Panther Commando

Chapter 3049: Alone

Before Wan Lin could finish speaking, the figure at the entrance of the cave flashed. Xiaoya, Lingling, and Wu Xueying had already climbed out of the cave, clinging to the rock wall, and then quickly ran to the back of the thick tree trunk in front of them. The boulder flew over to the left under the cliff.

At this time, Abu saw that Wan Lin was still aiming his gun at the kid running below. He hurriedly lay down at the entrance of the hole again, and set up his machine gun and aimed at the canyon on the right.

At this time, he suddenly discovered that the fire from the muzzle that was still flashing on the top of the mountain had weakened, and the violent eruption seemed to disappear in an instant. The firelight also disappeared suddenly, and the top of the mountain that had just been lit up suddenly became dim.

Abu looked at the distant top of the mountain from the dim entrance, and his heart suddenly sank. Could it be that the brothers on the top of the mountain and the others...? At the moment when his heart sank, "Dada Da", "Da Da Da", "Boom", "Boom"... A burst of violent gunshots and explosions suddenly sounded from the mouth of the valley under the top of the mountain, pitch-black. The dark night sky above Taniguchi was suddenly illuminated with a bright red color, and the hillside near Taniguchi was also instantly illuminated as if it were daytime.

Abu was overjoyed, knowing that Brother Feng and Brother Zhang of the second group had brought Abao and the others close to Taniguchi and suddenly launched an attack! The deafening gunshots and explosions came one after another, which seemed to be more intense than the battle on the top of the mountain just now.

When he saw the fierce battle in Taniguchi, he stood up abruptly from the hole and raised his machine gun. At this moment, the kid who was flying over the mountain road below was more than 200 meters away from the cliff. Following Abu's rise, the kid suddenly raised his hand and shouted. Obviously, this kid came running towards the cave, keeping his eyes on the entrance of the cave where Wan Lin and the others were invisible. At this moment, he suddenly saw the figure appearing at the entrance of the cave, so he immediately raised his hand and shouted.

Abu was shocked, knowing that he suddenly stood up and exposed the target, he suddenly raised the machine gun in his hand in panic, and then raised his hand to pull the bolt.

At this moment, Wan Lin, who was leaning against the wall of the cave, suddenly moved his fingers lightly, and his long sniper rifle trembled slightly. flew down the hillside. He seemed to be in the dark when he was suddenly hit hard by an invisible hammer. Like a big shrimp, he bowed back and flew more than a meter away, and then fell back to the hillside below. Rolling down the hillside in the dark.

"Oops!" A sharp cry followed from under the cliff on the left, and Wan Lin's sniper rifle quickly aimed sideways. Hundreds of meters away, on the hillside under the canopy, the three women who had just run down in horror stopped suddenly, and then let out a scream. Obviously, the three women had already seen the boy who was shot by the bullet, so they immediately stopped and let out a terrified cry.

At this moment, three black shadows suddenly appeared in the darkness, and in the blink of an eye, they rushed in front of the three women who were screaming like killing pigs. The three women immediately fell limply up the hillside, lying motionless on the ground.

At this moment, the three black figures that suddenly appeared turned around and ran towards Wan Lin quickly. The figures of several people rose and fell among the dimly lit rocks, and their movements were very agile.

Wan Lin saw Xiaoya and the three of them knocking out the three screaming women, and immediately raised his gun to look around, his finger lightly placed on the trigger, and the muzzle of the gun quickly swept across the ruins below and the dark forest on the side of the hillside. , covering the three Xiaoya who were running towards him.

After a short time, Xiaoya and the others had quickly approached the cave. Wan Lin immediately retracted his gun and said to Abu on the side, "Come on, go down the cliff on the right. Lingling and Wu Xueying will catch up with you. Be careful."

Before he finished speaking, he jumped out of the hole in a flash, pointed to the hillside below to Xiaoya who had already run over, and then ran down the hill like a cloud of smoke. As Wan Lin rushed out, a faint blue light flashed from the canopy in front of him, and a small black shadow jumped down from the pitch-black canopy like an arrow, landing on the hillside in front of Wan Lin and rushing downward. out.

Seeing Wanlin and Xiaohua rushing down the slope, Abu hurriedly stepped out of the cave with a machine gun and ran along the cliff on the right toward the valley.

Xiaoya, who was running from the side of the hill, saw Wan Lin's gesture, and also turned around and ran down the **** with her assault rifle in hand. Wu Xueying and Lingling ran up, and immediately clinged to the ups and downs of the steep rock wall. Chase to Abu in front. A few shadows split into two in the darkness, and then the cover of darkness rushed towards Taniguchi. The battle in Taniguchi has reached a fever pitch. The deafening sound of gunfire and explosions is deafening. The flames spewing from the muzzle are one after another.

Taniguchi and the foot of the mountain in front of the bullet rained and whistled. Pieces of stone chips shattered by bullets flew in the sky. Dust mist and thick smoke immediately filled the surrounding Taniguchi.

Just now, the three snipers Cheng Ru, Lin Zisheng and Wen Meng on the top of the mountain used the cover of darkness to hide behind rocks and tree trunks and quickly pulled the trigger. The three snipers who were hidden in the dark immediately suppressed the firepower of the enemy close to Taniguchi with accurate bullets.

At this time, Cheng Ru was lying on the back of a sniper rifle on the side of a rock, and shot a half-head exposed on the opposite side of the mountain. He quickly took out a new magazine from the tactical vest and inserted it into the gun body, his eyes followed Looking to the side of the mountain.

At this time, a cluster of fire was flickering on the dark side of the mountain. Wang Dali stood behind a rock. His muzzle spewed out. The sound of gunshots echoed on the hillside below, and pieces of sparks hit by enemy bullets splashed around Wang Dali and on the rocks in front of him.

In the darkness, Cheng Ru suddenly noticed that Wang Dali's left arm turning the machine gun was a little stiff, the entire sleeve seemed wet, and a thick bandage was wrapped around his neck. Cheng Ru was shocked! Wang Dali must have been injured when a few of them sniped the enemy on the opposite side, and now he is wounded to resist the enemy reinforcements below!

"Zisheng, immediately support vigorously! Wen Meng covers." Cheng Ru immediately shouted into the microphone, and then rushed to the side with a sniper rifle.


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