Panther Commando

Chapter 3090: panicked kunsa

Wan Lin and the others saw that Ah Bao and the others were retreating in an orderly manner under Zhang Wa's organization, and they were a little relieved.

In the distance, the forest edge and the river bank are spraying a string of fierce fire, and pieces of bullets are coming towards the valley like a storm. The tree trunks around Wan Lin and the rocks at the mouth of the valley are splashing with a piece of sparks hit by bullets. . It seems that the enemy has seen Ah Bao and the others suddenly retreating to Taniguchi, so they have also increased their attack strength at the same time. Some of the enemies are crawling forward among the undulating rocks.

Wan Lin frowned when he saw that the firepower of the other party was so fierce, and cursed in his heart: "These **** really don't know whether to live or die!" He then ordered the three of Xiaoya beside him: "You bring along Xiaohua and Xiaobai went behind the rock at Taniguchi to block the enemy, and I went to the top of the tree to cover Ah Bao and their retreat!"

After he finished speaking, he put the sniper rifle in Zhang Wa's hand, then pulled out the bow and put it on his arm, suddenly jumped up from the forest and grabbed a tree branch above his head, and his body was behind the thick trunk. Dang, in the blink of an eye, he had already got into the dark branches and leaves.

Just as Xiaohua and Xiaobai next to them were about to jump up from under the dark tree to follow, Xiaoya hurriedly shouted, "Xiaohua, Xiaobai, come back!" She followed with a gun and suddenly jumped out from under the tree, her figure at the edge of the forest Dozen has disappeared behind the rock at Taniguchi.

When the two leopards heard Xiaoya's voice, they quickly turned around and jumped out following Xiaoya's figure. Feng Dao and Zhang Wa saw that Xiaoya and the two leopards had already rushed out. The two immediately raised their guns and fired two strings of bullets at the river bank in the valley, and then rushed behind the rocks at the mouth of the valley.

At this time, a burst of machine gunfire suddenly sounded on the mountainside of the mountain outside the valley, and a string of flames shot straight towards the mountains on the north side, followed by the faint flames from the muzzles of several sniper rifles also suddenly flashed from the mountainside.

With the sound of machine gun fire suddenly sounding on the mountainside, there was a burst of violent gunfire in the mountains on the north side. There was a sudden flash of fire in the originally dark mountainside, and the mountainside where Dali and Wen Meng were located immediately flew up. A piece of sparks shot out by bullets.

Feng Dao and Zhang Wa jumped behind the rock at Taniguchi, and then stood up with their guns. The two immediately disappeared behind the rock and looked around. Wen Meng, Wu Xueying, and Lingling were lying on the side of the rock they were on. The injured Abu was lying under a rock that was half a person high. Several people were raising their guns and shooting a rain of bullets at the canyon in front. Cheng Ru was lying on the top of the high rock holding a machine gun and shooting.

Feng Dao and Zhang Wa followed and looked at the rock opposite Taniguchi. Lin Zisheng was lying on the top of the rock holding a machine gun and shooting, with his sniper rifle beside him.

At this time, Cheng Ru saw that Feng Dao and several people had withdrawn from the forest. He lay on the rock and swept out a string of bullets, and then slid down from the high rock holding the machine gun. When he landed, he grabbed the air knife that was about to protrude the assault rifle from the side of the rock, and then shoved the machine gun in his hand into the hand of the air knife.

He quickly took out two magazines from his waist and put them into the hands of the air knife and said, "You are here to cover Abao and the others, and I will support Dali and them!" After that, he grabbed the sniper rifle that was leaning against the rock. He turned around and ran to the foot of the mountain outside the valley.

"Okay!" The wind knife immediately shouted at the sound of gunfire, and then holding the machine gun and replacing a new magazine with a new magazine, the muzzle extended from the side of the rock, facing the fire from the enemy's muzzle in the distance. Bang Bang" swept out a rain of bullets.

Zhang Wa immediately looked towards Lin Zisheng, and saw that he was lying on a high rocky mountain and was sweeping out a string of bullets into the valley. There was a bazooka standing under the rock, and an open ammunition was placed next to him. box.

His eyes lit up, and he immediately shouted to the wind knife: "I'll go to support the son!" After speaking, he stuck his gun out from behind the rock and swept out a bunch of bullets, and then suddenly rushed from behind the rock. When he got out, he landed and rolled under the opposite rock. He picked up the bazooka, knelt on one knee on the side of the rock, and pulled the trigger against the distant river bank.

At this time, more than a dozen firelights were intermittently spraying from the mountains on the north side of the mountains outside the canyon. A group of black shadows were scattered among the rocks and hills, and while shooting at the mountainside in front, they rushed towards the foot of the mountain ups and downs.

This group of people is indeed Kun Sha's guard. On a hillside a kilometer behind them, Kun Sha is holding a telescope and looking at the canyon in the dark. At this moment, his two small eyes had turned red, the arms holding the telescope were shaking slightly, his mouth was panting heavily, and his expression was extremely panic. Beside him stood the captain of the guard, Su Ang, and three mercenaries of the mountain pass security guards. There were seven or eight of his personal guards scattered on the dimly lit At this time, the mercenary team leader Matsumoto and his Two of his subordinates were standing beside Kun Sha with a gloomy expression, and the eyes of the three were flashing with astonishment. Just now, when they were still more than ten kilometers away from the canyon, they had already seen the firelight constantly rising in the canyon in the night. At this time, their faces changed, and they immediately reacted in their hearts: The canyon is being attacked!

When Kunsha saw the firelight rising in the direction of the canyon, he was in a hurry! He jumped down from the sliding rod he was carrying, and yelled at the surroundings, "Quick, quick, go back for reinforcements!" He angrily pulled out the pistol at his waist and limped toward the run before.

At this time, Matsumoto's complexion has also changed. He really did not expect that Kunsha's lair would be attacked by the opponent when their large army left! He glanced at the two men beside him in the dark, raised his hand and made a "careful" gesture, he followed and ran a few steps to Kunsa and Su Ang, and whispered: "Su Ang, hurry up and contact Gu Nei Brother, let's see what's going on?" Su Ang hurriedly pulled out his walkie-talkie while calling, and ran along with Kun Sha.

He called several times in a row, but there was still no response from the walkie-talkie. He turned his head and said anxiously to Su Ben: "Chief Instructor, I can't contact Gu Nei's brother!" Matsumoto's face immediately became tense, he grabbed the walkie-talkie in Su Ang's hand and glanced at it, and suddenly stopped under his feet. , the two eyeballs moved quickly in their sockets.

He was looking forward to some drug lords around him just now. After learning that Kunsha led people to attack the Scimitar tribe, he took the opportunity to send troops to attack the canyon with insufficient defense forces. From the current situation, it is obvious that the surrounding canyon is radio-shielded. , This shows that the opponents attacking the canyon are not some other drug lords at all, they must be those special operators in China!

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