Panther Commando

Chapter 3042: fairy in the dark

In the strong beam of light shot by the enemy, Abu quickly raised his left hand to cover his face, and then shouted loudly in the local language: "Your grandma's courting death! Taniguchi has already done it, we Opponents may appear here at any time, are you trying to reveal the location of our hole? Grandma, the boss knows that you were shot with a single shot!"

Following Abu's scolding, he then turned off the flashlight held in his right hand. Xiaoya, who was behind, saw Abu's movements and immediately extinguished the flashlight beam in her hand.

Xiaoya immediately took off her helmet and shook her black hair. She pulled Wu Xueying and twisted her waist to walk to Abu and Lingling's side. Then she pretended to slip, and she and Wu Xueying collided with Lingling beside her. On the body, the three immediately made exaggerated screams.

"Oops", "Oops", "Oops", three crisp and pleasant cries immediately resounded through the pitch-black foot of the mountain, covering up the faint sounds of fierce battles in the distance. This crisp cry under the enemy's eyelids immediately attracted the attention of all the enemies in front, and a pair of two-color squinting eyes flashed brightly at this moment.

Following the crisp cries of the three of Xiaoya, the strong light beam on the hillside followed on the faces of Xiaoya, Lingling and Wu Xueying. At this time, Lingling and Wu Xueying also stood firm in the stagnant water. Both raised their hands to remove their helmets, shook the thick hair on their heads vigorously, and then raised their heads in the flashlight beam.

In the flashlight beam from the front, three pretty faces suddenly appeared in the dark mountains, and the enemies on the side slopes all lit up, stunned and stared at the three women under the hillside.

At this time, the peerless faces of the three girls looked exceptionally white and tender in the flashlight, and the three delicate faces were inlaid with a pair of big eyes that shone brightly like stars twinkling in the dark. Immediately after, the three of them stretched out a small white hand to cover their eyes, as if avoiding the dazzling beam of light in front of them.

An exclamation sounded from the dark hillside, and the boy holding the flashlight involuntarily exclaimed. At this time, several dazzling beams of light lit up on the dark rocks on the hillside. Several beams of light emitting in the darkness came straight to Xiaoya and the three of them, just like a few searchlights that suddenly lit up in the darkness, completely presenting the bodies of the three beautiful girls at the foot of the dark mountain. .

Exclamations of exclamation followed from the hillside in front, and a group of dark shadows who had been hidden under the dark rocks suddenly stood up. Several of the boys suddenly found treasures in the dark, and suddenly raised their flashlights to fight for fear. The latter ran down the hillside, followed by bursts of surprise screams.

When Xiaoya and the others followed Wan Lin to the side of the canyon, they had already followed Wan Lin's deployment and washed off the tactical paint on their faces by the stream in the mountains.

At this moment, the fair and delicate faces of several people all glowed with a warm and fair sheen in the flashlight beams, as if they were like fairies who suddenly appeared in this barren mountain range, their beautiful faces would disappear in the dark. The enemy guarding the cave was shocked! The group of people stood up suddenly in amazement, and some of the boys were like crazy, suddenly running towards the foot of the mountain with the weapons in their hands.

Xiaoya and the others looked at the enemies on the hillside, and all of a sudden, bright smiles appeared on their faces, but there was an icy look in their eyes. murderous look.

At this time, Abu, who was standing on the side, looked coldly at a group of drug dealer soldiers running up the hillside. He already knew in his heart that these drug dealer soldiers living in the barren mountains were like frogs in the bottom of a well. He had seen such delicate and pure faces there.

These despicable drug dealers and their minions are rich, and they just go to the small town in the mountains to find some ugly remnants of flowers and willows, or bring back some beautiful women, they must have never seen such a fairy-like beauty Girl, it's no wonder they rushed down the steep hillside without knowing their lives. It seems that they are completely unaware that they are running towards several beautiful death gods!

A dozen shadows had already stood up in the darkness, and a group of shadows ran towards the foot of the mountain like crazy, and some stared at the three charming smiling faces in the beam, exclaiming in their mouths.

At this time, Xiaoya and a few people, using the light from the enemy's flashlight, suddenly saw six or seven figures emerge from behind a huge rock on the hillside. Some impatient boys even shouted and turned on their flashlights, and then followed the group of boys in front of them and ran down the hillside.

A group of enemies hopped down on the steep rocks, and there was a scream of surprise in their mouths, as if they had forgotten the gunshots and explosions coming from the direction of Taniguchi.

At this moment, beams of flashlights are shining down on the dark hillside. In the bright flashlight beam, the spring water surging among the rocks at the foot of the mountain and the slowly flowing stream water are like flowing pearls, reflecting a crystal and warm water ~ At this time, Xiaoya, Lingling and Wu Xueying were walking towards the hillside in this pearly piece of light. These three girls with peerless looks, at this time, moved lightly on this piece of shimmering and lustrous reflection. In the puddle, it seemed that three fairies had suddenly descended from the sky, causing this group of drug dealers and soldiers who had never seen a beautiful woman to be confused. They seemed to have forgotten the fierce battle that was taking place in Taniguchi and lost their due vigilance.

Abu, who was standing on the side, still raised his hand to cover his face. At this time, although the attention of the enemy had been attracted by Xiaoya and the three of them, he was posing as an accomplice of the enemy, so he would not be at all in this close range. Dare to let the enemy see your face to avoid the enemy finding flaws.

He followed Xiaoya and the three of them and walked quickly to meet the seven or eight who were running from the hill in front. At this time, he was overjoyed, knowing that the enemy in front had been stunned by the three beautiful Chinese girls around him, and he had lost his due vigilance.

As he walked forward quickly, his right hand had been quietly stretched out to the back of the book, and he tightly grasped the handle of the machete hanging on his back waist. Between his fingers, he stared closely at the enemy who was rushing to run in the flashlight. He knew in his heart that the battle was about to start, and it was a close-quarters combat, and it was a must-have not to shoot. Fierce battle!

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