Panther Commando

Chapter 3079: Doubt in the jungle

In the dark jungle, Lingling hid behind the thick tree trunk, raising her gun and aiming at several enemies that appeared and disappeared in the forest in front of her. At this time, she knew in her heart that in such a dark night, the group of drug dealer soldiers did not have such sophisticated equipment as night vision goggles, so they would not find her, an opponent who had been hiding in front.

Lingling quietly raised her gun and aimed at the enemy who was running in and out next to the big trees. The muzzle of the gun moved slowly with the enemy's figure, looking for the shooting opportunity when the enemy was completely exposed to her muzzle. .

At this moment, she stared at the flickering figure of the enemy in the dark, and secretly said in her heart: In such a dim forest, the speed of this group of drug dealer soldiers is not slow, which means that the camp where these drug dealer soldiers are stationed may be located in nearby.

It seems that the enemy's commander has discovered the ongoing battle in this forest, so they are sending reinforcements in a steady stream. From this point of view, this group of drug dealer soldiers have really been trained by mercenaries for a long time, and they are really tactical. In the critical situation that the opponent has already captured Taniguchi, they still want to send troops to retake the strategic location of Taniguchi and surround themselves with these uninvited guests. Surround yourself in this narrow canyon.

Lingling thought in her heart, then raised her gun and quickly glanced at the dark forest around her. The surrounding dark forest was quiet, and there was no moving figure beside the thick tree trunks.

She moved the muzzle of the gun and carefully observed the surroundings, and saw that there were no other enemies in the surrounding and distant woods, so she was secretly relieved. She had already judged in her heart that the eight or nine boys in front were temporarily rushed over from the garrison for reinforcements, which showed that the enemy in the valley was indeed insufficient in strength, and it was impossible to allocate more troops to support the accomplices here. Judging from the current situation, the rest of the troops in the valley should be reinforcing the defense line in the valley. It seems that the pressure on Leopard Head and Xiaoya will definitely be great.

While judging the enemy's movements in her heart, Lingling moved the muzzle to aim forward, her eyes looking through the scope, staring at a group of dark shadows approaching her in the dark.

At this time, most of the dark shadows had already appeared in the forest clearing in front. In the sparse and dim tree shadows around, Lingling could clearly see the figure of the enemy running out from the tree trunks. Seeing that the enemies had appeared one after another in her shooting range, she looked up anxiously towards the top of the tree, and then pressed her cheeks tightly to the **** of the gun.

At this time, she didn't know where the two leopards were. If they were hiding nearby and waiting for an opportunistic attack, once she shot rashly, the bullet would most likely hurt these two elusive little brothers, so she was not sure at this time. When the two leopards were in their positions, they did not dare to shoot easily.

Just as she looked up anxiously to search for Xiaohua and Xiaobai, two deafening roars of "Ow" and "Ow" suddenly sounded from behind the group of enemies! Lingling was overjoyed, she immediately pulled the gun lightly to aim at the figure of the enemy rushing out of the tree shadow in front, and lightly squeezed the trigger with her finger.

Following the deafening roar in the forest, two beams of light, one red and one basket, suddenly flashed out of the darkness, and two small black shadows suddenly emerged from the darkness along with the colored beams of light, running straight to the last two figures. . Two shrill screams rang out from the dim forest, followed by the sudden change of direction of the light and shadow, like a sharp blade slanting into the side forest, followed by two terrified screams.

As soon as the screams started, two dazzling beams of light flashed away in the darkness, and two small black shadows disappeared in the dark jungle. In the blink of an eye, four black shadows had fallen on the hillside, and at this moment, two deafening leopard roars were suddenly heard from the hillside below. It was telling Lingling, who was hiding in the dark, to say: Sister Lingling, the rest of the **** are handed over to you!

Lingling suddenly heard the long roar from the two leopards, and a smile appeared on her nervous face. She knew that the two leopard brothers had already seen themselves in the dark and knew that they were ready to shoot. Now they suddenly launched an attack in the dark, and then quickly left the battlefield with a long roar, just telling her to take action!

At this time, several enemies who were rushing forward in the dim forest in front of them suddenly felt two dazzling rays of light suddenly flashed in front of them, and then they heard the screams of their companions behind them. A few boys were shocked! Immediately after scattering to the surrounding trees, he raised his gun and pulled the trigger on the dark woods behind him. A piece of In the flames spewing from their muzzles, their figures hiding behind the trees were clearly shown in front of Lingling's eyes. At this time, these boys were already in disarray in the sudden attack of the two leopards. They all hid behind the tree trunks and shot in the dark forest behind them, but they did not guard against the dark forest behind them. Only the black muzzle is facing their back!

At this time, Lingling did not shoot directly, but glanced at the dark forest below the hillside. At this moment, a question suddenly appeared in her heart: in the sudden attack, none of these boys escaped to the dark forest below. But they all choose to shoot at hidden locations nearby. Is there really something in the forest below?

In the operation of assassinating Ao Kun and destroying the drug factory of this drug cartel a few years ago, she and most of the Leopard team members were outside the valley to carry out the task of cooperating with the Leopards, and they had never entered the canyon. It wasn't until after the battle that she and the rest of the Leopard team heard from Leopard Head that there were many dangerous organs in the woods on the hillside in the valley.

In this action, Leopard Tou and Cheng Ru also repeatedly warned. After entering the canyon, everyone must not easily enter this dense forest on the hillside to prevent being injured by the organs set in the forest. So now she sees that none of these drug dealer soldiers escaped into the dense forest down the **** when they were suddenly attacked, so she was really puzzled.

She glanced at the dark woods below, then stretched out her left hand to take out a grenade, then suddenly raised it and threw a grenade vigorously towards the glade in front. She then pressed her body against the trunk of the tree and waited quietly for the grenade to explode.

"Boom...", the grenade suddenly burst into a dazzling fire in the dark forest. A boy who was hiding behind a tree and shot back immediately rolled forward with the sound of the explosion!

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