Panther Commando

Chapter 3051: burning blood

Cheng Ru saw that Abu's younger brother was shot, and he immediately shouted: "Wen Meng, kill the enemy!" He let go of the machine gun he was holding in the roar, kicked the rock hard under his feet, and suddenly jumped to the side, He hugged Abu's little brother who was being planted from the rock and put him under the rock.

He followed and twisted a sniper rifle that had been dragged over the rocks on the side, and turned to raise the muzzle back. He knew that there were still remnants of enemies on the top of the mountain near Taniguchi. A few of their snipers shot and killed most of the enemies on the opposite side at the same time, but there were still enemies who immediately huddled under the rock, and now they saw the enemy standing on the rock. Brother Abu, so he suddenly raised his gun and swept towards this side, hitting the exposed brother Abu.

At this time, a few faint firelights had flashed out from the side of the dark rock, and the two firelights sprayed from the opposite mountain immediately extinguished, and immediately saw two dark shadows flying out from behind the rock, facing upwards. Falling down the hill behind.

At this time, Wang Dali had already turned around with the machine gun in his arms, "bang bang bang", a string of bullets swept straight to the side of the mountain near Taniguchi amid the deafening sound of gunfire. With a string of machine gun bullets swept out by Wang Dali, the sound of gunfire suddenly disappeared on the top of the mountain!

Two black shadows suddenly appeared beside the rocks on both sides of Cheng Ru and Wang Dali, and Wen Meng and Lin Zisheng had already rushed towards the opposite mountain at this moment. Cheng Ru and Wang Dali immediately raised their guns to look at the opposite side, raising their guns nervously to cover the two comrades who suddenly rushed out

The figures of Lin Zisheng and Wen Meng dashing, like two black smokes swaying in the dark, rushed to the opposite mountain top, followed by bursts of "papapa" and "papapa" The sound of gunfire suddenly sounded, and the crisp pistol sound accompanied the fast-moving figures of the two people one after another. In the darkness, streaks of fire were spewing from the hands of the two of them.

Obviously, the sudden attack of the enemy on the top of the mountain just now had angered Wen Meng and Lin Zisheng. Wen Meng, who had been raising a gun to monitor the enemy on the opposite side, saw the two strings of fire suddenly appearing on the opposite side. Pulling the trigger, she quickly killed the two enemies on the opposite side who suddenly exposed their heads. She immediately saw the machete warrior who fell to the side, and she drew out her pistol in a rage and rushed towards the opposite side.

Lin Zisheng, who had just run back from the hillside below, suddenly saw Wen Meng rushing out of the darkness. He didn't say a word, and immediately rushed out of the darkness, and also pulled out his pistol and rushed over from the side. At this time, the two rushed to the opposite side and the gunshots continued. Obviously, they could not care to check the life and death of the enemy lying on the side of the mountain. They shot bullets at the surrounding shadows while moving fast.

Cheng Ru held a sniper rifle to cover Wen Meng and Zisheng and rushed over, and then saw Wen Meng and Lin Zisheng firing machine guns at the surrounding people, and then they saw them jumping to the two rocks next to the top of the mountain. , raised the long sniper rifle and aimed at Taniguchi below, and then the gunshots of "poof", "poof", "poof", "poof" sounded from in front of the two of them.

Seeing that Wen Meng and Wen Meng had reached the opposite mountain safely, Cheng Ru immediately turned around and stood up, leaned out from under the rock and raised his gun to aim at the hillside below to prevent the enemy from rushing on the hillside below.

At this time, black smoke was bubbling up on the dim hillside below, and some withered grasses that had been ignited by the explosions and bullets had already emitted faint flames. There was a dark corpse of the enemy lying on the hillside, and there was not a single active enemy in sight.

Obviously, most of the enemies who came for reinforcements from the hillside had been annihilated by the dense bullets and explosions that they suddenly shot down from the top, and the remaining enemies had already fled down the hillside with rolling and crawling at this moment.

Seeing that the surroundings were safe, Cheng Ru immediately put down his sniper rifle, raised his hand and took out a first aid kit from his backpack. Just as he was about to squat down to check Abu's brother's injury, Abu's brother, who was leaning against the side of the rock with his head lowered, suddenly raised his head, followed by a furious roar, and he pulled out the cold light with his right hand. The shining scimitar, struggling to stand up.

Cheng Ru bent down and held him down, squatted down and quickly looked at him. Abu's little brother was soaked with blood all over his body, and there was blood gushing out from his chest and stomach. At this moment, he was staring at the front with wide eyes, and the scimitar in his right hand had been raised forward!

Cheng Ru was shocked! He could see at a glance that Abu's younger brother was hit in the back by a string of bullets shot by the enemy, and the bullets had passed through his chest and lower back from behind him. He hugged Abu's younger brother, and the gauze in his hand immediately blocked his chest.

On the side, Dali saw that Lin Zisheng and Wen Meng were already in place. He also hung his left hand by his side, and held a machine gun in his right hand, ran to Cheng Ru's side, looked down, and asked anxiously, "Are you seriously injured?"

Before he finished his The machete held by Abu's brother suddenly fell from the air, and the machete with a cold "dang bang" landed on the rock in front of him and followed him. The raised head also slowly dropped to the chest.

Dali was stunned for a moment when he saw the appearance of Abu's younger brother, then he bent down and touched Abu's younger brother's neck, then straightened up and let out a loud roar! With his machine gun in hand, he staggered to the top of the mountain ahead.

Cheng Ru's eyes were red with blood. He saw with his own eyes this brave machete brother died in his arms, and the blood in his whole body seemed to suddenly burn. He released the right hand that was blocking Abu's brother's chest, and jumped up from under the rock. He got up and put the sniper rifle behind him, grabbed the bazooka that Abu's brother had thrown aside, grabbed the ammunition box on the ground with his left hand, and chased after Dali.

Just when Chengru and his group were wiping out the enemy at the top of the mountain, there was a sudden burst of intense gunfire at the foot of the mountain near Taniguchi, and then a deafening explosion sounded from Taniguchi. Reflected in red.

The fierce gunshots were precisely the fierce battle between the second group at the foot of the mountain and the defender of Taniguchi. When Cheng Ru and the others were fighting **** battles on the top of the mountain just now, Zhang Wa and Ah Bao had already met the three boys who were approaching, and the wind knives behind them were scattered on both sides of the dirt road.

In the dimness, the faces of Feng Dao, Bao Ya, and Yuwen brothers already showed nervous expressions. All of them grabbed the assault rifle hanging on the right shoulder with the muzzle pointing to the ground, and their fingers were already on the trigger.

The scimitar warriors who followed in scattered pieces, some held their assault rifles tightly in the darkness, while others quietly took out grenades, their eyes flashing light in the darkness. At this time, they were only forty or fifty meters away from Taniguchi's defending enemy, and the three enemies approaching were in front of them!

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