Panther Commando

Chapter 3054: 2nd line of defense

At this moment, "Puff puff puff...", the sound of being hit by a bullet suddenly came from the sandbags in front of A Bao and Zhang Wa, followed by "bang bang bang", "bang bang bang" "..., a burst of violent machine gunfire suddenly sounded from the darkness!

The seven or eight scimitar warriors who had rushed into the valley suddenly heard the roars of Fengdao and Ah Bao behind them, and they had realized the danger. These people were just about to lie down on the undulating mountain road, but there was already a flickering fire in the darkness, and a dense rain of bullets flew towards them, and four or five scimitar warriors immediately fell back on their backs. .

The remaining few scimitar warriors were shocked! As soon as they hugged their fallen companions, they were about to lie on the ground, but the ferocious bullet rain had already whistled towards them, and these people immediately hugged their companions in the bullet rain and fell backwards trembling all over. In the blink of an eye, the few scimitar warriors who rushed into the canyon fell on their backs on the dim mountain road.

The dense rain of bullets swept from the darkness in the valley, and the rain of bullets knocked down a few scimitar warriors, and then flew straight to the sandbags and stones hidden by the few people in Fengdao. One by one, the fast-flying bullets flew past the backs of the leopard team members and the machete warriors who were lying on Taniguchi with a sharp air-piercing sound.

The dim Taniguchi was immediately hit by the dense rain of bullets shot by the enemy on the opposite side, and the wind knives were immediately suppressed by the enemy's fierce firepower behind the cover, and there was no chance at all in this whistling rain of bullets. Launch a counterattack.

Zhang Wa was lying on the back of the sandbag, her left hand still tightly pressing the back of Ah Bao beside him, to prevent him from losing his mind in rage and sadness. Now Zhang Wa understands Ah Bao's mood very well. In this sudden dense rain of bullets and the narrow valley entrance, a group of scimitar warriors who first rushed into the valley must have been wiped out. spared.

Zhang Wa's left hand pressed A Bao's back tightly to prevent him from jumping up again in his rage. He understands the mood of this **** man, Ah Bao, at this moment. Now that Ah Bao is watching his brothers fall in the rain of bullets from the enemy, it is indeed difficult to control his anger.

In the crisis, Zhang Wa and several people tried to stick out their guns from the side of the hidden sandbags and rocks to fight back, but there was a dense rain of bullets flying above their heads, and the sandbags and rocks in front of them still echoed and were hit by bullets. The sound of the sound was filled with flying dust, and several people could not extend their muzzles in the dense fire attack of the enemy.

At this critical moment, "bang bang bang", "bang bang bang", "bang bang bang", a violent machine gun sound suddenly sounded from the dark hillside outside the valley, and two clusters of machine gun fire sprayed out from the mountainside. With a ferocious rain of bullets, it suddenly swept down. The dense rain of bullets swept over the heads of Zhang Wa's group of people, whistling and sweeping towards the enemy's defensive positions spraying fire in the valley.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of "woo" and "woo" passed over the heads of Zhang Wa and the others, and two rockets roared into the canyon. "Boom", "Boom", two huge explosions followed, and a dazzling fire suddenly rose from the dim canyon.

Zhang Wa and the others were overjoyed. They had already understood from the sound of gunfire behind them that a group of Chengru and a few people had moved their guns from the top of the mountain to the hillside near Taniguchi when the scimitar warriors threw out the grenade. The distance from them to Taniguchi was reduced, and now they were in position, just in time to launch a ferocious attack on the enemy positions that were blazing ahead.

At the moment when the enemy's firepower weakened, Zhang Wa and the others immediately rushed out from behind the invisible sandbags and rocks. They rolled forward quickly in the dim Taniguchi, and in a blink of an eye, they had quickly rolled over to the rocks in the valley under the cover of the night. And behind the scattered sandbags, he raised his gun and aimed at the dense forest in front and to the side.

In the darkness, on the winding road more than 200 meters in front stood a black low wall. The low wall was being hit by the rain of bullets swept from the hillside behind. The enemy can no longer be seen, and the fierce enemy firepower has been suppressed by Wang Dali's condescending bullet rain at this moment. At this moment, a loud noise suddenly exploded from under the low wall, and a dazzling fire rose into the air with a cloud of dust and gravel.

Zhang Wa and the others immediately looked at the firelight, and only then did they see clearly that the low wall blocking the mountain road was a simple fortification made of sandbags, stones and tree trunks. Fired from three machine guns erected on the fortification.

At this moment, a machine gun and two shadows are rising into the air along with the firelight and a tree trunk that has been blown up, and the two machine guns on the side fortifications have also been turned aside by the huge shock wave~www.wuxiaspot .com~ In the darkness, the flames of the explosion flickered, and the mountain road that was just like daylight suddenly became dark again, only the tree trunks on the enemy's fortifications were blazing with sparks.

"Baoya, pay attention to the trees on the side, and the rest of the people!" The wind knife lying behind a rock suddenly shouted into the microphone in a low voice, and then suddenly jumped out from behind the invisible rock, and a string of bullets roared forward. The enemy fortifications that had been blown up flew away.

Following the command of the wind knife, several black shadows had flashed out from the rocks and the dense forest on the side, and several fire snakes flew towards the enemy's second fortification in front of them with a dense rain of bullets. Zhang Wa and Brother Yuwen charged with guns to the front of the enemy's fortifications.

At this time, Bao Ya stood up directly from behind a sandbag in the middle of the dirt road, bent over and rushed towards the woods on the side, and a string of bullets whistled and swept away into the dark woods in front of him along with his figure. At this time, Ah Bao, who was behind, heard the shout of the wind knife, and a loud roar followed, leading a group of scimitar warriors to stand up to the ground and rush towards the valley fiercely.

At this time, the machine gun bullets on the hillside behind also suddenly shot into the distance. Sparks shot by bullets continued to fly from the dark road ahead, and a dust mist from dense bullets was flying on the mountain road.

In the darkness, Zhang Wa dashed forward for more than 100 meters ups and downs, followed by raising their hands and threw a few grenades vigorously at the enemy fortifications in front, and then lay on the ground. At this moment, a few dark shadows suddenly appeared behind the bombed enemy fortifications in front, and a few strings of fire followed from behind the bombed sandbags, rocks and thick tree trunks.

"Hidden!" The wind knife lay on the ground and turned his head to roar at the scimitar warrior rushing from behind. With his roar, several scimitar warriors have fallen backwards in the enemy's bullet rain.

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