Panther Commando

Chapter 3088: the mountain is shaking

The wind knife saw Zhang Wa emerge from the top of the tree, and also got up and jumped up from the darkness, dexterously grabbed a tree branch on the side and got into the canopy, and then drilled out from the branches and leaves beside Zhang Wa. Seeing that Zhang Wa was raising a gun at the side of the forest to provide warning, he immediately shouted to the bottom in a low voice: "Xiaoya, come on!"

Xiaoya heard the sound of Feng Dao and was about to get up and jump up, but Wan Lin, who was beside him, had already bent over to hold up her slender waist, and whispered in her mouth: "Feng Dao, Zhang Wa, then!" Following the voice, he The hands were raised sharply upwards. "Huh", Xiaoya's body was lifted up by Wan Lin and flew straight to the top of the tree canopy.

Zhang Wa and Feng Dao, who were half squatting on the thick tree branch, saw a black shadow flying over, and immediately reached out to grab Xiaoya's arms, and followed them on the thick branches and leaves. When the two leopards heard Wan Lin's voice, they jumped up from under the cliff and rushed into the air with the sound of the wind in the dark. Then they twisted and landed lightly on the canopy of the tree where Xiaoya and the three were.

Wan Lin sent Xiaoya up to the canopy of the tree. He followed him and ran a few steps forward. He kicked the black cliff on the side with his feet, and his body leaped diagonally upwards like an arrow from the string. On the tree canopy on the side of Xiaoya and the three of them.

Wan Lin had just landed on the dim canopy when a gunshot suddenly came from behind them. A few people were lying on the high canopy and turned their heads to look. The rock wall near the entrance of the cave was splashing with sparks shot by bullets. Immediately, three or four black shadows emerged from the forest near the entrance of the cave, and several strings of fire from the muzzle flew straight towards the dark entrance of the cave. Immediately following, Wan Lin and several others faintly heard that someone shouted a few times at the Heixixi cave in local language, and then they saw these black figures get up and drill into the cave.

Obviously, they saw that their companions in the cave did not respond, so they immediately got in anxiously. It is estimated that some of these boys have Kun Sha's cronies, and they know that the cave is where their boss Kun Sha hides the secret treasure, so they heard that there was no response from the inside, and immediately hurried in.

Zhang Wa was lying on the canopy and saw the enemy dig into the cave. He suddenly cursed in a low voice in the dark: "Bunny, you are courting death!" Just as he finished his words, "Boom boom" followed by two grenade explosions. It exploded from the entrance of the cave, and two groups of firelights illuminated the dark entrance of the cave into a bright red, and two black shadows flew out of the cave immediately.

When Wan Lin heard Zhang Wa's scolding and the fire coming out of the cave, he immediately understood that Zhang Wa had set up booby traps with hand grenades in the cave and at the entrance to prevent the enemy from entering the cave and cutting off the burning fuse. It seemed that these enemies did not have any experience in special operations, and they dared to burrow into the cave in the dark.

At this moment, an icy look appeared in Wan Lin's eyes. He turned his head and glanced at the dark tree canopy below the hillside, and ordered in a low voice, "Retreat!"

Feng Dao, Zhang Wa, and Xiaoya heard Wan Lin's voice and immediately rushed up and down to the tree canopy under the hillside. Wan Lin squatted up from the canopy, turned his head and glanced at the fire that was bursting from the entrance of the hole, and whispered to the two leopards on the side canopy: "Xiaohua, Xiaobai, withdraw!" He got up and rushed towards the canopy of the tree near the Taniguchi.

Wan Lin and the others were ups and downs on the dense canopy of the hillside and quickly rushed towards the Taniguchi. It didn't take long for them to reach the canopy halfway up the mountain.

Wan Lin raised his eyes and looked up into the sky as he rushed to the canopy of a tree below. Only at this moment did he realize that the starlight originally leaking from the clouds had disappeared before he knew it, and the dark night sky had become foggy. Yes, on the distant sky in the east, a fish maw-like white has already appeared slightly.

He was startled and secretly said in his heart: "Once the sky is bright, the remnant enemies in the valley are likely to organize a fierce counterattack. And according to the time calculation, the Kunsha group of people who have withdrawn from the Scimitar tribe should also be close to the mouth of the valley. Now, their own people The task of destroying the foundation of Kunsha has been completed, and there is no need to entangle with the enemy in the valley. For the sake of safety, we must evacuate here as soon as possible to prevent being attacked by the enemy!"

Thinking of this, he jumped towards the tree canopy below, and commanded into the microphone: "Chengru, Bao Ya, inform Ah Bao that they are ready to retreat, we are approaching Taniguchi!" He followed up and glanced at the people outside the valley. The towering mountain gave another low-pitched command: "Wang Dali and Wen Meng, closely monitor the northeast direction to prevent Kunsha and the others from returning at this time."

As soon as he finished speaking, "Boom", a dull explosion sound suddenly came from behind them, and the entire hillside suddenly trembled violently, followed by a series of "Boom boom boom" explosions. The dull explosion sounded like it was emitted from the deep The entire canyon suddenly shook violently in the dull sound, the trees on the hillside shook violently in the tremor, and the originally calm river water in the valley shook violently. Suddenly there was a wave.

Wan Lin and the others, who were jumping down from the canopy of the tree, heard the sound of the explosion behind them, and they quickly hugged the thick branches of the tree below them, and then quickly drilled into the thick branches and leaves. At this time, they already understood that Zhang Wa went deep into the cave for a long time and did not come out. He must have found the enemy's ammunition depot, otherwise the explosion would not have been so violent.

The explosion sounded one after another, followed by a group of dazzling fire suddenly erupted from the steep cliff on the side of the canyon. The entire cliff was like a volcanic eruption in the dimness. It exploded in the fire, and the shattered rocks flew down the hillside with a huge shock wave.

In the blink of an eye, the mountains in the canyon shook! The steep rock wall that originally stood black like a screen on the side of the canyon was suddenly reflected in a bright red color in the jet of fire, and then suddenly distorted like a picture, bursts of "kakaka" rocks. The squeezing and rubbing sounds followed.

Immediately afterwards, a loud "bang rumbling" sounded from the towering cliffs, and the high cliffs above the cave suddenly collapsed in the dazzling firelight, and a gray-black dust mist rose into the sky!

At this time, Wan Lin and several others had already burrowed into the dense branches and leaves below, and several of them were hugging the thick branches below them tightly. A piece of gravel carried by the blast shock wave fell. Pieces of rubble of different sizes hit several people through the gaps in the branches and leaves, and bursts of dense knocking sounds were coming from the helmets and bulletproof vests of several people, and several people's bodies swayed violently with the dense branches and leaves. write.

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