Panther Commando

Chapter 3048: frightened cry

At this time, Wan Lin and the others hid at the entrance of the cave and stared at the right side of the canyon. There was a dense forest on the side hillside. The black forest in the starlight held the hillside and continued to the entrance of the valley. In the middle of the canyon is the one in the dark A slow flowing river.

Several people have been here before and know that this big river turns sharply around the foot of the mountain outside the valley, so the river water is surging outside the valley, but when entering the valley, it walks slowly like a quiet and skilled lady. , seems very quiet. Below the hillside is a dirt road built along the river, and in the dimness it twists and turns toward the valley like a white cloth belt.

Wan Lin's eyes swept across the side hillside quickly, and then he looked at the high mountain top outside the valley. On the top of the mountain outside the mouth of the valley, the flames were blazing, violently agitating back and forth in the canyon of gunshots and explosions, refracting waves of echoes. The mirror-like river was reflecting a flickering fire, and a black shadow was swarming along the riverbanks on both sides toward the valley.

Wan Lin raised his gun and aimed at the top of Taniguchi, and his face suddenly became solemn. At this time, he judged from the fire on the top of the mountain and the fierce gunfire that Cheng Ru and his group had formed a fire confrontation with the enemy. , the opponent's defenders on the top of the mountain must be larger than expected, and the defenders on the hillside must also be rushing to the top of the mountain to reinforce the defenders there. Now Chengru's group must be facing great pressure!

He carefully observed the canyon in the dark, and then aimed the muzzle of the gun around the cave. Now he did not find the figure of the enemy beside the surrounding cliffs, and there were no small flowers that had jumped up to the canopy of the big tree outside the cave. A warning was issued, which showed that Kunsha did not send heavy troops to defend the cave, but only arranged a group of well-armed soldiers to guard the cave.

At this time, Wan Lin suddenly felt some doubts in his heart. This hidden cave can be said to be a lifeline for Kunsa to save his life in a critical moment, but why did he not send heavy troops around to guard it?

Wan Lin raised his gun and looked around and pondered for a moment, and suddenly realized in his heart: According to the analysis of intelligence gathered from various aspects, Kun Sha has a violent and suspicious personality, and a person with this personality will definitely not trust anyone, he must believe in death only Talent will not leak the statement, so he will not let ordinary subordinates know about this hidden cave, and the people guarding the cave must be the cronies who have been with him all the time.

Moreover, there is a high possibility that Kunsha's drug storehouse and weapons storehouse are hidden in the cave. He will try his best to keep the secret of the cave. If there is no trouble in Kunsha, there are other secret paths to enter the cave, so as to prevent others from discovering this hidden in the cliff. Under the secret cave.

Wan Lin thought to himself, and immediately leaned on the mouth of the cave and looked towards the side cliffs. Sure enough, there are dark holes all over the steep and rugged rock walls around, and it is difficult for ordinary people to tell which one is the cave leading to the outside of the valley from these holes. And this kind of cave is basically connected with holes, and the inside is like a dark labyrinth. Once outsiders who are not familiar with the situation in the cave get lost in it, they will most likely turn into a pile of dead bones that will never see the light of day.

Wan Lin has been on the battlefield for a long time. He and his leopard teammates have experienced countless fierce battles together. He knows that the more critical it is, the more careful you must be. If you are not careful, you may fall into the enemy's trap. , so he must find out where the enemy is in the dark. Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will most likely lose the whole game!

Now he wanted to understand the reason why Kunsha did not send heavy troops to guard the cave, and immediately raised his gun to look in the direction of Taniguchi. He stared closely at the group of enemies who were reinforcing in the direction of Taniguchi, and suddenly there was a gleam in his eyes. He turned his head to look at Xiaoya and a few people around him whispered: "The pressure of the first group is extremely high, and the second group has not started yet, which means that the wind knife and the others must be using the opportunity to attract the attention of the enemy, and they are approaching Taniguchi. We Quickly rush to Taniguchi to launch an attack from the canyon, annihilate Taniguchi's enemies inside and out, and cover them into the canyon!"

He raised his finger and pointed to the dark dense forest on the side of the hillside, and continued: "The forest on the hillside used to be densely covered with mines and various organs, and it was very dangerous. Unless it is absolutely necessary, don't stray into it. From now on, our soldiers will Divide into two separate paths and approach Taniguchi."

He glanced at the machine guns in Abu and Wu Xueying's hands, and said, "Xiaoya followed me from the river to the valley. Lingling, you took Wu Xueying and Abu along the rock under the cliff on the right to the side of the valley, and then unexpectedly attack!"

"Yes!" Xiaoya replied in a low voice. Wan Lin raised his spear and stood up in the dark, raised his hand and pointed to the bottom of the mountain to the right to the little flower hidden in the tree canopy in front of him, and then he lifted his foot to get out of the cave. At this moment a flash of blue light suddenly appeared in the dense canopy.

Wan Lin's eyes flashed, and he immediately leaned against the rock wall at the entrance of the cave, raised his gun and aimed down. In the dim starlight, a black figure suddenly came running from a winding mountain road below, and now it has appeared on the halfway of the mountain, only five or six hundred meters away from where Wan Lin and the others were. He flew over from under the cliff and looked very flustered by the boy's running posture. He turned his head and looked in the direction of Taniguchi as he ran.

Wan Lin immediately raised his gun and aimed at the boy's head in the dark. At this time, he already knew in his heart that this boy must have come back from Taniguchi! Now the enemy's radio communication signal in the canyon has been blocked by Lingling, and the enemy can't get in touch, so they sent someone to run back from the Taniguchi to report the situation to the enemy in the cave.

Just then, a sharp, terrified woman's cry suddenly came from under the cliff on the left. Wan Lin was startled and immediately turned his gun to look down the cliff on the left. Hundreds of meters away, under the dark cliff, three black shadows were running out of a few tents propped up against the cliff.

At this time, Abu stepped behind Wan Lin with a machine gun, and he said in a low voice, "This is the cry of three women, and it can be heard from their cry that these three are prostitutes from outside Khun Sha and the others. , and now they are suddenly awakened by the sound of gunfire, screaming and fleeing down, cursing Khun Sa."

Wan Lin heard that the other party was just three prostitutes, he immediately released his finger on the trigger, moved the muzzle and aimed at the boy running towards the cliff. He frowned when he heard the shrill voices of several women on the side, and then ordered in a low voice: "Xiaoya, these three women are too close to us, and it is very likely to expose the situation in the cave. You go down and knock them out, and then Close to Taniguchi in groups."

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