Panther Commando

Chapter 3067: Xiaobai is angry

Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng saw that Wen Feng and Yu Wenyu had just tumbled under the rock where they were invisible. The two immediately bent down from the rock wall and stretched out their right hand, trying to pull the injured two people to the rock where they were invisible. They had just stretched out their arms, when they suddenly heard a sharp piercing sound in front of them.

The faces of the two changed immediately. While shouting at Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu under the rock, they pushed the rock in front of them and volleyed down. The two rushed down to the two Yuwen brothers who had just stood up, and immediately hugged them. They tumbled into the shadows under the boulder, pressing their bodies firmly on Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu.

"Boom", "Boom", two huge explosions followed from the rocks on both sides of the valley. They all shook violently a few times in the sound of the explosion.

Bao Ya, who had just rushed forward along the edge of the forest, had also heard a sharp whistle passing through the air at this time. He looked up just in time to see two dazzling flames spraying from the river bank in the distance. He shouted in shock: "Chengru, be careful!" He kicked the woodland under his feet vigorously, and threw himself behind a thick tree trunk in front of him. He immediately raised the muzzle of the gun and fired it at the fire that spewed from the river bank. trigger.

At this time, he already understood that Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng shot continuously on the two rocks in Taniguchi, killing several enemy machine gunners. The enemy on the opposite side, after being sniped many times, had already discovered the stealth position of their two deadly snipers, so they took the risk and suddenly leaned out from the rock pile on the river bank and faced the two boulders at the mouth of the valley. Rockets fired.

"Da da da", a string of fire snakes immediately spewed out of Bao Ya's muzzle, and three black shadows, who were half-bounced between a few rocks on the river bank in the distance, were carrying a bazooka and fell backwards. One of the boys with a bazooka on his shoulder was hit by a whistling bullet just as he pulled the trigger. The bazooka on his shoulder immediately rose up with his leaning body, "Hey," a rocket carried a The flames shot obliquely into the air, and a huge flame followed on the side slopes outside the valley.

Bao Ya fired a shuttle of bullets, and immediately pulled the gun back from the side of the tree trunk and rushed under the other tree trunk. He was lying under the raised tree roots and turned his head to look. The two boulders on both sides of the valley were in flames. Shaking in the middle, a piece of blown up stone was whistling and falling down. He nervously called into the microphone: "Chengru, Zisheng, Fengyu, how are you? Report to Laozi!"

There was no echo in his earphones for a long time, Bao Ya anxiously stood up from behind the tree, turned around and was about to rush towards Taniguchi. At this moment, an angry scolding suddenly came from his earphone: "Bastard!"

Bao Ya was overjoyed, he had already heard the roar from the gentle and gentle Lin Zisheng! He quickly stopped and leaned back against the tree trunk, looking back intently.

Before Lin Zisheng's scolding sound disappeared, a dazzling fire suddenly erupted from the side of the rock on the right side of Taniguchi, and a rocket roared towards the river bank where the fire had just been shot! "Boom...", a dazzling fire burst out from the dark river bank in the distance, and the calm river on the side was reflected in a bright red color by the jet of fire.

With the rockets fired by Lin Zisheng in his rage, there was also a "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" behind the rock on the other side of Cheng Ru's invisibility, and a series of bullets whistled towards the front. The enemy's position flew away. Immediately below the two boulders, there was another sound of assault rifle shots, and a rain of bullets whistled towards the defensive positions and the river bank in front.

Bao Ya had just heard Lin Zisheng's scolding, but now he saw the flames spewing from the sides of the two rocks, he immediately grinned and laughed: "Hahahaha, grandma, it turns out that the white-faced scholar Zisheng can also Swearing! Brat, he is usually pretty good at pretending, so he must tell Aunt Mengmeng about it when he goes back! Hahahaha..."

With a big laugh in his mouth, he picked up the gun and climbed up from under the tree, and jumped forward with ups and downs. He already knew from the gunfire that Cheng Ruhe and Lin Zisheng not only rushed down the hillside with their sniper rifles on their backs, but also carried machine guns and bazookas. Now the two of them and Brother Yuwen have fired back in fury, which means that several people are safe from the explosion!

At this time, Feng Dao and Zhang Wa had already drilled through the thick branches and leaves to the top of the tree. The two of them just saw the two flames that burst from Taniguchi, and they were also nervously lying on the canopy and looked back. Now they saw Taniguchi with There was a fierce fire, knowing that Chengru and several people were safe, and then got up and rushed to the canopy above, while staring at the dark woods above the gaps in the branches and leaves above the hillside There were faint flashes of fire in Zhongzheng, and screams and gunshots came out one after another from the dense forest through the gaps in the branches and leaves, and a dazzling red light flashed from time to time in different positions in the forest.

The expressions of Feng Dao and the two of them have become very nervous, and their bodies are ups and downs rushing towards the hillside above. At this time, they already understood that Xiaobai was using his vigorous figure and fierce attack in the enemy group to fight alone in the jungle with the enemy alone.

At this time, Feng Dao and Zhang Wa had already raised their whole body skills. The camouflage uniforms on their bodies were fluttering and fluttering. A gleam of light flashed from their eyes, and anxious expressions flashed on their faces. At this time in the coming year, I have personally observed that the red light in Xiaobai's eyes is flickering in the darkness, constantly changing directions in the dark forest. And every time the red light flashes, there will be a violent gunshot.

They knew that although the darkness and dense forest provided cover for the fierce and agile Xiaobai, in this dense rain of bullets, as long as it was a little slow in attacking, it was very likely to be hit by enemy bullets. quite dangerous.

Just as Feng Dao and Zhang Wa were throwing their full strength towards the forest above, a dazzling red light suddenly flashed through the forest, followed by a furious roar from the forest! Feng Dao and Zhang Wa were shocked when they heard the sound, and Xiao Bai was angry! It must have fallen into danger when surrounded by the enemy, so it suddenly let out a roar, and now this ferocious king of the mountain must have pounced on the enemy group in rage!

The two Feng Dao anxiously slammed their feet under the tree branch, and their bodies slammed into the dense tree canopy in front of them. In the air, their right hand had already raised the gun to the air, "da-da-da", "da-da", "da-da" Da" shot two strings of crisp gunshots.

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