put down the gun, put down the gun for Lao Tzu, how dare you fight in the nest? Hurry up and run for your life with the boss on your back. Ah!"

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