Panther Commando

Chapter 3031: group action

At the foot of the dim mountain, Wan Lin squatted behind the rock and watched Zhang Wa and continued to whisper, "The three of us will join you immediately after sneaking into the canyon from the cave, and then we will pay each other to the drug warehouse and weapons on the cliff side. library."

Wan Lin is worried that after Zhang Wa and the others enter the canyon, they will immediately attack the enemy warehouse that may be located on the cliff. If they are still in the cave at that time, they will most likely be accidentally injured, and they are restricted by the terrain in the cave. It is also impossible to use the communication device to get in touch with Zhang Wa in time to inform the location of several of them.

When Zhang Wa heard Wan Lin's instructions, he immediately understood what he meant. He quickly released Wu Xueying's small hand in the dark and replied solemnly, "Yes!" Wan Lin followed and stood up. He took a deep breath in the darkness. In one breath, his eyes suddenly gleamed in the darkness. He glanced sharply at the comrades around him, and ordered in a low voice: "All of them, let's go!"

After he finished speaking, he picked up Xiaohua, who had been lying on his shoulders, and put it on the rock in front of him, and then pointed to some side mountains. Xiaohua saw Wan Lin's gesture without saying a word, and her big eyes flashed blue light, " Whoosh" and jumped out from the top of the rock.

Wan Lin picked up the sniper rifle on the rock, turned around and rushed out from the side of the rock, followed by Xiao Hua and rushed towards the dark mountains on the side. The surrounding Xiaoya, Lingling, Wu Xueying and Abu also got up and followed silently towards the dim mountain.

Cheng Ru and the others silently glanced at Wan Lin's group of people who were running to the side. Cheng Ru followed and shouted to the surrounding Ah Bao in a low voice, "Let's go!" Then he bent down to the one in front of him that appeared faintly in the starlight. the mountain ran away.

Following the low "Go" command issued by Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, there were scattered shadows standing up in the dimly lit mountains. Dashan ran away.

On the other hand, Wan Lin brought Xiaoya and a few others, and ran up and down towards the dark foot of the mountain. His movements were very agile, and soon disappeared behind the dark foot of the mountain.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the slight mountain wind gently echoed in the silent mountains along with the "rushing" sound of the rushing river. On the dark blue night sky, thick gray-black clouds are moving rapidly in the sky, and stars twinkling in the dimness are flickering in and out of the fast-moving clouds.

At this moment, the mountaintops that had been looming in the middle of the night seemed to be moving fast with the rolling clouds. For a while, a huge body was faintly revealed in the starlight flashing from the sky, and then disappeared into darkness. The dimly lit mountains seemed to move suddenly.

Chengru's group of people ran quickly towards the mountain in front of them in the dimly lit mountains. The faint echoing sound of the torrent in the mountains just covered up the "rustling" sound from the feet of the group of people. When a group of people approached the mountain in front of them for about two kilometers, Cheng Ru, who led the team running at the front, suddenly raised his right hand and made a "stop!" gesture backwards.

He immediately grabbed Ah Bao, who was rushing forward beside him, turned around and whispered to Feng Dao and Zhang Wa who were following behind him: "This is close to the mountain outside the mouth of the valley, now we will divide our troops from here, you two groups. Go straight to Taniguchi, and a group of us sneaked up to the top of the mountain from behind!" Feng Dao and Zhang Wa looked at Cheng Ru and nodded lightly, then looked at Wang Dali, Lin Zisheng and Wen Meng in the same group. He whispered, "Take care!"

Fengdao then whispered to Ah Bao: "A Bao, tell your people to prepare for battle and set off!" Ah Bao raised his hand and waved forward vigorously, and raised his foot to the side that the drug lords built. Dirt road run.

Cheng Ru immediately carried Xiao Bai on his shoulders and lowered him to the mountain, raised his finger and pointed to the dim mountain in front of him and said in a low voice, "Go!" Its fur just concealed its striking white, and it disappeared into the rolling hills in a blink of an eye.

Cheng Ru followed Wang Dali and the others with their guns, bent over and ran to the dark foot of the mountain. Abu's little brother and the two scimitar warriors with machine guns also learned the running posture of Cheng Ru and the others. After following the past, it didn't take long, and the undulating figures of several people had disappeared into the darkness.

In the dark night, Chengru and Ah Bao's machete fighters ran to the dirt road built by the drug dealers on the side, and then ran close to the foot of the mountain and the cliff on the side of the road. When it was about five kilometers away from the Taniguchi Mountain, Cheng Ru pointed to Zhang Wa and Feng Dao at the right foot of the mountain in front of him, and Feng Dao and Zhang Wa nodded immediately.

Cheng Ru immediately whispered to the people behind him, "One group, come with me!" After he finished speaking, he turned around and ran to the side of the hill. Wang Dali and the others who were following him immediately bent down and followed him. After going up, it didn't take long, and several people had disappeared behind the hillside on the side.

Feng Dao and Zhang Wa saw that Cheng Ru's group had quietly disappeared behind the side of the hillside, and then they glanced at each other, Feng Dao whispered to A Bao who was beside him: "Put away the distance, speed up the march, and order you The team members are not allowed to shoot without orders, let's go!"

Ah Bao immediately turned his head and said a few words to the scimitar warrior behind and then ran forward with six or seven people. Zhang Wa also took a gun and ran for a few steps, closely following him. A Bao's side ran forward together.

It didn't take long, a group of people had already approached in the dark to a place more than a thousand meters away from the front of the mountain. On the right side of the mountain road was the mountain that was several hundred meters high at the mouth of the canyon. Zhang Wa turned out from the front and suddenly pulled A Bao, who was running forward, and then raised his hand to signal to the people behind to "stop moving forward".

He followed the gun, bent over and ran to the side of the hill, lying under a rock in the dimness and raised the gun to look at the side mountains, and then listened carefully to the movements of the surrounding mountains.

The mountains are still silent, only the sound of the mountain wind blowing the branches and leaves in the mountains and the "rushing" running water from the big river at the foot of the opposite mountain, but there is no abnormal sound around. This shows that Cheng Ru and his group moved very smoothly between the mountains on the side, and they have not been discovered by the enemy now. Maybe they have climbed to the mountainside in the dark.

Zhang Wa looked at the direction that Cheng Ru and the others were traveling, raised his hand and gently pulled the bolt of the assault rifle in his hand, then bent down and ran back to Ah Bao from the dark hillside. He ran to the foot of the mountain in the dark, grabbed Ah Bao and walked to the dark shadow next to him, his face looked very dignified in the dark.

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