Panther Commando

Chapter 3041: bright electric light

Abu suddenly emerged from the darkness, shouting at the pitch-black hillside in front of him, while pretending to be furious at the surrounding: "Go away, didn't you see the fight over there? Let's hurry over and enter the canyon! Grandma, why did I make such a fuss after I've been away for a few days!" He took the flashlight passed by Lingling next to him, turned it on, and shone into the darkness in front of him, urging Lingling and Xiaoya to go all the way. He trotted and ran to the foot of the mountain in front of him that reflected the light of the water.

Xiaoya who was under the rock stood up with Abu's voice, Xiaoya took out her flashlight and shone towards the dark hillside in front of her. At this moment, Lingling, who was on the side, immediately stepped out of the side of the rock. She strode up to catch up with Abu, and a voice that no one could understand immediately came out of her mouth. Wu Yingying also made a series of crisp muttering noises, and several people carried their guns and strode forward behind Abu, while watching the hillside in the distance vigilantly.

Both Xiaoya and Abu's flashlight beams shone toward the dark mountains in front. The swaying electric light only illuminated a hundred or two hundred meters in the darkness. The foot of the mountain and the steep slopes on the sides were covered with faint patches of light. rock. At this time, Abu strode forward while looking ahead and asked loudly, "What happened over there in Taniguchi, who dares to run wild at our door?"

At this time, Abu and Abao, who met the enemy in the direction of Taniguchi, used the same method. With a kind of condescending power, from the momentum, it suppressed the opponents who were defending in the dark, so that they could not understand the origin of the other party for a while.

Lingling and Wu Xueying were also screaming like Abu Lianzhu, while staggering forward, they let out a delicate scream, as if their frail body could not adapt to this dark mountain at all.

Just as Abu's series of screams in the dark, they quickly trot forward for hundreds of meters under their feet, and have entered the area of ​​the stream in front of them that reflects the sparkling white light in the dark.

Xiaoya held up her flashlight and ran forward while staring nervously around. Under their feet is the area that Wan Lin said is full of small streams and springs, and several people's feet have stepped on the rocks in the stream and the low-lying stream, and pieces of white water splashed under their feet." The sound of water and the coquettish screams of several girls firmly attracted the defending enemies hidden in the dark in the dark night.

At this time, Xiaoya had raised her flashlight to look at the hillside in front of Abu, Lingling, and Wu Xueying. The hillside not far ahead is covered with jagged boulders, and the steep side slopes are full of black boulders. A dark shadow is standing on the boulder and staring at the few people who came running with flashlights. The round heads are faintly revealed, and the eyes that reflect the flashlight are like ghosts in the dark night. They all stare at the Xiaoya and the others who are running, and the black barrels of the guns are all right. at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, a low voice of discussion had come from the dim hillside in front, and the intermittent voice in the darkness was reaching Xiaoya's ears. Xiaoya has an extraordinary talent in language, and she has performed several missions in this mountainous area, and has communicated many times with the locals such as Abu and Abao, and now she can speak lowly from the enemy. He understood some simple words in his voice, and generally understood the content of the other party's communication.

She already knew in her heart that the content of these people's discussions had been concentrated on her. Judging from the voices and tones they made, the constant screams of Lingling and Wu Xueying in the dark had already taken away all the people on this hillside. All the eyes of the enemy were attracted to several of them.

In the darkness, she had already truly felt that on the hillside in front of her was a pair of squinting eyes watching her, and the voice of the other party's discussion had already revealed a lewd taste.

Xiaoya's flashlight beam swayed left and right in the darkness, as if she was unconsciously crossing the steep hillside in front of her while running. She followed and shot the flashlight beam forward, and the electric light in her hand swayed with her running pace, and her body swayed greatly, as if her slender body would fall over at any time in this slippery stream. Same.

At this moment, Xiaoya and several others did their best to attract the attention of the enemy in front. They knew in their hearts that Leopard Head and Xiaohua were on the dark rock wall, hiding their figures and approaching the enemy in front. They had to do their best to attract the enemy's attention to cover the actions of Leopard Head and Xiaohua.

Just now, Xiaoya specially shone the flashlight beam on the steep hillside in front of him. The purpose was to provide Wan Lin with a chance to observe the enemy in a hidden way, so that he could carefully observe the opportunities and hidden positions of the enemies in front of him. At that time, her flashlight flashed by, and she did not dare to stay on the hillside where the enemy was located for a long time. She was worried that her electric light would cause the enemy's vigilance.

She believed that with the flashlight beam that flashed by, the leopard head's sharp eyes must have a panoramic view of the hidden position of the enemy in Now, it is estimated that the leopard head has used the enemy to focus all of its attention. The timing on his own, with his superb movement skills, has quietly approached the position of the defending enemy. His dark sniper muzzle, or two sharp steel needles, have firmly locked those hidden Enemies at the entrance of the cave.

At this time, the fire on the top of the mountain several kilometers away from Xiaoya and the others was still flickering one after another. The battle seemed extremely fierce.

Just when Xiaoya and the others approached the position of the enemy in front of thirty or forty meters, Xiaoya used the flashlight beams swaying in her and Abu's hands, and suddenly found a few black shadows suddenly drilled out from behind a rock on the side of the hill. A black shadow stopped on a rock and raised his gun to look at the foot of the mountain. Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and a dazzling beam of light suddenly lit up on the dark rock. Xiaoya, who was at the foot of the mountain, shot.

Xiaoya had already heard the meaning of the other party's shout, it was a "stop" shout in local language by someone who suddenly got out. She grabbed Wu Xueying's arm and stopped, and Abu who was in front also reached out and pulled Lingling to stop.

Abu and Xiaoya already understood from the shouts of the enemy that the boy who shouted must be the enemy commander guarding the entrance of the cave.

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