Panther Commando

Chapter 3091: straggler

At this time, Kun Sha limped forward and shouted anxiously to the surrounding guards: "It's all... as fast as his grandmother... Run, hurry back to the canyon, you mustn't let those **** go. Occupy... Occupy the canyon!" At this time, he really panicked, his tone of speech had been intermittent, and he was running forward in the dark with crutches in his hand.

Matsumoto stopped and stared at the faint red light in the distance, his face was gloomy and uncertain, and his small eyes kept rolling. A mercenary standing behind him turned his head to look at the guards who hurried past him, and suddenly whispered to Matsumoto in R language: "Captain, it looks like the canyon can no longer be defended, should we hurry up now? Evacuate?" Another mercenary heard his companion's question, and also looked at Matsumoto with an assault rifle, and said in a low voice, "Yes, it is very dangerous to go back and meet those Chinese special forces at this time!".

Matsumoto heard his subordinate's question in the dark, and immediately shook his head and replied in a low voice in R: "Kunsha is not finished yet, we are evacuating suddenly now, I am afraid that boss Kuroda will not agree. I will ask for instructions first." He said, and handed the walkie-talkie in his hand to the subordinate beside him. He reached back and took out a satellite phone from his backpack and pressed the power switch. He then looked up and looked forward.

In the dimly lit mountains, more than 20 bodyguards of Kunsha have been scattered on the mountains around Kunsha, and they are running forward according to the battle formation. At this time, Kun Sha had been picked up by Su Ang and placed on the sliding pole next to him. A group of guards surrounded him and rushed forward quickly. A guard beside Kun Sha held a walkie-talkie while running, and continued to call the canyon. 's companion.

Matsumoto looked at the formation of Kunsha's guards running on the mountain, and thought to himself: "This group of people has really been trained by himself, and the formation looks really decent, these guards of Kunsha are indeed good. His combat power is indeed much stronger than the rest of the soldiers!"

He followed and looked down at the phone in his hand, shook his head and stuffed the phone into the satchel behind him. He frowned and looked at the backs of Kunsha's group of people, and whispered to his two subordinates: "The surrounding area of ​​the canyon is indeed blocked by the other party, it seems that those Chinese people with machetes grabbed ahead of us and pursued the victory. I've come to destroy Kunsha's lair. Grandma, this kid Kunsha won't have a long memory, so what are you doing to provoke these tough opponents? Isn't this courting death!"

A subordinate next to him shrank his head in fear and said in a low voice: "Captain, this group of Chinese people is indeed extraordinary, so many people in Kunsha have been killed by their joint machete people, we are going up with this number of people now. , isn't it touching the stone with an egg. Since we can't contact Boss Kuroda, let's just withdraw? We can't commit suicide for Kunsha, a drug dealer."

Matsumoto shook his head and said, "Withdraw? Have you brought all the gold bars and dollars that Kunsha has given you over the past few years?" The two mercenaries were stunned when they heard Matsumoto's question. Shaked his head.

One of the boys said regretfully: "I really didn't take it with me. This time I heard that I was going to attack an indigenous tribe, so I didn't take these heavy things with me. Grandma, who would have thought the canyon would be attacked! Captain, then let's rush into the canyon and bring things out!"

Another kid also stared at him and said hurriedly: "Captain, don't hesitate, those things are worth at least a hundred thousand dollars, how can we get them back before we can leave here. In addition, there is a reinforcement company in the valley. It is impossible for the opponent to completely occupy the canyon with the strength of the enemy. We can go back now to kill them both inside and out!"

At this time, there was also a look of regret in Matsumoto's eyes. In the past few years, he has tried his best to curry favor with the drug lord Kunsha. Kunsha has indeed rewarded him a lot. Even those gold bars are worth at least 100,000 US dollars. How could he easily give up .

Before he came out to perform the mission this time, after he judged that there were Chinese special operators in the Scimitar tribe, he once wanted to take these valuable things with him to prevent accidents in this battle. But before the battle, he personally took two of his subordinates to conduct a detailed field reconnaissance around the mountain where the Scimitar tribe was located. He would never believe that his three mercenaries, who were proficient in tactics, personally brought hundreds of them. Human superiority would not be able to take down a small col, so when he came back, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​carrying these treasures.

Although these things are not very heavy, they are getting heavier and heavier in the cross-country march, and this time they are going to perform a combat mission 100 kilometers away. It is not suitable to carry things that have nothing to do with combat unless they have to do it~www.wuxiaspot. com~ In battle, physical strength is equal to his own life, so he did not carry these valuables when he came out.

But the three mercenaries did not expect that they personally brought so many troops to attack an indigenous tribe, not only did they fail to capture the other side's col, but also almost wiped out the entire army. The explosives that the other party detonated on the hillside at that time buried almost all of their hundreds of men in the sea of ​​​​exploding fire. Now the other party came here to attack the canyon before them, which made the three mercenaries feel uneasy.

Matsumoto pondered for a moment, then sighed in a low voice: "Hey! Let's go, get ready for battle!" After he finished speaking, he gritted his teeth and raised his feet to chase after the Kunsha group. The two mercenaries also glanced at each other, took off their assault rifles from their shoulders, and chased forward.

Matsumoto trotted with an assault rifle in his hand, and stared at the flashing fire in the direction of the canyon, and said suspiciously: "The terrain of the canyon is long and narrow, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there is a reinforced company in the valley. No matter how capable you are, it is impossible to completely capture the canyon. What is the purpose of these Chinese people taking such a big risk here to attack the canyon?”

As he ran forward, he paid attention to his feet and pondered, when he seemed to suddenly feel something? Suddenly in the dark, he accelerated his pace and rushed towards a small dark tree in the front side, and then raised his gun behind the tree and aimed at the dark mountains behind him. The two men around him were startled when they saw his movement, and immediately fell to the ground, raising their guns and looking back.

A group of faint shadows suddenly appeared in the dim mountains behind. Matsumoto was shocked! Several people pulled the bolt at the same time, and Matsumoto turned his head to face behind him and shouted, "Su Ang, Su Ang!"

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