Panther Commando

Chapter 3068: really say hello

At this time, Feng Dao and Zhang Wa were so anxious that they could no longer hide in the woods above. They suddenly shot in the air while flying forward. The purpose was to warn the drug dealer soldiers who were attacking Xiao Bai; tell Xiao Bai These reinforcements have arrived, be sure to pay attention to safety! Reduce the pressure on Xiaobai's side.

At the moment when the gunshots of the two of the wind knives sounded, "Ow...", a huge roar suddenly sounded, and a blue light suddenly flashed from the cliff, followed by a small black shadow with a dazzling light. Blue-light cannonballs flew towards the woods below!

"Xiaohua is here!" Fengdao and Zhang Wa's eyes immediately burst into ecstasy, and then Lingling's hurried voice came from their earphones: "Fengdao, Wu Xueying and Abu have arrived at Xiaohua. In the white battle area, Xiaohua has gone deep into the battle area. Announce your location!"

Air knife rejoice! He kicked the branches of the tree with both feet and rushed to the canopy of the other tree in front of him, and replied hurriedly: "Zhang Wa and I are already close to Xiaobai's fighting area, this is our position!"

As he said that, he raised the gun and pulled the trigger in the air, and a cluster of flames spurted out from the dim canopy with the sound of "da da da" gunshots. After pulling the trigger, he immediately retracted the gun and stomped the tree branch under his feet, and together with Zhang Wa, they dashed forward ups and downs on the dim canopy.

"Understood!" Lingling's hurried voice rang out from Feng Dao and Zhang Wa's earphones, followed by Xiao Hua's roar from the forest below, and two dazzling beams of light, one red and one basket, immediately dimmed in front of them. Contrasted in the jungle.

At this moment, every roar made by the two leopards was accompanied by a shrill scream from the enemy. The roar of the leopard and the screams of the enemy came one after another in the dark jungle.

Feng Dao and Zhang Wa just approached the dense forest above the hillside in the dark, and a few crisp cries followed the enemy's screams from the darkness below, and Abu's rough cries also sounded.

Fengdao and the two were refreshed, knowing that Lingling, Wu Xueying and Abu had rushed to the war zone, and at this time they had joined the two leopards! Feng Dao and Zhang Wa followed the crisp cry in front of them, kicked down the tree branches with their feet, and their bodies flew out of the tree canopy like an arrow, and followed them to the glade below.

The sound of gunfire has stopped in the dark forest. In the dim starlight, black shadows are flashing fast beside the thick tree trunks, and the figures are making heavy beating and screaming sounds, and the daggers and dancing guns are flashing in the cold light. In the shadow of the tree, there was a wind sound of "woo woo".

Feng Dao and Zhang Wa plunged into the forest from the gap between the two big trees, and they rolled out to the sides when they landed. Zhang Wa then pulled out his saber and jumped forward from the forest, while the wind saber on the side knelt down on one knee, and raised both hands to the side at the same time, two cold lights and lightning generally passed through the gaps of several big trees. , slammed into the backs of the two boys who were holding guns to pull the trigger.

With two screams, Feng Dao stood up, pulled out the incense magic whip from his waist, and rushed towards the group of people who were fighting fiercely above with Zhang Wa. Zhang Wa took the lead in rushing to the sides of the three figures who were fighting fiercely in front of him. He dodged the gun **** that was smashed by one person, and the dagger in his right hand stabbed into the opponent's heart with a slamming sound. He followed and took a step to the side, suddenly raised his left foot, and kicked fiercely under the rib of a drug dealer soldier who was attacking Wu Xueying with a knife. It flew to the side, and then slammed into the thick tree trunk on the side and fell on the forest floor. His body trembled violently twice, and then he lay motionless on the forest floor.

Wu Xueying held a saber in her left hand and was using her flexible movement to fight fiercely with the shadows in front of her. At this moment, in the dark, she suddenly saw a black shadow rushing down below, and when she came up, she killed the two enemies in front of her neatly. She dodged the **** of the gun in front of her and stabbed the dagger in her left hand. The enemy's stomach immediately took out his saber and kicked out the opponent who was screaming. The corner of his eyes quickly swept to the black shadow rushing down below.

She recognized Zhang Wa who was rushing at a glance, and her two big eyes immediately flashed a light, and her slender body suddenly took a step to the side, causing a drug dealer soldier who rushed in front of her to follow with her right leg to the side. Raised up, the "pop" kicked **** this kid's vulva.

"Ouch..." The boy in front of her immediately let out a scream, threw away the assault rifle that was held upside down in his hand, and flew backward with his stomach in his arms.

At this time, Zhang Wa was on the side of her body, and she punched a drug dealer soldier in front of him. He was about to rush towards Wu Yingying, but suddenly she saw Wu Yingying raised her right leg and kicked the drug dealer soldier's ~ He hurriedly took a step to the side, letting the boy who was flying over holding his lower body, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

At this time, he suddenly saw seven or eight meters away in the forest, a boy was smashing Lingling's back with the **** of a gun. Zhu's saber, following the enemy's scream, the boy who had rushed behind Lingling immediately rushed forward, and the assault rifle in his hand suddenly fell from the air.

At this time, Lingling had heard the wind coming from behind her. She pulled out the computer that was plugged into the enemy's chest in front of her, and jumped to the side. Only then did she realize that it was Zhang Wa who threw out the saber and killed the enemy behind her, "Thank you!" Lingling immediately let out a crisp cry, followed by a flash, and turned around to pounce on Abu's body. an enemy on the side.

Zhang Wa threw out the computer, and immediately took out the long whip around her waist and threw it at a boy on Wu Xueying's side, followed by shouting, "Yingying, your kick is too ruthless, are you really saying hello?"

Wu Xueying's laughter immediately rang out in the dimness: "Hee hee hee, do you want me to give it to you too?" She gave a silver bell-like laughter, but her right hand suddenly raised, facing Zhang Wa's side. The forest pressed down hard. "Bang", a few slender steel needles whistled out of her bracelet, and a muffled sound came from the forest on Zhang Wa's side.

At this time, Zhang Wa's whip vigorously slashed the enemy's arm on Wu Xueying's side, and the tip of the whip rose up with a splatter of blood in the crisp whip sound. He took a step to the side of the tree trunk, and the long whip raised in his hand slammed down against a black shadow on Wu Yingying's side.

"Crack!" A boy who was attacking Wu Xueying with a knife screamed, and the raised dagger fell to the woods.

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