Panther Commando

Chapter 3053: Reckless Scimitar Warrior

In the dazzling firelight of Taniguchi, Chengru and several people who rushed to the top of the mountain have already seen the position of the enemy in Taniguchi. They all lied behind the machine guns and sniper rifles, aimed at the enemy and pulled the trigger.

A piece of machine gun bullets and a few sniper bullets seemed to have eyes, roaring straight to the top of the enemy's head. A group of drug dealer soldiers who had just lied behind the bunkers and under the undulating rocks of the river bank in the explosion and fire had not yet woken up from their panic.

At this moment, the originally dark Taniguchi was filled with flames, and the corpses, sandbags, and gravel of the enemy that were blown up rolled in the air. The sound of explosions and screams suddenly resounded in the narrow Taniguchi, and a huge echo shook the entire line. The canyons echoed with a "humming" sound. A dark cloud in the sky was already lit by the explosion's firelight into a dark red.

Just after the violent explosion was extinguished, Zhang Wa, Feng Dao, Bao Ya, and Feng Yu Brothers had not waited for the gravel and mud blocks from the bomb to fall, and their guns had already stretched forward from the ground. With the fingers of several people, a piece of fire was ejected from their muzzles, and a dense rain of bullets flew towards the darkened valley. Taniguchi, which had just been darkened by the explosion, immediately splattered with sparks hit by bullets in the blink of an eye.

With the dense rain of bullets shot towards Taniguchi, Zhang Wa and several others had already jumped up from the ground and rushed towards Taniguchi. They all continued to spray forward with clusters of firelight as they ran wildly.

At this time, the narrow Taniguchi was silent and not a single enemy fired. The sudden and violent attack made the dozen or so defenders gathered at the Taniguchi have not reacted, and several were knocked down by the rain of bullets shot down from the top of the mountain in front of them. Most of the remaining enemies flew into the air with a loud explosion.

A few boys who stood behind the rock and escaped this fierce attack were also shaken by the violent explosion around them. A group of people either fell under the rock or hugged their heads in the huge shock wave. in the weeds.

Cheng Ru and several people on the top of the mountain saw Zhang Wa and several people rushing towards the valley. Wang Dali and Lin Zisheng, who were holding machine guns, immediately raised their muzzles and swept deep into the valley. Cheng Ru and Wen Meng took advantage of the cover of darkness and ran to the hillside near the Taniguchi with their sniper rifles. Then they lay on the mountainside and raised their guns to aim at the moving enemy figure in the valley. They pulled the trigger and covered them with all their strength. Zhang Wa and several people who are rushing towards Taniguchi.

Zhang Wa and the others followed the cover of a group of teammates and rushed to Taniguchi, and then they lay on the back of the sandbags and rocks that had been blown up by the grenade just now, and raised their guns at Gu Nei and swept out a piece of bullets. Several people swept out the bullets from the gun, raised their hands and threw a few grenades into the depths of the valley and the darkness on both sides of the canyon, preventing the enemy from hiding in the woods and river banks on the side.

In the light of the explosion of the grenade, several people immediately saw that Taniguchi was lying on the ground with the corpses of the enemy, surrounded by blasted sandbags and stones, and clusters of burning fire were coming from the thatched huts on the side of Taniguchi. Rising up in the middle, black smoke filled the air with a thick smell of gunpowder.

The air knives immediately pointed their guns at a dark shadow lying on the ground in the valley. Several wounded drug dealer soldiers screamed and struggled from the pile of corpses to the side of the woods. Climb up. The defensive bunkers originally set up by the river and the jungle have been destroyed, several machine guns and rocket launchers are lying on the ground, and the ammunition boxes are also overturned in the firelight.

Zhang Wa and the others immediately pulled the trigger a few times at the dark shadow moving in the valley, and then lay down behind the rocks and sandbags at the mouth of the valley while hitting the valley, while quickly observing the terrain in the valley.

A dirt road winding along a wide river now runs through the dark canyon, and to the right of the dirt road is the wide river that reflects the firelight. On the left side of the road was a dark, dense forest that stretched down to the bottom of the steep cliff. The depths of the canyon were shrouded in darkness, and several people could not see the situation in front of them at all.

While observing the situation in the valley, Zhang Wa and the others lowered their bodies and attacked the valley. Before they raised their right hands, they threw a few grenades into the dark jungle on the side to prevent the enemy from hiding in the jungle.

At this time, the scimitar warriors behind also rushed over with their guns raised, and strings of fire snakes were shooting from the assault rifles they held on their chests. The first group of machete warriors rushed to Taniguchi bravely, and then rushed into the valley from the side of Zhang Wa who was lying behind the cover without hesitation.

The air knives who were shooting forward under the cover were shocked! Several people quickly released the tightly squeezed to prevent their bullets from accidentally injuring the rushing scimitar warriors.

As soon as Zhang Wa stopped shooting, out of the corner of his eyes, he suddenly saw Ah Bao who was beside him raise his upper body suddenly. The scimitar warrior shouted loudly: "Come back!", "Come back quickly", "Danger, get down!"...

Several people in Fengdao have rich combat experience, and they have experienced a **** and **** battle here a few years ago, and they already have a basic understanding of the terrain in the valley. They knew that the enemy would never set up only one line of defense in this valley, and there must be other lines of defense of the enemy on the mountain road behind. Therefore, after they rushed to Taniguchi, they immediately lied behind the cover of Taniguchi, and the purpose was to occupy Taniguchi and use firepower to scout the distribution of enemy firepower in the valley.

But they didn't expect that these reckless scimitars rushed directly into this dangerous canyon from the back when the enemy's situation in the valley was unknown. All may fall under the muzzle of the enemy.

In the dark, Ah Bao, who was shooting beside Zhang Wa, suddenly saw his subordinates rush into Taniguchi, and now he heard the anxious screams of Zhang Wa around him, and immediately realized the danger. He shouted in the local language: "Come back!" As he got up, he was about to chase the men ahead.

Now he was pressed under the sandbag by Zhang Wa. He shook his body anxiously and tried to get up again, but the big hand on his back was like a heavy mountain, pressing firmly on the sandbag. , so that he could not stand up at all. He anxiously turned his head to look at Zhang Wa and shouted, "Let me go, let me go, I'll call the brothers back!"

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