Panther Commando

Chapter 3043: fierce wind

Just when Xiaoya, Lingling, and Wu Xueying were attracting the attention of the enemy near the cave, more intense gunshots and explosions were suddenly heard from the top of the mountain two kilometers behind them, and clusters of darkness. Red flames flickered on the top of the mountain.

Xiaoya and the others ran up the hillside and glanced sideways at the top of the mountain in the distance, and anxious expressions flashed in their eyes. They knew that the attack on the top of the mountain by the Chengru group was not smooth. At this time, they had already encountered the stubborn resistance of the enemy, and the battle had become more intense.

Xiaoya quickly glanced at the pieces of fire that erupted from the top of the mountain in the distance, and then pretended to be afraid and suddenly let out an exclamation, then turned her face and accelerated to the hillside above.

Lingling and Wu Xueying, who were running on both sides of her, immediately understood what Xiaoya meant. At this time, they had to kill the enemy in front of them as soon as possible. Lizheng went through the cave and entered the canyon as soon as possible to launch an attack to relieve the pressure on the first and second groups.

At this moment, the beautiful faces of the three of Xiaoya were completely exposed to the enemy's flashlight beam. They all narrowed their eyes as they ran, and murderous aura shot out from their sealed eyes. Several people pretended to be scared while running fast, exaggeratingly twisting their slender bodies as if frightened, but their feet swiftly ran to meet the drug dealer soldiers who were rushing down.

Abu saw that the three girls had already attracted the attention of the enemy above by virtue of their peerless appearance. He immediately put his hand behind him and ran to the side of Xiaoya and the three of them. In the fast running, the distance has been drawn, and he is ready to fight at any time.

On the dimly lit hillside, a dozen or so drug dealer soldiers who were already fascinated stared at a few beauties running towards them. Jumping on the rock, they rushed towards the fairies below. The flashlights they held swayed violently as they ran, and beams of bright flashlights shot at the faces of the three girls below in the dark.

Just when they were about 20 or 30 meters away from several beauties, a boy who was running behind with a flashlight suddenly froze for a moment. He stopped and raised his flashlight, and took a picture of the three girls who were running up to him. Go, he suddenly shouted: "Damn, why are these three little girls carrying weapons? They are not allowed to move!"

A group of drug dealer soldiers who were running down excitedly suddenly heard the screams coming from behind them. They were all stunned for a while, and they quickly stopped and looked at the three girls.

Sure enough, the three pretty girls were carrying an assault rifle behind them. They were actually wearing body armor. There were sabres and pistol holsters hanging from the sides of their thighs. The outfits are almost identical!

A group of drug dealer soldiers were shocked! They were all attracted by the screams and beautiful faces of the three girls below. They didn't pay attention to the costumes of the girls in the shaking flashlight beam. Now they suddenly saw the special forces costumes of the three girls and the Assault rifles, one by one immediately sobered up from the confusion just now.

At the same time, they realized that an attacker had already appeared on the Taniguchi side, but these beauties suddenly appeared under this dim hillside, and they went straight to the most secret cave in their canyon. This is indeed abnormal! The drug dealer soldiers immediately stopped, raised their hands and took off the assault rifles slung on their shoulders.

But they realized it was too late! Just when they were about to raise the muzzle and pull the bolt, "whoosh, whoosh", a gust of wind suddenly came from the dark side of the hillside, and the three shadows on the hillside fell to the ground. .

The boy who shouted to stop everyone and the other two companions who had raised their assault rifles by his side fell silently to the side of the dark rock at this moment.

A group of people around heard the sound coming from behind them. One by one, they lifted the gun body and turned their heads to look back. The eyes of several people immediately widened: In the dimness, the sides of their three companions' necks were inserted into each other. With a short black arrow, the three of them were falling on the rock on the side!

A group of drug dealer soldiers were shocked! At this moment, "poof", "poof", "poof"..., a series of low gunshots followed from behind the dark rock on the side, followed by a cold light whistling towards the enemy group below the hillside!

At the same time, Xiaoya, Lingling, and Wu Xueying, who had already rushed up the hillside, raised their right hands while running at the same time, followed by a soft sound of "bang" on their wrists, and a cold light whistled from the three people's raised Hao It flew out from the wrist, and the cold light flashed away in the flashlight beam of the enemy's shaking, and a muffled sound followed from the enemy group.

In the blink of an eye, the mountain suddenly became dark, and the seven or eight boys who had just rushed over to the fairy had already collapsed on the steep rock at this moment, and there was a sound of falling and rolling from the rock immediately on the hillside. The sound of falling, but not a single one of the dozen or so enemies who rushed down the hillside screamed before dying.

Just now Wan Lin, who was hiding in the surrounding darkness, and Xiaoya, who ran down the slope, had already aimed at the enemy's vital parts, so they were killed in one shot, and they didn't give anything at all. The enemy had a chance to breathe, let alone let them cry!

At this time, sharp steel needles and sharp arrows had been inserted into the head and heart of the enemy who rushed down the hillside. A group of enemies rolled over without a word and fell on the surrounding rocks, and then went down the steep hillside. Rolling over, dark silhouettes rolled on the dim hillside.

Abu, who was following around, suddenly heard the sound of breaking the air in front of him. He immediately heard that it was the sound of Brother Wan's inspection, and knew that he suddenly launched an attack on the enemy in a crisis! With a quick reaction, he pulled out a sharp machete from behind his waist, raised the knife and charged towards the top of the hillside.

But then he heard a rush of wind coming from the side, and then saw the enemy who was already close at hand suddenly fell to the ground and rolled down, and in a blink of an eye there was no enemy standing on the hillside above! He was stunned for a moment, and only then did he realize that the group of enemies in front of him had been killed on the spot by Brother Wan, who was hiding in the dark, and a few pretty girls beside him.

At this time, the three of Xiaoya next to Abu had already rushed out to the top of the hillside with a gust of wind. The slender figures of several people swayed from side to side among the jagged rocks, and in a blink of an eye they had left him behind. .

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