Panther Commando

Chapter 3089: Indented cliffs

Wan Lin tried his best to open his eyes in the huge shock wave and looked to the side, Xiaohua and Xiaobai had already scurried to the thick tree trunk below, four sharp claws had been inserted into the tough trunk, and their bodies were firmly attached on a swaying tree trunk.

On the side, Xiaoya, Fengdao, and Zhang Wa are all hugging the thick tree branches under them tightly, and their bodies are swaying with the tree branches in the shock wave. The shock wave swayed from side to side.

The huge shock wave just passed, and Wan Lin and the others were about to get out of the branches and leaves to return to the top of the tree, when suddenly there was another "boom boom" explosion in the dark woods on the side. Wan Lin and the others were startled, they quickly hugged the tree branch under them tightly, and looked up to the side of the forest through the gaps in the branches and leaves in front of them.

Fires were erupting in the woods hundreds of meters away. Huge rocks ejected from the hole were smashing to the ground from the air, and the glade was bursting with flames along with the falling rocks. Wan Lin and the others suddenly understood that it was the rocks that fell from the air that detonated the minefield in the forest, which was located in the dense forest below the entrance of the cave.

Wan Lin and the others looked at the bursts of fire in the forest on the side, and there was a cold air on the back of the back, and they were a little scared. After they left the cave just now, they immediately ran for several hundred meters along the cliff toward the Taniguchi, and then jumped onto the high canopy and rushed towards the Taniguchi. At that time, the purpose of their evacuation along the cliff was to try to stay away from the cave, which was about to be detonated, and did not realize that the blasted rocks would detonate the mines in the forest.

The gravel falling from the air stopped after a long "crashing" sound in the dark. The explosions in the forest on the side gradually disappeared, and the branches and leaves that swayed violently with the shock wave gradually stopped.

Only then did Wan Lin look up at the top of his head. Seeing that there was no more gravel falling from the sky, he stepped on the thick branch below him and stood up, and then stuck his head out of the thick branches and leaves above his head and raised his gun to aim at the surroundings. .

At this time, he was surprised to see that a huge V-shaped gap had appeared on the black cliff. The gap was located above the hole where they were just now. The rocks around the gap were intertwined, and it looked very hideous in the dim night. Obviously, the huge explosion in the cave has destroyed the high cliff above it, no wonder the entire canyon will have such a violent vibration just now!

Wan Lin stared at the cliff behind him in astonishment, and suddenly felt a burst of relief in his heart, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile. Ever since he heard that Ao Kun's younger brother has made a comeback, he has always had a trace of regret in his heart. The last time they went deep into this canyon, they only killed the drug lord Ao Kun, destroyed the drug factory, and weakened the strength of this drug cartel, but they did not destroy a large number of drugs, weapons and ammunition hidden in the valley. This kid makes a comeback,

And this time they entered the canyon for the second time, and finally destroyed a large number of drugs, weapons and ammunition hidden in the cave of the drug cartel. The basis of drug trafficking is far more practical than eliminating these drug dealer soldiers in front of us!

He followed with his gun and looked into the canyon below. As the huge explosion disappeared, fierce gunshots sounded in the canyon below, and clusters of fire from the muzzle were flickering from the rubble piles and forest edges on the riverbank, and several huge rocks at the mouth of the valley were also flickering. Is flickering fire.

Obviously, although Wan Lin and Xiaoya had destroyed the enemy's third line of defense just now, the remaining enemies from the explosion and bullet rain were scattered again among the rock piles by the forest and the river bank to organize a new defense. In the position, a dense rain of bullets was fired towards the direction of Taniguchi.

Wan Lin moved his gun and looked through the scope to Taniguchi. The rocks on both sides of the Taniguchi were spraying several clusters of fierce fire. flashes of fire from the muzzle. Cheng Ru, Bao Ya and the others are leading A Bao and their group to stubbornly resist the enemy, preventing the enemy from approaching Taniguchi and blocking their retreat.

Wan Lin saw the battle situation clearly below, and immediately turned his head to face the three of Xiaoya on the surrounding tree canopy and shouted: "Go down from the forest edge near the valley to the hillside, and retreat to the valley as soon as possible!" The leopard let out a whistle, then got up and got out of the tree branch.

Wan Lin, Xiaoya, Zhang Wa, and Feng Daofei heard Wan Lin's order, and they immediately got out of the tree canopy and rushed to the right edge of the forest following Wan Lin's figure.

Several people rushed from the canopy to a cliff near the edge of the forest, and immediately jumped into the thick branches and leaves to the A few people landed and stood up from the dark edge of the forest, raising their guns to be vigilant. After surveying the surroundings, he quickly ran along the edge of the forest to Taniguchi.

At this moment, Wang Dali's urgent voice suddenly sounded in Wan Lin's earphone: "Leopard head, a group of figures were found in the mountains in the northeast, and they were rushing towards Taniguchi!"

Wan Lin was startled when he heard Dali's report, and he immediately asked, "How many people?" Dali's voice followed: "The distance is too far to see clearly, there are about a dozen people in terms of scale."

Wan Lin immediately looked at the blazing Taniguchi below, and immediately commanded into the microphone: "Yuwenfeng, Yuwenyu, you immediately withdraw from the Taniguchi battle and rush to the northern foot of the valley outside the valley, and cooperate with Dali and Wen Meng to intercept the enemy! Cheng Ru, order A Bao to take his men to fight and retreat, you increase the firepower to cover them back!" "Yes!" The voices of Yuwen and Cheng Ru came from Wan Lin's earphones.

Wan Lin issued an order, and immediately ordered the three of the wind knives beside him: "Speed ​​up!" As soon as he finished speaking, Taniguchi was already gunshots loudly, and several machine guns suddenly erupted violently, followed by the deep canyon. There were several explosions.

Wan Lin and the others rushed down the hillside while listening intently to the sound of gunfire below. At this time, they had already judged that Chengru and several people were occupying both sides of Taniguchi and increasing their firepower, covering the retreat of the scimitars in front.

Wan Lin and the others rushed to the mouth of the valley, and they followed behind the thick tree trunks at the edge of the forest and looked into the valley. Ah Bao and the others, who were lying under the enemy's second line of defense, had already withdrawn to the woods on the side. Now a group of people are shooting backwards behind the trunks of the forest, while alternately covering the direction of Taniguchi, and there are also shouts from Bao Ya from time to time in the gunfire. Obviously, Bao Ya is organizing this group of machete people. An orderly retreat.

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