Panther Commando

Chapter 3030: Can't be a commander

Wan Lin looked at Cheng Ru and continued: "The top of the mountain is a strategic location for the success or failure of our operation. The pressure on your side will definitely be great, and you must be mentally prepared."

He said and pondered for a while, then turned his head and glanced at Xiaoya next to him. At this time, Xiaoya, Lingling, Wu Xueying, and Wen Meng were squatting in the darkness beside them, Xiaobai was lying on Xiaoya's shoulders without saying a word, and a red light was looming in the darkness in her two big eyes. With an eager look.

Wan Lin looked at Xiao Bai and pondered for a moment, and then whispered to Xiao Ya who was squatting under the rock: "Please explain to Xiao Bai, let him follow Lao Cheng to the top of the mountain, and help their group to kill the top of the mountain quietly. The enemy. After occupying the top of the mountain, let it immediately rush over to catch up with the three groups of us returning."

Xiaoya replied in a low voice, followed by carrying Xiaobai off her shoulders and placing it on the ground, while gesticulating and exhorting in a low voice. After listening to Xiaoya's instructions, Xiaobai raised his tail and shook it a few times, indicating that he understood.

Xiaoya then hugged it, bent over, took two steps forward, raised her hand and handed it to Cheng Ru. Cheng Ru took over Xiao Bai with a look of great joy, lightly touched its little head and placed it on his shoulder, and said to Wan Lin in a low voice, "Great, with this little baby here, our chances of success are at least Double it!"

The faces of Zhang Wa and the others also showed joyful expressions. Having Xiaobai, a beast that came and went without a trace in the dark, followed them, indeed adding a powerful assistant to them. In the dark night, this beast can sense the smell of the enemy from several kilometers away, and it can notify its own people to prepare for battle very early. And in the sneak attack of Cheng Ru and his group, it could touch the enemy silently and kill those sentries on the top of the mountain by surprise.

Cheng Ru happily finished speaking to Wan Lin, but he hesitated for a while, and whispered to Wan Lin with some worry: "Your three groups are too few, only five people and two leopards, now you If you temporarily transfer Xiaobai, the main player, to us, your strength will become weaker, and it will be too dangerous once you catch fire with the enemy, are you sending a few people from our side?"

Wan Lin immediately waved his hand in the dimness and replied, "No, our target is on the side of the canyon, and the distance is about five kilometers farther than you. Moreover, the three of us entered the canyon quietly from the cave, and we can only move in covertly in the dark. , get as close as possible to the opponent's cave and suddenly kill the enemy at the entrance of the cave. So when we reach the position of the enemy's cave, you should have already captured the top of the mountain. At that time, let Xiaobai follow the trail to find us immediately, and it will not affect the battle on our side. force."

He glanced at Xiaoya, Lingling, and Wu Xueying, who were squatting under the rock on the side, and whispered to Chengru and the others: "You are approaching the canyon from the direction of Taniguchi, and the terrain there is impossible to avoid the enemy's sight. So you are in the clear, and we are approaching from under the cliffs on the side of the canyon, where the terrain is very convenient for concealment. In this way, there are many people on our side and it is easy to expose the target."

At this time, Wu Xueying squatted in the shadow of the rock from the side, blinking her big eyes and suddenly asked in a low voice: "Leopard head, since the enemy has a secret way to enter the canyon under the cliff, why don't we all enter the canyon from the cave concealed Isn't it possible to appear in the enemy's hinterland unknowingly, and then suddenly blow up the enemy's drug and arsenal depots, and then we will then quietly withdraw along the cave, so much trouble!"

Wan Lin and the others grinned silently when they heard Wu Xueying's question. Zhang Wa raised her hand and patted Wu Xueying's head lightly, and explained in a low voice, "Do you think this is a TV series? The canyon is the drug lord Kunsha. The cave is only a narrow passage to the outside world secretly."

"We can enter the canyon from this cave unexpectedly, but once we enter the canyon and fight the enemy fiercely, the opponent will most likely close this secret passage. At that time, we will become a turtle in a urn in the canyon heavily guarded by the enemy. Living in two sections of the canyon, no matter how capable we are, we can’t escape!”

After Zhang Wa explained, she looked at Wu Xueying and laughed in a low voice: "Silly girl, it's thanks to you that it wasn't your command this time. Otherwise, you pig head would have turned dozens of us into tortoises in the canyon!"

When several people around heard Zhang Wa's voice, they all covered their mouths and laughed softly. Wu Xueying stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, raised her hand and patted her head and muttered in a low voice: "It's over, my pig brain can't be a commander!"

Wan Lin heard Wu Xueying's muttering, looked at her and said with a smile: "Yingying, no problem, if you participate in more battles, you will definitely become an excellent commander!"

He finished talking with a smile, then put away the smile on his face and turned his head to look at Cheng Ru and the others and said solemnly: "This operation is outnumbered, and the key to victory is to be unexpected! Knife team members, try to use the cover of darkness to approach the enemy. You all pay attention to safety."

As he said that, he raised his hand and called Ah Bao to his side and told him, "A Bao, when the enemy finds you, you must act as if you were panicking and flee back. You don't need to answer the enemy's inquiries. We must suppress the other party in Let the enemy mistake us for their accomplices who have returned from defeat."

He looked at Zhang Wa and said, "Zhang Wa, when the time is right, you can pretend to be those mercenaries and shout a few words to calm them down. These mercenaries should have a higher status in the canyon!"

Zhang Wa grinned and said, "No problem, I'll take all three generations of their ancestors along! They don't understand anyway." Several people around grinned in the dark.

Wu Xueying on the side laughed while quietly pinching Zhang Wa's arm in the dark. After Zhang Wa finished speaking, he felt a burst of pain in his arm, he turned his head and saw Wu Xueying's face with a smile, but there was a look of concern in his two big eyes, staring at his eyes tightly.

Zhang Wa was moved and quietly grabbed Wu Xueying's little hand and clenched it hard. He knew in his heart that Yingying was telling him to pay attention to safety in battle!

Wan Lin followed and looked at Zhang Wa and said, "Zhang Wa, the enemy warehouse in the canyon should be in the cave under the cliff on our side, and the enemy's drug processing factory should also be located on the hillside opposite the river. You enter the canyon. After that, they immediately used rockets to blow up the opponent's processing plant. Ah Bao and the others captured a lot of enemy rocket launchers and machine guns this time, so there should be no problem with firepower."

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