Panther Commando

Chapter 3052: dark*

At this moment, the hearts of every leopard team member and scimitar warrior were beating violently. At this moment, their eyes were fixed on the dim Taniguchi, watching every move of Taniguchi defending the enemy.

The fierce battle between the group of Chengru on the top of the mountain and the enemy really attracted the attention of Taniguchi's defense. A group of enemies in Taniguchi looked up and shouted.

At this time, the enemy's radio signals around the canyon have been blocked, the enemy's command system has been cut off, and now we can only communicate by shouting, so the defending enemy at Taniguchi has panicked, constantly pulling his neck to the top of the valley and outside. There was a cry in the direction.

Amid the flickering flames of fierce fighting on the top of the mountain, they could no longer take a closer look at the group of figures walking loosely in front of them. They really didn't believe in their hearts that someone dared to walk in front of their machine guns on the Taniguchi fortifications. In their many years of battles with the surrounding drug lords and government forces, they have indeed never encountered such an opponent who is not afraid of death.

Just at the moment when the gunshots on the top of the mountain suddenly stopped, Ah Bao and Zhang Wa, who were walking at the front, suddenly accelerated their pace. Abu raised his finger and pointed to the top of the mountain on the side and asked loudly what? On the other hand, Zhang Wa and Zhang Wa quickly greeted each other in the shaking flashlight beam. The others who followed Fengdao immediately stared at Taniguchi's enemy, and suddenly quickened their pace.

At this time, the three boys in front were walking forward while looking at the top of the mountain in the direction of Abu's fingers, completely unaware that the people in front had suddenly accelerated their pace and were walking towards them at a high speed.

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Wa had already walked over to the boy holding the flashlight. At this moment, he suddenly took a step forward and grabbed the boy's arms. A cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and his right hand pulled out his thigh like lightning. The saber on the side, with a "poof" from bottom to top, was directly inserted into the boy's stomach. At the same time, his left hand raised one to cover the opponent's mouth, and his right hand clenched the handle of the knife and twisted it vigorously.

The boy in front of him suddenly saw the other party rushing directly in front of him, and he had already realized that something was wrong, but before he could react, he suddenly felt a cold in his stomach, and a sharp pain spread throughout his body.

He stared at him and was about to let out a cry, but the other's left hand was tightly covering his mouth. He let out a muffled groan, his body immediately slumped to the ground, and the flashlight held in his right hand also fell to the ground, and his body lay limply on Zhang Wa's shoulders.

With the muffled sound made by this kid, the following two boys saw their companion's flashlight falling to the ground. The two immediately felt that the situation was not right, and raised their hands to raise the muzzle.

At this moment, Ah Bao had already stepped between the two of them. A cold light suddenly flashed from behind him in his right hand, and the knife light flashed twice in the dim starlight. In the two crisp sounds of "click" and "click", two round heads suddenly flew from the shoulders of these two boys, and two turbulent blood columns immediately spewed from their necks! The surging blood column made a terrifying "hissing" sound in the dark, and a thick **** smell immediately filled Taniguchi.

At the moment when Zhang Wa and A Bao shot, two cold lights suddenly flew from behind Zhang Wa, the wind knife that had been walking behind Zhang Wa suddenly raised his hands, and the two flying knives roared out immediately. In Taniguchi's fortifications piled up with rocks and sacks, there were two muffled noises, and the boy lying behind the two machine guns in the fortification suddenly slanted, and the two machine guns on the sandbags followed the two of them. The body fell to the side together.

The sudden change shocked the defender who was looking up at the top of the mountain by Taniguchi! A group of people immediately lowered their heads and looked forward, only then did they see in the dimness that the two round heads in front were flying into the air, and the three companions who met the person fell to the ground.

A strong **** smell has been blown towards them with the mountain wind. Taniguchi's enemies were startled, and following them they saw a flash of cold light in the air, and the two machine gunners beside them immediately lay on the fortifications.

Only then did a group of drug dealer soldiers wake up from their astonishment, and they immediately let out a scream. The boys lying on the sides of the two machine gunners raised their assault rifles in front of them while screaming, and then stretched their fingers to the trigger.

Just as they raised their guns to pull the trigger, a few boys suddenly felt a gust of wind coming from above their heads. Before a group of people could react, a few howling bullets flew from the top of the mountain, sniping one by one. The bullets entered their bodies accurately. Several people's bodies trembled violently, and then fell back.

Two of the two boys were leaning back, and their fingers had instinctively pulled the The two assault rifles spurted out a string of flames, and two strings of bullets roared from Zhang Wa and the others. Flying overhead, the crisp gunshots immediately sounded Taniguchi!

At this moment, the assault rifles of Bao Ya and Brother Feng Yu were raised, and several strings of fire snakes flew towards the dim Taniguchi. As soon as the gunshots of several people sounded, a round thing flew out behind them, and the grenades flew over the defensive offensive of Taniguchi and flew straight into the dark canyon.

Zhang Wa and the others saw the grenade flying over their heads, and they stopped their rushing steps in shock. While raising their guns to hit the valley, they quickly fell on the ground, and then rolled towards the foot of the mountain and the low-lying place on the side. out.

"Boom" and "Boom boom" followed by a series of deafening explosions from Taniguchi, and clusters of sudden bursts of fire light immediately illuminated the dim Taniguchi red, and the dazzling firelight in the valley danced with strips of light. Black shadow, screams followed from the violent explosion.

At this time, Zhang Wa and the others stopped shooting in shock. They were lying on the uneven mountain road and rolled to the low-lying place beside the gun, then pressed their bodies tightly to the ground. They really didn't expect that these scimitar warriors behind them would throw out a lot of grenades regardless. Fortunately, when they were about to rush forward, they all saw a grenade flying over their heads, so they all responded quickly and lay on the ground, then rolled their guns to the back of the rocks and low-lying places by the roadside.

The deafening explosions came one after another, and the whistling shrapnel and the bombed ones fell from the sky at any time, and the ears of several people made a "humming" sound in the series of deafening explosions.

At this moment, two clusters of dazzling fire suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain, and the sound of "bang bang bang" machine guns sounded from the top of the mountain, followed by a rocket roaring into the valley.

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