Panther Commando

Chapter 3078: Reinforced enemy

At this time, Lingling was extremely anxious. Once the enemy's reinforcements continued to rush down, they would all face the danger of being surrounded by the enemy. With all her strength, she picked up Qinggong and rushed under the dim trees like a smog, rushing straight into the forest above the side.

At this moment, a red beam of light, a basket of two beams of light suddenly flashed in the forest near the cliff, and a scream followed from the dim forest, followed by a panicked shout and the gunshot of "Da Da Da". outgoing.

Lingling immediately understood that she hadn't seen the two leopards for a long time. It turned out that they had discovered that there were enemies running in the woods above, so they had quietly approached the woods above. The dark cover suddenly attacked.

Lingling anxiously went to the woods above, and whispered into the microphone: "Wind Knife, the reinforcements of the enemy are coming from under the cliff. I am now rushing to the edge of the forest under the cliff to cooperate with Xiaohua and them to intercept the enemy."

Feng Dao's voice sounded from Lingling's earphone: "Received! You must pay attention to safety, try to delay the enemy as much as possible, and we will rush over when we have our hands free!" With Feng Dao's voice, Lingling has already heard it in the earphone There were several screams from the enemy.

Lingling quickly rushed to the forest near the cliff, just in time to see a blue light passing through the forest, four or five black shadows running towards her in panic in the pursuit of the blue light. She hurriedly stopped and hid behind a thick tree trunk, raising her gun and aiming forward.

In the dim tree shadows in front, a few dark shadows ran and turned around to face behind them with "dadada" and "dadada" sweeping out a few strings of fire snakes, and scolding from time to time, obviously, Xiaohua. He Xiaobai had already killed two of the enemy's accomplices by surprise.

With the help of the dim cover, Lingling raised her gun and aimed at the few boys who ran in panic. Just when several enemies were completely exposed to her field of vision, she suddenly made a sharp whistle. With the whistle, the looming blue light in the darkness behind suddenly disappeared, and then I heard the sound of branches and leaves colliding in the dark canopy, and a deafening leopard roar suddenly sounded from the air!

The sudden roar sounded like a thunderbolt that suddenly fell from the air, and the few boys who were fleeing stumbled unconsciously in the deafening roar, and the speed of their escape all slowed down. Several drug dealer soldiers rushed to the surrounding trees, turned around and fired a string of bullets into the dark forest behind.

At this moment, Lingling's fingers had already pulled the trigger, "da-da-da", "da-da-da"... A string of bullets roared towards the four or five black shadows in front. Just now, she suddenly issued a whistle to remind Xiaohua that she intercepted the enemy in front of her, and let it immediately avoid the position behind the enemy, so as to prevent her bullet from accidentally hurting it.

Xiaohua and Xiaobai and Lingling got along day and night and fought side by side many times. They had already been integrated with these comrades. At this time, Xiaohua heard Lingling's whistle in front and immediately understood the meaning. So when it heard the sharp whistle just now, it immediately got up and jumped up the high canopy, and then made a deafening roar below, attracting the attention of the enemy.

With the fire from Lingling's muzzle, the boys in front who had just turned and raised their guns immediately shivered a few times at the sound of gunfire, and then fell to the side of the tree trunk. Lingling killed the few enemies in front of her, then flashed out from behind the tree trunk and rushed straight into the dark jungle in front of her.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly passed through the depths of the dark jungle in front, followed by a scream from the darkness, a mass of white shadows leaped out of the darkness like lightning, and then projectiles flew up from the glade. Then he disappeared into the dark canopy.

The surrounding forest suddenly became quiet. After Lingling rushed to a tree in front, she immediately knelt on one knee beside the tree and raised her gun to aim at the dark forest in front of her. In the dimness, the shadows of the trees were like giants standing on the hillside, and there was not a single moving figure in the forest.

Lingling raised her gun and quickly observed the surrounding dense forest, then looked up to the top of the tree. As soon as she raised her head, she saw a red and a basket of light spots suddenly flashed on the tree canopy in front of her, and then she saw two light and shadows suddenly disappearing into the darkness. It turned out that the two leopards jumped up the high canopy and stared at Lingling's position. Now they saw Lingling looking up at the canopy where they were, and a flash of light immediately flashed in their eyes.

When Lingling saw the colorful lights in the eyes of the two leopards, she immediately understood that Xiaohua and Xiaobai were telling her that the enemies in this forest had been wiped out, and they were now going to support Zhang Wa and the others. Lingling understood the meaning of the two and immediately ran up the hill with her gun. She rushed to a tree trunk below the cliff, and immediately stopped and raised her gun to look ahead.

Under the dim starlight, the dark cliffs gave people a feeling of depression, and there was no one figure around. Lingling immediately moved the muzzle to look at the woods below the cliff. The big trees near the cliff stood quietly in the darkness, and in the canopy of the tall trees, there was a "wow" sound from the collision of branches and leaves in the wind.

Lingling raised her gun and paid attention to every tree trunk. At this moment, she suddenly found in the darkness that although the thick trunk was motionless, the surrounding small trees were shaking slightly. She hurriedly turned her ears to listen to it, and the sound of "rustling" came faintly from the forest along with the breeze.

Lingling immediately understood that there was indeed someone hiding in the forest and moving fast. The faint "rustling" sound must be the faint sound of people or animals running!

She then bent down and ran forward to meet the sound. After running for more than ten meters, she immediately disappeared behind a thick tree trunk. The assault rifle aimed forward.

Wisps of dim starlight were shooting into the forest through the gaps in the branches and leaves, and eight or nine black shadows flickered beside the thick tree trunks, running towards the place where she was hiding. Lingling's eyes immediately burst with murderous aura. She raised her gun and looked intently. The group of boys running in the dark seemed very careful. They turned their heads from time to time while running and looked down the side of the hill, as if they were concentrating. Listening to the sound of fighting and the intermittent gunshots coming from below, he looked very nervous.

Through the night vision goggles in front of her eyes, Lingling stared closely at the group of enemies that appeared and disappeared in the forest. She followed by raising the muzzle of the gun and aiming into the distance to prevent the enemy from following. At this point, she was still under the tree, not worried about the enemy in front of her finding herself.

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