Panther Commando

Chapter 3069: knife light whip shadow

Just as Zhang Wa whipped away the enemy's dagger, Wu Xueying had already flashed past another gun that was smashed from the side in the dark, followed by a half-step forward to let the enemy in front of her pass, her left foot suddenly raised. He kicked up to the falling dagger, and with a "snap", he kicked the sharp knife accurately. The dagger that was about to land immediately flew up with a gust of wind, and the "poof" body slammed into the man who was escaping while clutching his right arm. on the enemy's back.

She followed with her right hand suddenly raised in front of the boy who was rushing with the rifle. The boy who had just rushed suddenly saw a white shadow coming straight in front of his eyes. Dodge sideways.

But just as he raised his hand, Wu Xueying's dagger in his left hand was already sent forward like lightning. "Pfft," the sharp dagger slammed into the boy's stomach. She clenched the handle of the knife in her left hand and twisted it hard, and then her body flashed to the side. The dagger in her left hand was pulled out of the opponent's stomach.

The boy opposite suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He screamed and knelt on the ground when his knees softened. His stomach had been slashed by a sharp dagger. He stared at the front with astonished eyes. In the dark jungle, his body slowly fell forward, and then he lay motionless on the dark forest floor.

At this time, Zhang Wa's whip on the side had been raised again, and the long whip carried a gust of wind, slashing diagonally from top to bottom to a boy rushing on the side. With the crisp sound of "pop", the opponent groaned, the assault rifle in his hand dropped to the ground, and his feet staggered out to the side.

Zhang Wa hit the enemy with a whip, kicked the woodland under her feet, rushed forward like an arrow from the string, raised her left hand and hit the opponent's chest hard. Before the opponent's feet could stand firm, Zhang Wa's left hand had already hit his chest with the sound of wind. With the sound of "pop", the boy groaned, and his body immediately flew away from the ground. With a bang, it slammed into a tree trunk two meters away, and then fell softly into the darkness.

Zhang Wa slammed the enemy in front of him with a slap, and suddenly heard a gust of wind coming from the side, his eyes flashed, and he kicked the woodland under his feet, and his body was upside down and suddenly shot backwards. He had just left the place, "Ugh", a black figure had already fallen down with the sound of the wind rubbing against the soles of his flying shoes, and he immediately saw a black figure rushing from the side with the gun body.

The **** of the gun that the other party raised looked like it was about to hit the opponent, but at the moment of the hit, the opponent suddenly disappeared from under his gun. The boy looked at the opponent who was shot backwards, and immediately roared, raised his foot and turned towards him. Zhang Wa chased after him, and the long assault rifle in his hand swung towards Zhang Wa in the air again.

Zhang Wa saw the enemy chasing in the dark, and the long whip in his right hand slammed upwards. The opponent had just chased two steps forward when he suddenly saw a snake-like black shadow jumping up from the ground in front of him. He was so frightened that he jumped to the side to avoid the whipping shadow, and then chased forward again. go out.

Zhang Wa took advantage of the opportunity to dodge the enemy, and at this moment, her body fell on her back to the woods. At this time, he saw the enemy chasing like a shadow again, and the **** of the gun was slamming **** him. He immediately rolled out to the side like a spinning top. After rolling for a few weeks, he just rolled to the point where he just threw out the saber and killed him. Next to the boy, he pulled out the saber inserted into the back of the corpse while rolling quickly, then suddenly stopped and kicked the corpse in front of him out of the back.

The corpse rose off the ground with his flying foot and flew towards the rushing boy. Seeing the black shadow flying over, the other party hurriedly stopped and flashed to the side.

At this moment, Zhang Wa had already adjusted his posture. He was lying on his back on the ground, and the whip in his right hand suddenly swung out. The soft whip was like a long snake and wrapped tightly around the opponent's legs. .

He pulled his right hand back vigorously, and the opponent's legs immediately lifted off the ground, and his body flew upside down and flew towards Zhang Wa under the lashes of the whip. At this moment, Zhang Wa, who was lying on his back on the ground, jumped up with a carp, and the saber in his left hand suddenly raised, and slammed into the shadow that was pulled by the whip.

"Pfft", the coldly gleaming saber flashed away in the dim starlight, the long blade had been inserted into the boy's chest at this moment, the opponent let out a scream, raised his hands to the sides, The assault rifle dropped to the ground.

At this time, Zhang Wa's eyes flashed with a strong murderous aura. His right hand holding the whip shook vigorously to retract the whip, and his left hand lifted upwards to draw the saber from the falling enemy's chest, and then rushed towards another black shadow on the side. go.

At this time, people were moving in the dark jungle, and the whip and heavy beating sound of "slap, slap" came one after The screams, muffled noises and the thick smell of blood suddenly filled the dimly lit place. Forest.

Lingling and Feng Dao on the side were already standing together. Feng Dao held a whip in one hand and a sharp flying knife between her fingers. The figure flickered from left to right in the forest, and the whip in her hand looked like a long flying knife flying in the forest. Snakes whizzed past.

At this time, the somewhat dull-looking wind knife was already like a killing **** in the dark, with a bright lustre in his two small eyes, his long whip hit the enemy in the distance, and the figure followed the ghostly direction. The enemy on the side rushed out, and the knife light in the left hand immediately rose like lightning, followed by a blood mist sprayed from the enemy's neck.

At this time, Lingling has also started the Wan Family Movement Technique taught by her grandfather. Her slender body flashes ghostly in the shadows of the trees. She holds the saber tightly in her left hand and the fragrant whip in her right hand. Her hands are in the fast-moving figure. Fly up and down.

At this moment, with a wave of her right hand, the whip shadow flashed in the air, and with a loud "snap", it slapped the shoulder of a boy in front of him. Lingling immediately pulled back the whip she threw, raised her foot and chased after the enemy.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly flashed behind a thick tree trunk behind her, and a sharp dagger slammed into her side! Lingling was startled when she heard the wind coming from the back, and she slammed on the ground and slammed to the side.

But at this time, the enemy's knife light has appeared on her side, a stinging pain has come out from the upper arm, and the enemy's knife tip has pierced her military uniform and touched her skin.

Lingling was shocked! The body immediately fell to the side, trying to increase the distance from the tip of the knife as much as possible. At the moment when the opponent's dagger head vigorously inserted into Lingling's arm, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in the forest on the side, and a dazzling basket light shot straight to the opponent's eyes!

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