Panther Commando

Chapter 3050: Furious Scimitar Warrior

At this moment, two black shadows had already escaped from the darkness on Chengru's side. The two rushed to the rock beside Wang Dali and jumped directly to the rock on the top of the mountain. Bang" and "bang bang bang" pulled the trigger of the machine gun, followed by a cluster of flames on the shoulder of the other person.

Wang Dali, who was lying on the rock and shooting downwards, suddenly saw Abu's little brother and another machete machine gunfire rushing towards him, and he stood on the edge of the mountain regardless of the fact that the enemy below pulled the trigger.

"Hide!" He shouted in shock, and the muzzle swept out a string of bullets at the "bang bang bang" below, and then grabbed a grenade placed on the rock with his right hand, raised it and headed down the slope. He threw it out, and then picked up a spare magazine in his right hand and quickly inserted it into the gun body. The machine gun sound of "bang bang bang" and the explosion below sounded almost at the same time.

At the same time, hiding in the shadow near the top of the mountain also flew out a black shadow, the shadow moved quickly towards the side of the mountain, and a round thing flew out of the shadow with a whistling, straight Run down the hillside and fly. Cheng Ru immediately understood that Zisheng had rushed out of the hidden place according to his order, and was fully supporting Wang Dali, who was fighting alone.

Cheng Ru rushed behind Wang Dali like a cloud of smoke, his right hand suddenly raised upwards, and a grenade also roared over the top of Dali's head and flew down the hillside. He rushed behind Wang Dali, snatched the machine gun from his hand, and shouted at him, "Wrap up the wound!"

In the dimness, he could clearly see Wang Dali's shoulder and neck being hit by the enemy's bullet, but he just hadtily bandaged the wound on his neck, ignoring the bleeding shoulder wound. The sleeves were soaked with blood. At this point, he could no longer care about the wound on his shoulder, still lying behind the machine gun to deal with the enemy rushing down the hillside with all his might.

Cheng Ru roared, leaned out from behind the machine gun, pulled the trigger with his right hand and swept toward the hillside below. At this time, he could clearly see that on the hillside seven or eighty meters away from the top of the mountain, a dozen or two black shadows were climbing up the hillside through the jagged rocks. Spit upwards from the side of the rock.

At this time, Lin Zisheng, Cheng Ru and the two machete warriors had already rushed to the edge of the mountain, and suddenly became violent and immediately suppressed the firepower of the enemy below. Two machine guns and a sniper rifle immediately sprayed a row of ferocious bullets at the small surface, and rockets and grenades continued to explode from the hillside.

In a blink of an eye, the enemy who was already close to the top of the mountain immediately collapsed in a mess, and the enemy who escaped this fierce attack immediately lay down under the rock, and then stretched out the muzzle to shoot randomly.

Cheng Ru swept out a shuttle of bullets at the "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" down the hillside. He didn't care to change the magazine, he picked up the sniper rifle placed on the rock, and raised the gun to face the bottom. A few shadows moving in the rock crevice below pulled the trigger, and with the sound of sniper rifles "poof", "poof", "poof", several shadows immediately rolled down the hillside.

At this moment, a dazzling fire suddenly erupted from behind the rock below. Cheng Ru immediately shouted at the sound of the machete machine gunfire from the side and Abu's younger brother: "Hide!" When he came back, he was pushed down by a force who was squatting behind the rock to bandage the wound, and his body was pressed down on him.

"Boom", a huge explosion sounded right next to a rock on their side, and a piece of gravel and shrapnel flew around, and a burst of "crackling" came from Chengru's bulletproof vest and helmet. sound.

The whistling shrapnel and gravel just flew by, Cheng Ru immediately raised his head from Wang Dali, he shook his head vigorously, and then he saw the machine gun of the side machete fighter crooked on the rock, the machete machine gunner had already He fell to the ground on his back, his face covered in blood and motionless, his hands spread weakly aside.

Cheng Ru was shocked, and immediately stood up from the rock and shouted into the microphone: "Zisheng, kill that bastard!" In the roar, he jumped to the edge of the Scimitar Warrior Mountain, knelt down on one knee and reached out to touch it. With a slap on the neck of the scimitar warrior, he turned around and stood up with a machine gun that was lying on the rock, leaned out and aimed down the slope. He moved the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger against several shadows fleeing down the hillside. A string of fire snakes "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" immediately spewed out from the muzzle, roaring and flying down the hillside below. A few black shadows flew away.

At the same time, the sound of a grenade exploded from behind a boulder below, and two black shadows suddenly flew upwards along with the firelight of the and then fell down the hillside. Immediately after that, a dark figure suddenly stood up on the hillside near the top of the mountain, carrying a long sniper rifle and flashing a few clusters of flames at the figures fleeing below, then turned around and ran towards the top of the mountain.

Cheng Ru could see at a glance that it was Lin Zisheng's figure, and from the peculiar posture of the shadow running with his arms raised, he could see at a glance that this was the light exercise movement technique passed down by Lin Zisheng's family.

At this time, a loud "bang bang bang" sound of machine gunfire followed from the side. Wang Dali had simply bandaged the wound on his shoulder. He stood up from behind the rock and hugged his machine gun, then pulled the trigger and swept out a rain of bullets at the fleeing enemy below.

At this moment, "Ah..." A mad roar suddenly sounded from under a rock on the side, and Cheng Ru turned his head to look at the opportunity to change the magazine. At a glance, Abu's little brother stood up from the ground with blood on his face. He picked up a bazooka on the ground, jumped on the rock and pulled the trigger against the hillside below. He immediately threw the bazooka away. Pick up the assault rifle on the rock, jump up on the rock and stand on the edge of the mountain to sweep away the frenzy of "dada da" and "dada da" below.

"Hidden, hidden!" Cheng Ru shouted immediately when he saw Abu's younger brother's crazy appearance, the machine gun in his hand "bang bang bang" shot down the fire. At this time, he already understood that Abu, the sturdy little brother, saw that his two companions were successively hit by the enemy's bullets. He lost his mind in the rage, jumped on the rock and fired at the enemy without concealment.

Cheng Ru's cry had just been shouted, and two fires suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain on the opposite side of the mountain, which had become dark. The gunshots of "da da da" and "da da da" followed. Brother Abu stood on the rock beside the mountain. Just after swept out a string of bullets, his sturdy body suddenly shook violently at the sound of enemy gunfire, and then he fell headfirst down the mountain.

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