Panther Commando

Chapter 3023: startled bird

At this time, the captain of the guard, Su Ang, already understood Matsumoto's intention to stun Kunsha, and knew that those attacking troops were finished. At this time, they really couldn't have the slightest delay. Once the opponent has completely wiped out the attacking troops on the outskirts of the Col, they will definitely go straight to their side to chase after them.

Since the other party can hide people on the hill not far from the side, they will definitely be able to see their group running towards the woods here. Once the other party catches up, none of the twenty of them will be able to escape.

This kid Su Ang can be the captain of Kunsha's guard, and his brain is naturally enough. He knew that these people were already in danger, so he greeted his subordinates to carry Kunsha on their backs in the dark, and turned to run back to the mountains on the west side of his canyon.

The surrounding guards heard Su Ang's nervous cry, and already knew in their hearts that they were in danger. A group of people didn't care to put the unconscious Kunsha on the reclining chair. A boy carried Kunsha on his back and chased after Su Ang. The rest of the guards also quickly surrounded Kunsha and ran to the side of the mountain.

In the darkness, Matsumoto saw that the group of people did not enter the dense forest behind them, but ran towards the rolling hills on the side. He quickly ran a few steps forward to catch up with Su Ang in front of him, grabbed his arm and pulled him and shouted: "Come back, the other party will definitely understand that we are going to escape back to the canyon, and it's not easy to raise a gun in the mountains on the west side. Waiting for us, running back from the mountains at this time, isn't that hitting the opponent's muzzle! Hurry into the woods, and we will circle back to the canyon from the mountains on the north side."

"Yes, yes, hurry into the forest to avoid them." At this time, Su Ang had been frightened by the sound of explosions not far away, and he looked at Matsumoto and cried. He then turned around and shouted to the guards under him: "Hurry up and carry the boss into the woods, take advantage of the dark to stay away from here, hurry up!"

While shouting, he turned and ran into the dark jungle with a group of guards behind him. At this time, Matsumoto and the others quickly pulled out the flashlights from their backpacks and drilled into the forest according to the dark jungle.

At this time, the huge explosions behind Su Ang's group suddenly stopped, but the low and rapid drums and the horns suddenly sounded, and the fierce gunshots came from behind them. The screams also faintly entered the ears of the group of Matsumoto from the gaps between the big trees, and the faces of the group of Matsumoto had turned pale. They already knew in their hearts that the hundreds of their partners were making their final sound under the opponent's bullets.

The forest was dark, and the dense branches and leaves had blocked the already dim starlight. Just when the group of Matsumoto fled like frightened birds, two deafening roars suddenly sounded from the dark night sky. The huge roars penetrated the thick branches and leaves above their heads and resounded throughout the dense forest, shocking and fleeing in panic. A group of people raised their hands to cover their ears, and the dark jungle made a burst of "crashing" in the huge roar.

This sudden roar is like a gust of wind blowing through the dark jungle! Su Ang and the others stopped in shock, looking up at the sky above the dark jungle. Through the little gaps in the branches and leaves, two beams of light, one red and one basket, are flashing away from the dark night sky.

Su Ang shook his body violently in the roar. He stretched out his hand to support a thick tree trunk beside him, his face turned pale, and he looked up into the air in fear. He remembered that a few years ago, he had seen such bright red and blue beams in his own canyon, and heard such a chilling, deafening roar!

He knew from the roar that it must be a monster he had never seen before. He didn't understand why this ferocious monster suddenly appeared in this dark mountain, and made such a moving roar and strange beams of light. .

But he already understood that the Huaxia people who appeared in the Scimitar tribe were the Chinese special forces who sneaked into the mountain and killed Ao Kun, and then turned the mountain upside down! This iconic roar and red and blue beams are the symbols of these ferocious Chinese special forces!

Thinking of this, Su Ang suddenly shouted in horror: "Run! These are those Chinese people who killed Boss Ao Kun, they have already chased after them!" run in the jungle. When the surrounding guards heard Su Ang's terrifying screams in the darkness, their faces turned pale, and they immediately raised their flashlights and fled forward.

At this moment, a group of fleeing people turned on the flashlights in their hands, and the beams of electric light shook violently, reflecting the large trees with branches and leaves in front of them. The terrified guards were alive in front of their eyes, and they were rushing towards them with branches and leaves that stretched across them. The dark jungle looked extremely terrifying.

Matsumoto and two other mercenaries, who had been following the Kunsha group, had already put away their flashlights behind the panicked group, and ran forward with their assault rifles tightly in both hands. At this time, the faces of the three of them also looked extremely nervous. While running forward by the swaying electric light of the group of guards in, they turned their heads and looked at the dark jungle behind them.

At this time, Matsumoto's face was extremely gloomy, and a mercenary followed him and asked in a low R language: "Captain, those Huaxia special forces are too scary! Who are these people? Army? Why haven't I heard of it before." At this time, another mercenary also ran over in confusion.

Matsumoto slowed down his pace in the dimness, he looked up at the dark branches and leaves above his head, and asked thoughtfully, "The deafening roar that suddenly came with the sound of drums and horns just now, did you hear it? Did something come out?"

The two mercenaries were stunned for a moment, and one said hesitantly: "It seems to be the roar of a leopard, but the sound is too loud, it actually overshadowed the sound of gunfire and those deafening drums, and it flashed in the air at the same time. Two beams in one red and one basket, this phenomenon is so strange, we have never heard of it before."

Matsumoto pondered for a moment when he heard the boy's reply. He suddenly sounded the panicked cry that Su Ang had just made. A panicked look appeared on his face, and he whispered to the two people around him, "Broken, this is most likely that The legendary 'Hua Leopard', this is the most mysterious special force in the world today, and its combat effectiveness is extremely strong! Grandma, how could we meet these evil spirits here, hurry up!" He said, he accelerated Run forward at speed.

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